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_.setTranslation({"water tank": "tanque de agua", "use meds": "usar medicamento", "the room is {0}": "la habitaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 {0}", "punch twice as fast, and with even more force": "golpea el doble de r\u00e1pido, y con m\u00e1s fuerza", "The Nomad": "El N\u00f3mada", "more traps won't help now": "m\u00e1s trampas no ser\u00e1n de ayuda ahora", "only a few die.": "s\u00f3lo unos pocos mueren.", "the compass points east": "la br\u00fajula apunta al este", "the walls are scorched from an old battle.": "las paredes est\u00e1n chamuscados de una antigua batalla.", "not enough fur": "no hay suficiente pelaje", "a huge hole is cut deep into the earth, evidence of the past harvest.": "un enorme agujero se hunde profundamente en la tierra, la evidencia de la cosecha pasada.", "it puts up little resistance before the knife.": "pone algo de resistencia ante el cuchillo.", "the body of a wanderer lies in a small cavern.": "el cuerpo de un vagabundo se encuentra en una peque\u00f1a caverna.", "a shivering man approaches and attacks with surprising strength": "un hombre tembloroso se acerca y ataca con una fuerza sorprendente", "steel's stronger than iron": "el acero es m\u00e1s fuerte que el hierro", "A Strange Bird": "Un Ave Extra\u00f1a", "a fire rampages through one of the huts, destroying it.": "un incendio se extiende a trav\u00e9s de una de las caba\u00f1as, destruy\u00e9ndola.", "not enough alien alloy": "no hay suficiente aleaci\u00f3n alien\u00edgena", "the soldier is dead": "el soldado est\u00e1 muerto", "error while saving to dropbox datastorage": "error mientras se guardaba en dropbox", "the footsteps stop.": "los pasos se detienen.", "sniper": "francotirador", "the coal mine is clear of dangers": "la mina de carb\u00f3n est\u00e1 libre de peligros", "the warped man lies dead.": "el hombre deformado yace muerto.", "something's in the store room": "hay algo en el almac\u00e9n", "unfathomable destruction to fuel wanderer hungers.": "destrucci\u00f3n incomprensible para alimentar el hambre de vagabundo.", "embark": "embarcar", "scout": "explorar", "a destroyed village lies in the dust.": "una aldea destruida se encuentra en el polvo.", "the trees yield to dry grass. the yellowed brush rustles in the wind.": "los \u00e1rboles est\u00e1n rodeados de pasto seco. los arbustos amarillentos se mueven con el viento.", "save.": "guardar.", "total score: {0}": "puntuaci\u00f3n total: {0}", "learned to make the most of food": "aprendido a obtener lo m\u00e1ximo de la comida", "blast": "estallar", "the sky is grey and the wind blows relentlessly": "el cielo est\u00e1 gris y el viento sopla sin piedad", "supplies:": "suministros:", "the feral terror is dead": "el terror salvaje est\u00e1 muerto", "the tracks disappear after just a few minutes.": "las huellas desaparecen despu\u00e9s de unos minutos.", "a safe place in the wilds.": "un lugar seguro en lo salvaje.", "fur": "pelaje", "buy scales": "comprar escamas", "mild": "d\u00e9bil", "the hunting lodge stands in the forest, a ways out of town": "el pabell\u00f3n de cacer\u00eda se encuentra en el bosque, alejado de la aldea", "leave": "salir", "the convoy can haul mostly everything": "el convoy puede llevar casi todo", "learned to strike faster without weapons": "aprendido a golpear m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido sin armas", "an old house remains here, once white siding yellowed and peeling.": "una antigua casa permanece aqu\u00ed, alguna vez revestida de blanco amarillenta y pelada.", "ignore them": "ignorar", "willing to talk about it, for a price.": "dispuesta a hablar de eso, por un precio.", "a beast, wilder than imagining, erupts out of the foliage": "una bestia, inimaginablemente salvaje, aparece desde el follaje", "go home": "ir a casa", "force": "fuerza", "A Murky Swamp": "Un Pantano Turbio", "a ragged stranger stumbles through the door and collapses in the corner": "un extra\u00f1o en harapos se tropieza en la puerta y se derrumba en la esquina", "not enough leather": "no hay suficiente cuero", "the fight is short and bloody, but the beasts are repelled.": "la pelea es corta y sangrienta, pero las bestias son vencidas.", "the wood is running out": "la madera se est\u00e1 acabando", "restart.": "reiniciar.", "rot's been to work on it, and some of the pieces are missing.": "la putrefacci\u00f3n se ha encargado de \u00e9l, y algunas de sus partes no se encuentran.", "workshop's finally ready. builder's excited to get to it": "el taller est\u00e1 listo. el constructor no puede esperar para usarlo", "a trading post would make commerce easier": "un mercado har\u00eda el comercio m\u00e1s sencillo", "not enough steel": "no hay suficiente acero", "perks:": "ventajas:", "the torch goes out": "la antorcha se apaga", "saved.": "guardado.", "after a skirmish they are driven away, but not without losses.": "despu\u00e9s del encuentro se marchan, pero no sin p\u00e9rdidas.", "the military is already set up at the mine's entrance.": "los militares ya est\u00e1n asentados en la entrada de la mina.", "tannery goes up quick, on the edge of the village": "la tener\u00eda es construida r\u00e1pidamente, a la orilla de la aldea", "learned to fight quite effectively without weapons": "aprendido a luchar con efectividad sin armas", "charred bodies litter the ground.": "cuerpos carbonizados llenan el suelo.", "someone throws a stone.": "alguien lanza una piedra.", "leaves a pile of small teeth behind.": "deja a su paso una pila de peque\u00f1os dientes.", "the stranger shivers, and mumbles quietly. her words are unintelligible.": "el extra\u00f1o tiembla, y murmura despacio. sus palabras no se entienden.", "not enough scales": "no hay suficientes escamas", "leave cave": "abandonar cueva", "hp: {0}/{1}": "vida: {0}/{1}", "a lone frog sits in the muck, silently.": "un sapo solitario se encuentra