App | Extra modules | Enabled features | Description |
display | embedded-graphics, axdisplay, axdriver | alloc, paging, display | Display some graphics in a new window |
make A=apps/display GRAPHIC=y LOG=debug run
[ 0.408067 axdriver:59] Initialize device drivers...
[ 0.410941 driver_virtio:50] Detected virtio MMIO device with vendor id: 0x554D4551, device type: GPU, version: Legacy
[ 0.414473 virtio_drivers::device::gpu:47] Device features EDID | NOTIFY_ON_EMPTY | ANY_LAYOUT | RING_INDIRECT_DESC | RING_EVENT_IDX
[ 0.418886 virtio_drivers::device::gpu:57] events_read: 0x0, num_scanouts: 0x1
[ 0.423408 virtio_drivers::device::gpu:102] => RespDisplayInfo { header: CtrlHeader { hdr_type: Command(4353), flags: 0, fence_id: 0, ctx_id: 0, _padding: 0 }, rect: Rect { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 800 }, enabled: 1, flags: 0 }
[ 0.452037 axdriver::virtio:88] created a new Display device: "virtio-gpu"
[ 0.455473 axdisplay:17] Initialize Display subsystem...
[ 0.458124 axdisplay:19] number of Displays: 1
(never end)
let mut board = DrawingBoard::new();
flow chart
graph TD;
A["DrawingBoard::new()"] --> B["display::Display::new()"];
A --> C["embedded_graphics::prelude::Point::new(INIT_X, INIT_Y)"];
B --> D["libax::display::framebuffer_info"]
B --> E["core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut"]
B --> F["embedded_graphics::prelude::Size::new"]
D --> G["axsync::Mutex(axdriver::DisplayDevices)::lock"]
D --> H["axdriver::DisplayDevices::info"]
for _ in 0..5 {
board.latest_pos.x += RECT_SIZE as i32 + 20;
impl DrawingBoard {
fn paint(&mut self) {
Rectangle::with_center(self.latest_pos, Size::new(RECT_SIZE, RECT_SIZE))
.into_styled(PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(Rgb888::RED, 10))
.draw(&mut self.disp)
Circle::new(self.latest_pos + Point::new(-70, -300), 150)
.draw(&mut self.disp)
self.latest_pos + Point::new(0, 150),
self.latest_pos + Point::new(80, 200),
self.latest_pos + Point::new(-120, 300),
.into_styled(PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(Rgb888::GREEN, 10))
.draw(&mut self.disp)
let text = "ArceOS";
self.latest_pos + Point::new(0, 300),
MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_10X20, Rgb888::YELLOW),
.draw(&mut self.disp)
flow chart
graph TD;
A["DrawingBoard::paint"] --> B["embedded_graphics::primitives::{Circle, PrimitiveStyle, Rectangle, Triangle}"];
A --> C["embedded_graphics::text::{Alignment, Text}"]
B --> D["impl embedded_graphics::draw_target::DrawTarget, embedded_graphics::prelude::OriginDimensions for Display"]
C --> D
loop {