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⚔️ Blades: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning


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git clone
cd blades
pip install -v -e .
# "-v" means verbose, or more output
# "-e" means installing a project in editable mode,
# thus any local modifications made to the code will take effect without reinstallation.
cd blades/blades
python file ./tuned_examples/fedsgd_cnn_fashion_mnist.yaml

Blades internally calls ray.tune; therefore, the experimental results are output to its default directory: ~/ray_results.

Experiment Results

Cluster Deployment

To run blades on a cluster, you only need to deploy Ray cluster according to the official guide.

Built-in Implementations

In detail, the following strategies are currently implemented:


General Attacks

Strategy Description Sourse
Noise Put random noise to the updates. Sourse
Labelflipping Fang et al. Local Model Poisoning Attacks to Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning, USENIX Security' 20 Sourse
Signflipping Li et al. RSA: Byzantine-Robust Stochastic Aggregation Methods for Distributed Learning from Heterogeneous Datasets, AAAI' 19 Sourse
ALIE Baruch et al. A little is enough: Circumventing defenses for distributed learning NeurIPS' 19 Sourse
IPM Xie et al. Fall of empires: Breaking byzantine- tolerant sgd by inner product manipulation, UAI' 20 Sourse

Adaptive Attacks

Strategy Description Sourse
DistanceMaximization Shejwalkar et al. Manipulating the byzantine: Optimizing model poisoning attacks and defenses for federated learning, NDSS' 21 Sourse


Robust Aggregation

Data Partitioners:

Dirichlet Partitioner

Sharding Partitioner


Please cite our paper (and the respective papers of the methods used) if you use this code in your own work:

title={Blades: A Unified Benchmark Suite for Byzantine Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning},
author={Li, Shenghui and Ngai, Edith and Ye, Fanghua and Ju, Li and Zhang, Tianru and Voigt, Thiemo},
booktitle={2024 IEEE/ACM Ninth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI)},