sentado en el esti\u00e9rcol, silencioso.", "a gaunt man approaches, a crazed look in his eye": "un hombre demacrado se acerca, con mirada fren\u00e9tica", "a shame to let what he'd found go to waste.": "una l\u00e1stima dejar que lo que hab\u00eda descubierto se desperdicie.", "learned how to ignore the hunger": "aprendido a ignorar el hambre", "punch": "golpear", "water": "agua", "desert rat": "rata del desierto", "explore": "explorar", "a pack of snarling beasts pours out of the trees.": "una manada de bestias gru\u00f1onas sale de los \u00e1rboles.", "punches do even more damage.": "los golpes hacen a\u00fan m\u00e1s da\u00f1o.", "roaring": "rugiendo", "gatherer": "recolector", "A Huge Borehole": "Un Pozo Enorme", "a bundle of sticks lies just beyond the threshold, wrapped in coarse furs.": "un mont\u00f3n de ramas se encuentran junto al umbral, envueltas en pelajes gruesos.", "builder says she could make finer things, if she had the tools": "el constructor dice que podr\u00eda hacer cosas m\u00e1s sofisticadas, si tuviera los medios", "soldier": "soldado", "learn scouting": "aprender a explorar", "share.": "compartir.", "choose one slot to save to": "escoge una ranura para guardar", "some villagers have died": "algunos aldeanos han muerto", "A Murky Swamp": "Un Pantano Turbio", "iron sword": "espada de hierro", "builder says she can make traps to catch any creatures might still be alive out there": "el constructor dice que puede hacer trampas para capturar cualquier criatura que est\u00e9 viva all\u00e1 afuera", "the grasses thin. soon, only dust remains.": "el pasto va desapareciendo. pronto, s\u00f3lo quedar\u00e1 polvo.", "bayonet": "bayoneta", "a shot rings out, from somewhere in the long grass": "se oye un disparo, desde un lugar en el pasto alto", "a wall of gnarled trees rises from the dust. their branches twist into a skeletal canopy overhead.": "un muro de \u00e1rboles retorcidos se levanta desde el suelo. sus ramas se tuercen en un pabell\u00f3n a lo alto.", "gather wood": "recoger madera", "with a little effort, it might fly again.": "con un poco de esfuerzo, puede que vuele de nuevo.", "A Scavenger": "Un Carro\u00f1ero", "the villagers hang the thief high in front of the store room.": "los aldeanos cuelgan al ladr\u00f3n en lo alto enfrente del almac\u00e9n.", "eye for an eye seems fair.": "ojo por ojo parece justo.", "1 medicine": "1 medicina", "the small military outpost is well supplied.": "el peque\u00f1o puesto militar est\u00e1 bien abastecido.", "the clinic has been ransacked.": "la cl\u00ednica ha sido saqueada.", "drop:": "soltar:", "leaves some scraps of cloth behind.": "deja a su paso unos retazos de tela.", "are you sure?": "\u00bfest\u00e1s seguro?", "charcutier": "carnicer\u00eda", "a military perimeter is set up around the mine.": "un per\u00edmetro militar se estableci\u00f3 alrededor de la mina.", "trading post": "mercado", "a wanderer arrives with an empty cart. says if she leaves with furs, she'll be back with more.": "una vagabunda llega con un carro vac\u00edo. dice que si se va con pelajes, volver\u00e1 con m\u00e1s.", "in exchange, the wanderer offers his wisdom.": "a cambio, el vagabundo ofrece su sabidur\u00eda.", "sulphur miner": "minero de azufre", "a small basket of food is hidden under a park bench, with a note attached.": "una peque\u00f1a canasta de alimentos se oculta bajo un banco del parque, con una nota adjunta.", "warm": "templada", "the sound of gunfire carries on the wind.": "el sonido de disparos llevado por el viento.", "stoke fire": "avivar el fuego", "lift off": "despegar", "shoot": "disparar", "none": "ninguno", "leave town": "abandonar la aldea", "a strange looking bird speeds across the plains": "un ave de aspecto extra\u00f1o vuela a trav\u00e9s de la planicie", "linger": "quedarse", "take:": "tomar:", "connect game to dropbox local storage": "conectar el juego al almacenamiento local de dropbox", "strange bird": "ave extra\u00f1a", "if the code is invalid, all data will be lost.": "si el c\u00f3digo es inv\u00e1lido, los datos se perder\u00e1n.", "A Feral Terror": "Un Terror Salvaje", "can't see what's inside.": "imposible ver qu\u00e9 hay dentro.", "a large beast charges out of the dark": "una gran bestia ataca en la oscuridad", "salvage": "salvar", "grenade": "granada", "the stranger in the corner stops shivering. her breathing calms.": "el extra\u00f1o en la esquina deja de temblar. su respiraci\u00f3n se calma.", "a small suburb lays ahead, empty houses scorched and peeling.": "un peque\u00f1o suburbio est\u00e1 adelante, casas vac\u00edas chamuscadas y resquebraj\u00e1ndose.", "a wanderer arrives with an empty cart. says if he leaves with wood, he'll be back with more.": "un vagabundo llega con un carro vac\u00edo. dice que si se va con madera, volver\u00e1 con m\u00e1s.", "gaunt man": "hombre demacrado", "a squat building up ahead.": "un asentamiento construido m\u00e1s adelante.", "a thug moves out of the shadows.": "un mat\u00f3n sale de las sombras.", "An Outpost": "Un Puesto Avanzado", " and ": " y ", "cured meat": "cecina", "builder puts up a hut, out in the forest. says word will get around.": "el constructor levanta una caba\u00f1a, afuera en el bosque. dice que la voz se correr\u00e1.", "learned how not to be seen": "aprendido a no ser visto", "punches do more damage": "los golpes hacen m\u00e1s da\u00f1o", "some traps have been destroyed": "algunas trampas han sido destruidas", "well armed men charge out of the forest, firing into the crowd.": "hombres bien armados salen del bosque, disparando a la multitud.", "deep in the swamp is a moss-covered cabin.": "en lo profundo del pantano se encuentra una caba\u00f1a cubierta de musgo.", "all the work of a previous generation is here.": "todo el trabajo de una generaci\u00f3n pasada est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed.", "An Old Starship": "Una Antigua Nave Estelar", "ignore