Interested in how we can most effectively test Kubernetes. We're interested specifically in making it easier for the community to run tests and contribute test results, to ensure Kubernetes is stable across a variety of cluster configurations and cloud providers.
- Regular SIG Meeting: Tuesdays at 13:00 PT (Pacific Time) (weekly). Convert to your timezone.
The Chairs of the SIG run operations and processes governing the SIG.
- Aaron Crickenberger (@spiffxp), Google
- Erick Feja (@fejta), Google
- Steve Kuznetsov (@stevekuznetsov), Red Hat
- Timothy St. Clair (@timothysc), Heptio
The following subprojects are owned by sig-testing:
- kind
Description: Kubernetes IN Docker. Run Kubernetes test clusters on your local machine using Docker containers as nodes.
- repo-publishing
- testing-commons
Description: The Testing Commons is a subproject within the Kubernetes sig-testing community interested code structure, layout, and execution of common test code used throughout the kubernetes project
- Testing Commons: Wednesdays at 07:30 PT (Pacific Time) (bi-weekly). Convert to your timezone.
- test-infra
The below teams can be mentioned on issues and PRs in order to get attention from the right people. Note that the links to display team membership will only work if you are a member of the org.
Team Name | Details | Description |
@kubernetes/sig-testing | link | General Discussion |
@kubernetes/sig-testing-pr-reviews | link | PR Reviews |