To recreate these results
- Install H3C CloudOS Platform.
- Retrieve a `.kubeconfig` file with administrator credentials on that cluster and set the environment variable KUBECONFIG export KUBECONFIG=PATH_TO_KUBECONFIG export KUBECTL_PATH=PATH_TO_KUBECTL
- Run Conformance Test: Download the CLI by running: $ go get -u -v Deploy a Sonobuoy pod to your cluster with: $ sonobuoy run View actively running pods: $ sonobuoy status To inspect the logs: $ sonobuoy logs Once sonobuoy status shows the run as completed, copy the output directory from the main Sonobuoy pod to a local directory: $ sonobuoy retrieve . This copies a single .tar.gz snapshot from the Sonobuoy pod into your local . directory. Extract the contents into ./results with: mkdir ./results; tar xzf *.tar.gz -C ./results