it": "ignorarlo", "hot": "caliente", "upgrade engine": "mejorar motor", "forest": "bosque", "give 500": "dar 500", "A Dark Room": "Una Habitaci\u00f3n Oscura", "a battle was fought here, long ago.": "se libr\u00f3 una batalla aqu\u00ed, hace mucho tiempo.", "builder says leather could be useful. says the villagers could make it.": "el constructor dice que el cuero puede ser \u00fatil. dice que los aldeanos podr\u00edan hacerlo.", "craft:": "fabricar:", "Iron Mine": "Mina :de Hierro", "coal mine": "mina de carb\u00f3n", "bits of meat": "pedazos de carne", "the remains of an old camp sits just inside the cave.": "los restos de un viejo campamento se encuentran justo dentro de la cueva.", "The Village": "La Aldea", "snarling beast": "bestia gru\u00f1ona", "soldiers patrol the perimeter, rifles slung over their shoulders.": "soldados patrullan el per\u00edmetro, fusiles al hombro.", "strange noises can be heard through the walls": "ruidos extra\u00f1os se escuchan a trav\u00e9s de las paredes", "coal": "carb\u00f3n", "Stratosphere": "Estrat\u00f3sfera ", "man-eater": "can\u00edval", "can't tell what they're up to.": "imposible saber de qu\u00e9 se trata.", "enter": "entrar", "mourn": "lamentar", "Ship": "Nave", "better avoid conflict in the wild": "mejor evita el conflicto en lo salvaje", "talk": "hablar", "another beast, draw by the noise, leaps out of a copse of trees.": "otra bestia, atraida por el ruido, salta de un bosquecillo de \u00e1rboles.", "A Soldier": "Un Soldado", "the man expresses his thanks and hobbles off.": "el hombre expresa sus gracias y se retira.", "battered technology from both sides lays dormant on the blasted landscape.": "tecnolog\u00eda maltratada desde ambos lados permanece inactiva en el paisaje arruinado.", "the villagers haul a filthy man out of the store room.": "los aldeanos llevan a un hombre sucio fuera del almac\u00e9n.", "cold": "fr\u00eda", "the iron mine is clear of dangers": "la mina de hierro est\u00e1 libre de peligros", "the military presence has been cleared.": "la presencia militar ha desaparecido.", "A Crashed Starship": "Una Nave Espacial Estrellada", "the fire is {0}": "la hoguera est\u00e1 {0}", "A Lonely Hut": "Una Caba\u00f1a Solitaria", "buy teeth": "comprar dientes", "a small supply cache is hidden at the back of the cave.": "un peque\u00f1o suministro de provisiones est\u00e1 escondido al fondo de la cueva.", "iron's stronger than leather": "el hierro es m\u00e1s fuerte que el cuero", "bedrolls, torn and blackened, lay beneath a thin layer of dust.": "los sacos de dormir, desgarrados y ennegrecidos, yac\u00edan bajo una fina capa de polvo.", "dodge attacks more effectively": "esquivar ataques con m\u00e1s efectividad", "hull: ": "casco: ", "a madman attacks, screeching.": "un loco ataca, chillando.", "thieves": "ladrones", "lights off.": "luces fuera.", "someone had been stockpiling loot here.": "alguien hab\u00eda estado acumulando un bot\u00edn aqu\u00ed.", "learned to look ahead": "aprendido a mirar hacia adelante", "the mine is now safe for workers.": "la mina ahora es segura para los trabajadores.", "Coal Mine": "Mina de Carb\u00f3n", "empty corridors.": "pasillos vac\u00edos.", "save to slot": "guardar en la ranura", "the owner stands by, stoic.": "el propietario hace una pausa, estoica.", "hunter": "cazador", "more squatters are crowding around now.": "m\u00e1s ocupas ilegales se agolpan alrededor ahora.", "some weird glowing boxes he picked up on his travels.": "unas cajas brillantes raras que recogi\u00f3 en sus viajes.", "a panicked scavenger bursts through the door, screaming.": "un carro\u00f1ero en p\u00e1nico irrumpe a trav\u00e9s de la puerta, gritando.", "give 50": "dar 50 ", "wagon": "carreta", "An Old House": "Una Casa Vieja", "a soldier, alerted, opens fire.": "un soldado, alertado, abre fuego.", "meat": "carne", "the tunnel opens up at another platform.": "el t\u00fanel se abre en otra plataforma.", "a terrible plague is fast spreading through the village.": "una terrible plaga se extiende r\u00e1pidamente en la aldea.", "the gaunt man is dead": "el hombre demacrado est\u00e1 muerto", "bone spear": "lanza de hueso", "trap": "trampa", "the street ahead glows with firelight.": "la calle se ilumina con la luz del fuego.", "armourer": "armero", "a small group arrives, all dust and bones.": "un peque\u00f1o grupo llega, puro polvo y huesos.", "A Ruined City": "Una Ciudad en Ruinas", "weight": "peso", "torch": "antorcha", "The Thief": "El Ladr\u00f3n", "not enough cloth": "no hay suficiente tela", "the rest of the hospital is empty.": "el resto del hospital est\u00e1 vac\u00edo.", "connect": "conectar", "learned to be where they're not": "aprendido a estar donde ellos no", "go twice as far without eating": "ir el doble de lejos sin comer", "there's nothing else here.": "no hay nada m\u00e1s aqu\u00ed.", "the plague is kept from spreading.": "la plaga deja de extenderse.", "the cask holds enough water for longer expeditions": "el barril contender\u00e1 suficiente agua para expediciones m\u00e1s largas", "check traps": "verificar trampas", "Plague": "Plaga", "a fire has started": "se ha iniciado un fuego", "medicine": "medicina", "the old man had a small cache of interesting items.": "el anciano ten\u00eda un peque\u00f1o alijo de art\u00edculos interesantes.", "tannery": "tener\u00eda", "lob": "lanzar granada", "no more room for huts.": "no hay espacio para m\u00e1s caba\u00f1as.", "they took what they came for, and left.": "se llevaron lo que vinieron a buscar, y se fueron.", "through the large gymnasium doors, footsteps can be heard.": "a trav\u00e9s de las grandes puertas del gimnasio, los pasos se pueden escuchar.", "a large creature attacks, claws freshly bloodied": "una gran criatura ataca, sus garras est\u00e1n ensangrentadas", "a green cross barely visible behind grimy windows.": "una cruz verde apenas visible detr\u00e1s de las ventanas sucias.", "a sick man hobbles