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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Asynchronous Native Java Client for Kudu

System Requirements

  • Java 7 or Java 8
  • Maven 3
  • MIT Kerberos (krb5)

WARNING: Support for Java 7 is deprecated as of Kudu 1.5.0 and may be removed in the next major release.

Building the Client

$ mvn package -DskipTests

The client jar can then be found at kudu-client/target.

Running the Tests

The unit tests will start a master and a tablet server using the flags file located in the src/test/resources/ directory. The tests will locate the master and tablet server binaries by looking in 'build/latest/bin' from the root of the git repository. If you have recently built the C++ code for Kudu, those should be present already.

Once everything is setup correctly, run:

$ mvn test

If for some reason the binaries aren't in the expected location as shown above, you can pass -DbinDir=/path/to/directory.

Integration tests, including tests which cover Hadoop integration, may be run with:

$ mvn verify

NOTE: Running the tests for the kudu-spark and kudu-spark-tools module requires Java 8.

State of Eclipse integration

Maven projects can be integrated with Eclipse in one of two ways:

  1. Import a Maven project using Eclipse's m2e plugin.
  2. Generate Eclipse project files using maven's maven-eclipse-plugin plugin.

Each approach has its own pros and cons.

m2e integration (Eclipse to Maven)

The m2e approach is generally recommended as m2e is still under active development, unlike maven-eclipse-plugin. Much of the complexity comes from how m2e maps maven lifecycle phases to Eclipse build actions. The problem is that m2e must be told what to do with each maven plugin, and this information is either conveyed through explicit mapping metadata found in pom.xml, or in an m2e "extension". m2e ships with extensions for some of the common maven plugins, but not for maven-antrun-plugin or maven-protoc-plugin. The explicit metadata mapping found in kudu-client/pom.xml has placated m2e in both cases (in Eclipse see kudu-client->Properties->Maven->Lifecycle Mapping). Nevertheless, maven-protoc-plugin isn't being run correctly.

To work around this, you can download, build, and install a user-made m2e extension for maven-protoc-plugin:

See for far more excruciating detail.

maven-eclipse-plugin (Maven to Eclipse)

The maven-eclipse-plugin approach, despite being old fashioned and largely unsupported, is easier to use. The very first time you want to use it, run the following:

$ mvn -Declipse.workspace= eclipse:configure-workspace

This will add the M2_REPO classpath variable to Eclipse. You can verify this in Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables. It should be set to /home/<user>/.m2/repository.

To generate the Eclipse project files, run:

$ mvn eclipse:eclipse

If you want to look at Javadoc/source in Eclipse for dependent artifacts, run:

$ mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadJavadocs=true -DdownloadSources=true

So what's the problem with maven-eclipse-plugin? The issue lies with maven-protoc-plugin. Because all of our .proto files are in src/kudu, the "resource path" in maven-protoc-plugin must be absolute and prefixed with ${project.baseDir). This absolute path is copied verbatim to an Eclipse .classpath , and Eclipse doesn't know what to do with it, causing it avoid building kudu-client altogether. Other plugins (like maven-avro-plugin) don't seem to have this problem, so it's likely a bug in maven-protoc-plugin.

There's a simple workaround: delete the errant folder within Eclipse and refresh the kudu-client project.

Building with Gradle

As an experiment a Gradle build definition also exists. In order to run the Gradle build you must install [Gradle|]. If you would rather not install Gradle locally, you can use the [Gradle Wrapper|] by replacing all references to gradle with gradlew.

Running a full build

This will build all modules and run all "checks".

$ gradle buildAll

Building the Client

$ gradle :kudu-client:assemble

The client jar can then be found at kudu-client/build/libs.

Running the Tests

$ gradle test

Integration tests, including tests which cover Hadoop integration, may be run with:

$ gradle integrationTest

Note: Integration tests may depend on built Kudu binaries.

Installing to local maven repo

$ gradle install

Clearing cached build state

$ gradle clean

Discovering other tasks

$ gradle tasks