Define what package can and can't be shared between aurora, vortex, and 5g-vortex. Since the ownership of vortex source code will be transfered to ITRI or open source.
Stay private:
- Core aurora service packages like jobserver, jobupdater, ...
- Kubernetes yamls
- All aurora API (handler files) contain business logic
Shared packages (will go public)
- Interface package of public tools like DBs (mongo, influxdb, redis...), logger, json
Vortex share the same config and dependent services with aurora. Make sure dependent services are available before start vortex server.
- MongoDB
- InfluxDB
- Redis
- Gearmand
make deps vortex
make run
make image
- Start dependent services like mongo or influxdb
- Use docker run with host network
docker run -it --network=host<git-branch> bash
// example
docker run -it --network=host bash