up": "llega un hombre enfermo", "An Abandoned Town": "Una Aldea Abandonada", "cart": "carro", "might be things worth having still inside.": "todav\u00eda podr\u00eda haber cosas valgan la pena dentro.", "the wood has run out": "la madera se ha acabado", "The Master": "El Maestro", "thrust": "empujar", "water replenished": "agua repuesta", "a soldier opens fire from across the desert": "un soldado abre fuego a trav\u00e9s del desierto", "go twice as far without drinking": "ir el doble de lejos sin beber", "an overturned caravan is spread across the pockmarked street.": "una caravana volcada se extiende por la calle viruela.", "the villagers retreat to mourn the dead.": "los aldeanos se retiran a lamentar a los muertos.", "A Modest Village": "Una Aldea Modesta", "A Damp Cave": "Una Cueva H\u00fameda", "swing": "espadear", "alien alloy": "aleaci\u00f3n alien\u00edgena", "export or import save data, for backing up": "exportar o importar datos guardados, para respaldar", "smokehouse": "ahumadero", "vague shapes move, just out of sight.": "se mueven unas formas vagas, lejos de la vista.", "Wanderer": "Vagabundo", "the earth here is split, as if bearing an ancient wound": "la tierra aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 resquebrajada, como si tuviera una antigua herida", "the compass points southeast": "la br\u00fajula apunta al sureste", "barbarian": "b\u00e1rbaro", "the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with furs": "la vagabunda se retira, su carro est\u00e1 lleno de pelaje", "there are still supplies inside.": "a\u00fan hay provisiones adentro.", "traps are more effective with bait.": "las trampas son m\u00e1s eficaces con cebo.", "a sickness is spreading through the village.": "una enfermedad se extiende por la aldea.", "tangle": "confundir", "miss": "fallo", "the meat has run out": "la carne se ha terminado", "a beast charges out of a ransacked classroom.": "una bestia ataca fuera de una clase saqueada.", "lucky that the natives can't work the mechanisms.": "suerte que los ind\u00edgenas no pueden hacer funcionar los mecanismos.", "the rickety cart will carry more wood from the forest": "el carro destartalado transportar\u00e1 m\u00e1s madera desde el bosque", "just as deadly now as they were then.": "tan mortal ahora como lo eran entonces.", "builder just shivers": "el constructor s\u00f3lo tiembla", "a second soldier joins the fight.": "un segundo soldado se une a la lucha.", "attack": "atacar", "go inside": "ir adentro", "turn her away": "rechazarla", "reinforce hull": "reforzar casco", "not enough wood to get the fire going": "no hay suficiente madera para mantener la hoguera", "a stranger arrives in the night": "un forastero llega durante la noche", "hut": "caba\u00f1a", "trapper": "trampero", "the familiar curves of a wanderer vessel rise up out of the dust and ash. ": "las curvas familiares de un buque vagabundo levantan del polvo y la ceniza. ", "sulphur": "azufre", "steel": "acero", "the stranger is standing by the fire. she says she can help. says she builds things.": "el extra\u00f1o se encuentra junto a la hoguera. dice que puede ayudar. dice que construye cosas.", "the sickness is cured in time.": "la enfermedad se cura a tiempo.", "the only hope is a quick death.": "la \u00fanica esperanza es una muerte r\u00e1pida.", "score for this game: {0}": "puntuaci\u00f3n de este juego: {0}", "the lizard is dead": "el lagarto est\u00e1 muerto", "iron": "hierro", "fires burn in the courtyard beyond.": "incendios queman en el patio m\u00e1s all\u00e1.", "builder": "constructor", "a large creature lunges, muscles rippling in the torchlight": "una gran criatura se abalanza, m\u00fasculos agit\u00e1ndose a la luz de las antorchas", "something's causing a commotion a ways down the road.": "algo est\u00e1 causando una conmoci\u00f3n en el camino.", "A Barren World": "Un Mundo Est\u00e9ril", "A Firelit Room": "Una Habitaci\u00f3n Iluminada", "some wood is missing.": "ha desaparecido algo de madera.", "The Beggar": "El Mendigo", "Troposphere": "Trop\u00f3sfera ", "ripe for the picking.": "listo para recoger.", "A Destroyed Village": "Una Aldea Destru\u00edda", "coal miner": "minero de carb\u00f3n", "not enough teeth": "no hay suficientes dientes", "all he has are some scales.": "todo lo que tiene son escamas.", "learned to predict their movement": "aprendido a predecir su movimiento", "the nights are rent with screams.": "las noches llenas de gritos.", "take": "tomar", "the scavenger is dead": "el carro\u00f1ero est\u00e1 muerto", "a nomad shuffles into view, laden with makeshift bags bound with rough twine.": "un n\u00f3mada aparece, cargado con bolsas improvisadas amarradas con una cuerda \u00e1spera.", "a convoy lurches in, equal parts worry and hope.": "un grupo se acerca tambaleando, lleno de preocupaci\u00f3n y esperanza.", "the map uncovers a bit of the world": "el mapa descubre un poco del mundo", "the shot echoes in the empty street.": "el disparo hace eco en la calle vac\u00eda.", "the sounds stop.": "los sonidos se detienen.", "rucksack": "mochila", "lights on.": "luces encendidas.", "a torch to keep the dark away": "una antorcha para alejar la oscuridad", "some good stuff woven into its nest.": "algunas cosas buenas entretejidas en su nido.", "starvation sets in": "inanici\u00f3n inminente", "charm": "talism\u00e1n", "the sniper is dead": "el francotirador est\u00e1 muerto", "nothing": "nada", "say his folk have been skimming the supplies.": "dicen que su grupo ha estado robando las provisiones.", "Restart?": "\u00bfReiniciar?", "this is irreversible.": "esto es irreversible.", "the town's booming. word does get around.": "la aldea es pr\u00f3spera. se corre la voz.", "Dropbox connection": "Conexi\u00f3n con dropbox", "iron miner": "minero de hierro", "give 100": "dar 100 ", "Export": "Exportar", "the operating theatre has a lot of curious equipment.": "el quir\u00f3fano tiene una gran cantidad