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onert-micro(a.k.a luci-micro) is MCU specialized build of luci-interpreter with several benchmark applications.


onert-micro contains cmake infrastructure to build:

  • stand-alone interpreter library
  • benchmark applications using luci interpreter on arm MCUs

How to build stand alone library

Stand-alone library is simply built by luci_interpreter_micro_arm target. Result library will be placed in <ONE root>/build/compiler/luci-micro/standalone_arm/luci-interpreter/src/libluci_interpreter.a.


To install needed arm compilers on ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi

cmake build

$ cd <path to ONE>
$ mkdir build
# cd build
$ cmake ../infra/onert-micro
$ make -j$(nproc) luci_interpreter_micro_arm

Known issues

Interpreter uses TensorFlow headers that produces warnings.

Linux x86 build uses "-isystem" flag to suppress warnings from external sources, but some old arm compilers have issues with it: bug

-isystem hack is disabled for MCU build, because of this MCU build is broken if -Werror flag is set.

How to use

Convert tflite model to circle model

To inference with tflite model, you need to convert it to circle model format( Please refer to tflite2circle tool( for this purpose.

Convert to c array model

Many MCU platforms are lack of file system support. The proper way to provide a model to onert-micro is to convert it into c array so that it can be compiled into MCU binary.

xxi -i > model.h

Then, model.h looks like this:

unsigned char model_circle[] = {
  0x22, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00,
  // .....
unsigned int model_circle_len = 1004;


Once you have c array model, you are ready to use onert-micro.

To run a model with onert-micro, follow the instruction:

  1. Include onert-micro header
#include <luci_interpreter/Interpreter.h>
  1. Create interpreter instance

onert-micro interpreter expects model as c array as mentioned in Previous Section.

#include "model.h"

luci_interpreter::Interpreter interpreter(model_circle, true);
  1. Feed input data

To feed input data into interpreter, we need to do two steps: 1) allocate input tensors and 2) copy input into input tensors.

    for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; i++)
      auto input_data = reinterpret_cast<char *>(interpreter.allocateInputTensor(i));
      readDataFromFile(std::string(input_prefix) + std::to_string(i), input_data,
  1. Do inference
  1. Get output data
    auto data = interpreter.readOutputTensor(i);

Reduce Binary Size

onert-micro provides compile flags to generate reduced-size binary.

  • DIS_QUANT : Flag for Disabling Quantized Type Operation
  • DIS_FLOAT : Flag for Disabling Float Operation
  • DIS_DYN_SHAPES : Flag for Disabling Dynamic Shape Support

Also, you can build onert-micro library only with kernels in target models. For this, please remove all the kernels from KernelsToBuild.lst except kernels in your target model.