diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6710675..7f7d119 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ The online version can be easily accessed to perform analysis tasks with dataset
-__User should notice that , the latest **shinyBS** is incompatible with IDEA at present ; Only the exact shingBS version (0.25) keep the IDEA work smoothly . This is because current shinyBS removed the__ ```
-``` __function used in IDEA. To install the compatible shinyBS, you can type__
-devtools::install_github( "likelet/shinyBS")
-Here list the command to install the related packages manually if devtools failed in installation:
+__User should notice that , the latest **shinyBS** is incompatible with IDEA at present ; Only the exact shingBS version (0.25) keep the IDEA work smoothly . This is because current shinyBS removed the__ `progressBar()`__function used in IDEA. To install the compatible shinyBS, you can type__
+ ```R
+ devtools::install_github( "likelet/shinyBS")
+ ```
+Here list the command to install the related packages manually if devtools failed in installation:
cDep <- c("abind")
#dependencies from BIOCONDUCTOR
@@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ The above command can automaticly install the several dependencies which allows
### Run information.
-**For computer with GUI**
+**For computer with GUI**
Clone repository into local path and run as a Shiny App
Clone repository into local directory '/Document/IDEA' (so that ui.R locates as '/Document/IDEA/ui.R')
@@ -106,7 +108,8 @@ Also, after install IDEA pakcages with no error print, users can simply input.
function to run application locally; Since there is only one function in this package, you can also print help massege in your R console;
-**For server or computer without GUI (Run IDEA on a server)**.
+**For server or computer without GUI (Run IDEA on a server)**.
Install shiny-server first and finish the configurations step according to [http://rstudio.github.io/shiny-server/latest/](http://rstudio.github.io/shiny-server/latest/)
Pull the package and install dependencies into your R environment;
Copy _IDEA_ folder under _inst_ dir into /srv/shiny-sever/ (or orther app location configured in `shiny-sever.conf` file)