de equipo curioso.", "A Sniper": "Un Francotirador", "the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with wood.": "el vagabundo misterioso regresa, su carro est\u00e1 muy lleno de madera.", "a snarling beast jumps out from behind a car.": "una bestia gru\u00f1ona salta desde detr\u00e1s de un coche.", "precise": "precisi\u00f3n", "looks like a camp of sorts up ahead.": "parece una clase de campamento m\u00e1s adelante.", "bait": "cebo", "The Sulphur Mine": "La Mina de Azufre", "stunned": "aturdido", "a thief is caught": "un ladr\u00f3n es capturado", "a beggar arrives.": "llega un mendigo.", "the strange bird is dead": "el ave extra\u00f1a est\u00e1 muerta", "*** EVENT ***": "*** EVENTO ***", "the grass thrashes wildly as a huge lizard pushes through": "el pasto se mov\u00eda salvajemente cuando un lagarto enorme sale a trav\u00e9s de \u00e9l", "medicine is needed immediately.": "se necesitan medicinas inmediatamente.", "A Crashed Ship": "Un Nave Estrellada", "the town lies abandoned, its citizens long dead": "la aldea se encuentra abandonada, sus ciudadanos muertos desde hace mucho", "give 1 medicine": "dar 1 medicina", "the old compass is dented and dusty, but it looks to work.": "la vieja br\u00fajula est\u00e1 abollada y sucia, pero parece funcionar.", "wood": "madera", "A Forgotten Battlefield": "Un Campo de Batalla Olvidado", "the trees are gone. parched earth and blowing dust are poor replacements.": "no hay m\u00e1s \u00e1rboles. el paisaje fue reemplazado por tierra reseca y polvo en el aire.", "lodge": "pabell\u00f3n", "leave city": "abandonar ciudad", "a scout stops for the night": "la exploradora se queda por la noche", "a gunshot rings through the trees.": "se escucha un disparo a trav\u00e9s de los \u00e1rboles.", "pop ": "pob ", "somewhere above the debris cloud, the wanderer fleet hovers. been on this rock too long.": "en alg\u00fan lugar encima de la nube de escombros, se encuentra la flota del vagabundo. mucho tiempo ha pasado en esta roca.", "iron mine": "mina de hierro", "freezing": "congelada", "the world fades": "el mundo se desvanece", "some of the traps have been torn apart.": "algunas de las trampas han sido destruidas.", "not enough iron": "no hay suficiente hierro", "compass": "br\u00fajula", "successfully saved to dropbox datastorage": "guardado con \u00e9xito en dropbox", "builder says it'd be useful to have a steady source of bullets": "el constructor dice que ser\u00eda \u00fatil tener una fuente continua de balas", "a mysterious wanderer arrives": "un vagabundo misterioso llega", "An Old House": "Una Casa Antigua", "bleached bones are strewn about the entrance. many, deeply scored with jagged grooves.": "huesos blanqueados est\u00e1n esparcidos sobre la entrada. muchos, profundamente marcados con ranuras irregulares.", "leather": "cuero", "a sound comes from the tunnel, just ahead.": "un sonido proviene del t\u00fanel, justo por delante.", "investigate": "investigar", "the cave narrows a few feet in.": "la cueva se hace angosta unos pasos adelante.", "sword is sharp. good protection out in the wilds.": "la espada est\u00e1 afilada. buena protecci\u00f3n afuera en lo salvaje.", "the tentacular horror is defeated.": "el horror tentacular es derrotado.", "all residents in the hut perished in the fire.": "todos los residentes de la caba\u00f1a perecieron en el incendio.", "A Damp Cave": "Una Cueva H\u00fameda", "the steel is strong, and the blade true.": "el acero es fuerte, y el filo real.", "A Military Raid": "Una Incursi\u00f3n Militar", "the walls are moist and moss-covered": "los muros est\u00e1n h\u00famedos y cubiertos de musgo", "not enough wood": "no hay suficiente madera", "a giant lizard shambles forward": "un gran lagarto viene de frente", "close": "cerrar", "some medicine abandoned in the drawers.": "una medicina abandonada en los cajones.", "strange scales": "escamas extra\u00f1as", "learned to throw punches with purpose": "aprendido lanzar golpes con prop\u00f3sito", "a shack stands at the center of the village.": "una choza se encuentra en el centro de la aldea.", "spare him": "liberarlo", "he smiles warmly and asks for lodgings for the night.": "sonr\u00ede c\u00e1lidamente y pide alojamiento durante la noche.", "stealthy": "sigiloso", "the sulphur mine is clear of dangers": "la mina de azufre est\u00e1 libre de peligros", "weapons": "armas", "the man is thankful.": "el hombre est\u00e1 agradecido.", "broken streetlights stand, rusting. light hasn't graced this place in a long time.": "luces exteriores rotas permanecen, oxid\u00e1ndose. la luz no ha llegado a este lugar en mucho tiempo.", "shares what he knows about sneaking before he goes.": "comparte lo que sabe de sigilo antes de irse.", "import": "importar", "available": "disponible", "A Shivering Man": "Un Hombre Tembloroso", "the rest bury them.": "el resto los enterrar\u00e1.", "smoldering": "latente", "the ground is littered with small teeth": "el piso est\u00e1 lleno de peque\u00f1os dientes", "the nest of a large animal lies at the back of the cave.": "el nido de un gran animal se encuentra al fondo de la cueva.", "A Tiny Village": "Una Aldea Peque\u00f1a", "your are connected to dropbox with account / email ": "est\u00e1s conectado a dropbox con la cuenta / email ", "Mesosphere": "Mes\u00f3sfera ", "agree": "aceptar", "the double doors creak endlessly in the wind.": "las puertas dobles crujen sin parar con el viento.", "not much here.": "no hay mucho aqu\u00ed.", "got it": "lo tengo", "choose one slot to load from": "escoge una ranura para cargar", "a cave lizard attacks": "un lagarto de cueva ataca", "men mill about, weapons at the ready.": "los hombres se arremolinan alrededor, armas en mano.", "l armour": "armadura c", "steelworks": "acer\u00eda", "A Ruined City": "Una Ciudad en Ruinas", "Noises": "Ruidos ", "can't tell what left it here.": "imposible saber qu\u00e9 lo trajo aqu\u00ed.", "trees loom on the horizon. grasses gradually yield to a forest floor of dry branches and fallen leaves.": "se ven \u00e1rboles en el horizonte. el pasto se convierte gradualmente en el suelo del bosque, lleno de ramas y hojas que han ca\u00eddo.", "a man stands over a dead wanderer. notices he's not alone.": "un hombre se levanta sobre un vagabundo muerto. se da cuenta de que no est\u00e1 solo.", "village": "pueblo", "cancel": "cancelar", "put the save code here.": "coloca aqu\u00ed el c\u00f3digo de guardado.", "buy medicine": "comprar medicinas", "hang him": "colgarlo", "inside, the remains of its victims are everywhere.": "en el interior, los restos de sus v\u00edctimas est\u00e1n en todas partes.", "this spear's not elegant, but it's pretty good at stabbing": "esta lanza no es elegante, pero es muy buena para apu\u00f1alar", "the forest is silent.": "el bosque est\u00e1 en silencio.", "A Borehole": "Un Pozo", "the night is silent.": "la noche es silenciosa.", "never go thirsty again": " nunca m\u00e1s sediento", "a small cache of supplies is tucked inside a rusting locker.": "un peque\u00f1o alijo de suministros est\u00e1 escondido dentro de un armario oxidado.", "learned to love the dry air": "aprendido a amar el aire seco", "workshop": "taller", "see farther": "ver m\u00e1s lejos", "bolas": "boleadoras", "the ground is littered with scraps of cloth": "el piso est\u00e1 lleno de retazos de tela", "The Coal Mine": "La Mina de Carb\u00f3n", "more voices can be heard ahead.": "m\u00e1s voces pueden ser escuchadas m\u00e1s adelante.", "A Large Village": "Una Aldea Grande", "precision": "precisi\u00f3n", "A Deserted Town": "Una Aldea Desierta", "the sickness spreads through the village.": "la enfermedad se extiende por la aldea.", "won't say from where he came, but it's clear that he's not staying.": "no dir\u00e1 de d\u00f3nde viene, pero est\u00e1 claro que no se quedar\u00e1.", "the wanderer takes the charm and nods slowly.": "el vagabundo toma el talism\u00e1n y asiente lentamente.", "the mysterious wanderer returns, cart piled high with furs.": "la vagabunda misteriosa regresa, su carro est\u00e1 muy lleno de pelaje.", "armoury": "armer\u00eda", "searching the bodies yields a few supplies.": "la b\u00fasqueda en los cuerpos produce algunos suministros.", "the torchlight casts a flickering glow down the hallway.": "la luz de las antorchas proyecta un resplandor parpadeante por el pasillo.", "safer here": "es m\u00e1s seguro aqu\u00ed", "Export / Import": "Exportar / Importar", "steelworker": "trabajador del acero", "the man-eater is dead": "el can\u00edval est\u00e1 muerto", "learned to swing weapons with force": "aprendido usar armas con fuerza", "still a few drops of water in the old well.": "todav\u00eda algunas gotas de agua en el viejo pozo.", "a crudely made charm": "un talism\u00e1n toscamente hecho", "cask": "barril", "engine:": "motor:", "the streets are empty.": "las calles est\u00e1n vac\u00edas.", "lizard": "lagarto", "Sulphur Mine": "Mina de Azufre", "export or import save data to dropbox datastorage": "exportar o importar datos guardados a dropbox", "the house has been ransacked.": "la casa ha sido saqueada.", "the metallic tang of wanderer afterburner hangs in the air.": "el aroma met\u00e1lico de vagabundo incinerado permanece en el aire.", "large prints lead away, into the forest.": "grandes huellas llevan hacia afuera, en el bosque.", "a startled beast defends its home": "una bestia asustada defiende su hogar", "there is nothing else here.": "no hay nada m\u00e1s aqu\u00ed.", "his time here, now, is his penance.": "su tiempo aqu\u00ed, ahora, es su penitencia.", "where the windows of the schoolhouse aren't shattered, they're blackened with soot.": "donde las ventanas de la escuela no est\u00e1n rotas, se encuentran ennegrecidas por el holl\u00edn.", "hull:": "casco:", "scavenger": "carro\u00f1ero", "unarmed master": "experto sin armas", "the man says he's grateful. says he won't come around any more.": "el hombre dice estar agradecido. dice que ya no volver\u00e1.", "laser rifle": "rifle l\u00e1ser", "sulphur mine": "mina de azufre", "buy compass": "comprar br\u00fajula", "buy map": "comprar mapa", "scratching noises can be heard from the store room.": "se escuchan chirridos desde el almac\u00e9n.", "steel sword": "espada de acero", "descend": "descender", "asks for any spare furs to keep him warm at night.": "pide el pelaje que sobre para mantenerse caliente por la noche.", "A Raucous Village": "Una Aldea Estridente", "the beggar expresses his thanks.": "el mendigo expresa sus gracias.", "carrying more means longer expeditions to the wilds": "cargar m\u00e1s significa expediciones m\u00e1s largas en lo salvaje", "free {0}/{1}": "libre {0}/{1}", "Room": "Habitaci\u00f3n", "a swamp festers in the stagnant air.": "un pantano se encuentra rodeado de aire estancado.", "rotting reeds rise out of the swampy earth.": "ca\u00f1as putrefactas se levantan de la tierra pantanosa.", "armoury's done, welcoming back the weapons of the past.": "la armer\u00eda est\u00e1 lista, dando la bienvenida a las armas del pasado.", "eat meat": "comer carne", "slow metabolism": "metabolismo lento", "camp fires burn by the entrance to the mine.": "hogueras arden en la entrada a la mina.", "the mouth of the cave is wide and dark.": "la entrada a la cueva es amplia y oscura.", "not enough sulphur": "no hay suficiente azufre", "builder's not sure he's to be trusted.": "el constructor no est\u00e1 seguro de que se pueda confiar en \u00e9l.", "evasion": "evasi\u00f3n", "buy bait": "comprar cebos", "a pack of lizards rounds the corner.": "una manada de lagartos redondea la esquina.", "light fire": "encender hoguera", "waterskin": "cantimplora", "scattered teeth": "dientes dispersos", "the door hangs open.": "la puerta cuelga abierta.", "buy:": "comprar:", "load": "cargar", "track them": "seguir", "stores": "almac\u00e9n", "now the nomads have a place to set up shop, they might stick around a while": "ahora los n\u00f3madas tienen un lugar para establecer su negocio, puede que se queden por un tiempo", "A Dusty Path": "Un Camino Polvoriento", "armour": "armadura", "A Man-Eater": "Un Can\u00edval", "bring your friends.": "invita a tus amigos.", "the compass points south": "la br\u00fajula apunta al sur", "the compass points north": "la br\u00fajula apunta al norte", "The Sick Man": "El Hombre Enfermo", "yes": "s\u00ed", "martial artist": "artista marcial", "the traps contain ": "las trampas contienen ", "the old tower seems mostly intact.": "la antigua torre parece casi intacta.", "scales": "escama", "bird must have liked shiney things.": "al p\u00e1jaro deben haberle gustado las cosas brillantes.", "the path leads to an abandoned mine": "el camino conduce a una mina abandonada", "the compass points northeast": "la br\u00fajula apunta al noreste", "the camp is still, save for the crackling of the fires.": "el campamento todav\u00eda est\u00e1, salvo por el crepitar de las llamas.", "he begs for medicine.": "\u00e9l ruega por medicinas.", "save": "guardar", "this waterskin'll hold a bit of water, at least": "esta cantimplora cargar\u00e1 un poco de agua, al menos", "turn him away": "rechazarlo", "a grizzled soldier attacks, waving a bayonet.": "un soldado canoso ataca, agitando una bayoneta.", "shivering man": "hombre tembloroso", "The Mysterious Wanderer": "El Vagabundo Misterioso", "A Huge Lizard": "Un Lagarto Enorme", "boxer": "boxeador", "a man joins the fight": "un hombre se une a la pelea", "An Outpost": "Un Puesto Avanzado", "not enough meat": "no hay suficiente carne", "some weird metal he picked up on his travels.": "un metal extra\u00f1o que recogi\u00f3 en sus viajes.", "something's in there.": "hay algo ah\u00ed.", "restore more health when eating": "recuperar m\u00e1s salud al comer", "A Snarling Beast": "Una Bestia Gru\u00f1ona", "Share": "Compartir", "a haze falls over the village as the steelworks fires up": "una neblina cae sobre la aldea mientras que la acer\u00eda se enciende", "a large bird nests at the top of the stairs.": "un nido de aves grande en la parte superior de las escaleras.", "an old wanderer sits inside, in a seeming trance.": "un viejo vagabundo se encuentra dentro, parece en trance.", "builder says the villagers could make steel, given the tools": "el constructor dice que los aldeanos podr\u00edan fabricar acero, si tuvieran los medios", "continue": "continuar", "there is no more water": "no hay m\u00e1s agua", "flickering": "parpadeando", "only the chief remains.": "solo queda el jefe.", "go back inside": "regresar adentro", "a few items are scattered on the ground.": "algunos art\u00edculos se encuentran dispersos en el suelo.", "save this.": "guardar esto.", "this old mine is not abandoned": "esta mina antigua no est\u00e1 abandonada", "a fight, maybe.": "una pelea, tal vez.", "baited trap": "trampa con cebo", "dead": "muerta", "the torch sputters and dies in the damp air": "la antorcha se agita y se apaga en el aire h\u00famedo", "export": "exportar", "a few belongings rest against the walls.": "algunas pertenencias est\u00e1n apoyadas contra los muros.", "not far from the village lies a large beast, its fur matted with blood.": "no lejos de la aldea se encuentra una gran bestia, su pelaje manchado con sangre.", "an old iron mine sits here, tools abandoned and left to rust.": "una antigua mina de hierro se asienta aqu\u00ed, herramientas abandonadas y oxidadas.", "but there is a cache of medicine under the floorboards.": "pero hay un alijo de medicinas bajo las tablas del suelo.", "only dust and stains remain.": "solamente queda polvo y manchas.", "s armour": "armadura a", "say he should be strung up as an example.": "dicen que deber\u00eda ser colgado para que sirva como ejemplo.", "Fire": "Fuego", "the darkness is absolute": "la oscuridad es absoluta", "A Ruined Trap": "Una Trampa Arruinada", "not enough coal": "no hay suficiente carb\u00f3n", "ambushed on the street.": "emboscado en la calle.", "worth killing for, it seems.": "vale la pena matar, parece.", "slash": "acuchillar", "builder says she can make a cart for carrying wood": "el constructor dice que puede hacer un carro para transportar madera", "leather's not strong. better than rags, though.": "el cuero no es resistente. aunque es mejor que harapos.", "builder stokes the fire": "el constructor aviva el fuego", "A Silent Forest": "Un Bosque Silencioso", "builder's not sure she's to be trusted.": "el constructor no est\u00e1 seguro de que se pueda confiar en ella.", "an old case is wedged behind a rock, covered in a thick layer of dust.": "un viejo estuche est\u00e1 detr\u00e1s de una roca, cubierto en una gruesa capa de polvo.", "the point is made. in the next few days, the missing supplies are returned.": "el mensaje se da a conocer. en los d\u00edas siguientes, las provisiones robadas regresan.", "the plague rips through the village.": "la plaga arrasa con la aldea.", "an old wanderer arrives.": "un viejo vagabundo llega.", "scavenger had a small camp in the school.": "el carro\u00f1ero ten\u00eda un peque\u00f1o campamento en la escuela.", "the compass points southwest": "la br\u00fajula apunta al suroeste", "the wanderer leaves, cart loaded with wood": "el vagabundo se retira, su carro est\u00e1 lleno de madera", "Dropbox Export / Import": "Exportar / Importar a dropbox", "ok": "aceptar", "a man hobbles up, coughing.": "llega un hombre, tosiendo.", "i armour": "armadura h", "The Scout": "El Explorador", "leaves a pile of small scales behind.": "deja a su paso una pila de peque\u00f1as escamas.", "pockets": "bolsillos", "stab": "apu\u00f1alar", "time to move on.": "hora de seguir adelante.", "the ground is littered with small scales": "el piso est\u00e1 lleno de peque\u00f1as escamas", "not enough ": "no es suficiente", "burning": "quemando", "they must be here for a reason.": "deben estar aqu\u00ed por una raz\u00f3n.", "a nomad arrives, looking to trade": "llega un n\u00f3mada, buscando comerciar", "black powder and bullets, like the old days.": "p\u00f3lvora negra y balas, como en los viejos tiempos.", "restart the game?": "\u00bfreiniciar el juego?", "gastronome": "gastr\u00f3nomo", "load from slot": "cargado desde la ranura", "energy cell": "celda de energ\u00eda", "inside the hut, a child cries.": "dentro de la caba\u00f1a, un ni\u00f1o llora.", "the compass points west": "la br\u00fajula apunta al oeste", "always worked before, at least.": "siempre funcion\u00f3 antes, por lo menos.", "a scavenger draws close, hoping for an easy score": "se acerca un carro\u00f1ero, esperando una presa f\u00e1cil", "Sickness": "Enfermedad", "build:": "construir:", "feral terror": "terror salvaje", "signout": "salir", "A Beast Attack": "Un Ataque Bestial", "Ready to Leave?": "\u00bfListo para partir?", "the house is abandoned, but not yet picked over.": "la casa est\u00e1 abandonada, pero a\u00fan no se recogi\u00f3 nada.", "time to get out of this place. won't be coming back.": "es hora de salir de este lugar. no regresar\u00e9.", "the compass points northwest": "la br\u00fajula apunta al noroeste", "the thirst becomes unbearable": "la sed se vuelve insoportable", "a beggar arrives": "llega un mendigo", "a beast stands alone in an overgrown park.": "una bestia se encuentra solo en un parque con mucha vegetaci\u00f3n.", "he leaves a reward.": "deja una recompensa.", "nothing but downcast eyes.": "nada m\u00e1s que los ojos bajos.", "the scout says she's been all over.": "la exploradora dice que ha estado en todos los sitios.", "cloth": "tela", "dangerous to be this far from the village without proper protection": "es peligroso estar tan lejos de la aldea sin una protecci\u00f3n apropiada", "squeeze": "presionar", "a pristine medicine cabinet at the end of a hallway.": "un botiqu\u00edn inmaculado al final de un pasillo.", "scraps of fur": "trozos de pelaje", "a scavenger waits just inside the door.": "un carro\u00f1ero espera junto a la puerta.", "the wind howls outside": "el viento aulla afuera", "the wagon can carry a lot of supplies": "la carreta puede cargar muchos suministros", "A Battlefield": "Un Campo de Batalla", "more soldiers will be on their way.": "m\u00e1s soldados estar\u00e1n de camino.", "the shivering man is dead": "el hombre tembloroso est\u00e1 muerto", "builder finishes the smokehouse. she looks hungry.": "el constructor termina el ahumadero. se ve hambriento.", "the barrens break at a sea of dying grass, swaying in the arid breeze.": "los p\u00e1ramos se rompen en un oc\u00e9ano de pasto moribundo, movi\u00e9ndose en la brisa \u00e1rida.", "a snarling beast leaps out of the underbrush": "una bestia gru\u00f1ona salta desde un arbusto", "A Destroyed Village": "Una Aldea Destruida", "land blows more often": "golpea m\u00e1s seguido", "Space": "Espacio", "it's been picked over by scavengers, but there's still some things worth taking.": "ha sido saqueado por carro\u00f1eros, pero todav\u00eda hay algunas cosas que vale la pena tomar.", "Thermosphere": "Term\u00f3sfera ", "5 medicine": "5 medicinas", "do nothing": "no hacer nada", "A Gaunt Man": "Un Hombre Demacrado", "Outside": "Afuera", "the snarling beast is dead": "la bestia gru\u00f1ona est\u00e1 muerta", "the remains of an old house stand as a monument to simpler times": "los restos de una casa antigua est\u00e1n de pie como un monumento a tiempos m\u00e1s simples", "say goodbye": "decir adi\u00f3s", "{0} per {1}s": "{0} / {1}s", "a weathered family takes up in one of the huts.": "una familia sobreviviente se establece en una de las caba\u00f1as.", "run": "correr", "Exosphere": "Ex\u00f3sfera ", "he speaks of once leading the great fleets to fresh worlds.": "habla de haber liderado grandes flotas a mundos nuevos.", "builder says there are more wanderers. says they'll work, too.": "el constructor dice que hay m\u00e1s vagabundos. dice que trabajar\u00e1n tambi\u00e9n.", "evasive": "evasivo", "an old wanderer arrives": "un viejo vagabundo llega", "through the walls, shuffling noises can be heard.": "a trav\u00e9s de las paredes, se escuchan ruidos.", "melee weapons deal more damage": "las armas cuerpo a cuerpo hacen m\u00e1s da\u00f1o", "the compass points ": "la br\u00fajula apunta", "lets some light down into the dusty haze.": "deja algo de luz hacia abajo en la bruma polvorienta.", "the man swallows the medicine eagerly": "el hombre toma la medicina ansiosamente", "the days are spent with burials.": "los d\u00edas pasan con entierros.", "more traps to catch more creatures": "m\u00e1s trampas para capturar m\u00e1s criaturas", "a man charges down the hall, a rusty blade in his hand": "un hombre carga por el pasillo, una cuchilla oxidada en su mano", "bullets": "balas", "the light from the fire spills from the windows, out into the dark": "la luz de la hoguera sale por las ventanas, hacia la oscuridad", "tell him to leave": "pedirle que se retire", "dry brush and dead branches litter the forest floor": "arbustos secos y ramas muertas adornan el suelo del bosque", "tattered cloth": "tela andrajosa", "can't read the words.": "no puedo leer las palabras.", "tanner": "curtidor", "should cure the meat, or it'll spoil. builder says she can fix something up.": "la carne debe curarse, o se echar\u00e1 a perder. el constructor dice que puede hacer algo al respecto.", "or migrating computers": "o migrar computadoras", "water:{0}": "agua:{0}", "still time to rescue a few supplies.": "todav\u00eda estamos a tiempo para rescatar a algunos suministros.", "teeth": "diente", "villagers could help hunt, given the means": "los aldeanos pueden ayudar a cazar, si se les proporcionan los medios", "the beast is dead.": "la bestia est\u00e1 muerta.", "feral howls echo out of the darkness.": "aullidos salvajes hacen eco en la oscuridad.", "The Iron Mine": "La Mina de Hierro"});