This directory contains a few scripts to simplify setting up the Windows agent of webpagetest.
The scripts have been developed and tested on Windows 8.1 Enterprise
# Use at our own risks.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
simplifies installing webpagetest dependencies, such as
Visual Studio for compiling wpt-driver. It will first download
and install Chocolatey, a package manager for Windows.
Usage: from a Powershell with Administrative power
cd \Path\To\WebPageTest
compiles the wpt-driver Visual Studio solution using
whichever version of Visual Studio is available in the path. If you used
for setting up your machine, it will most likely be Visual
Studio 2013 Community Edition. It will then bundle up the binary along with the
browser extensions and produce a zip file suitable for updating agents
It is recommended to run this script from the a GitHub powershell, as it's PATH is already miraculously setup to contain everything needed
cd \Path\To\WebPageTest
If you see a whole bunch of red lines when executing one of these scripts, you have a problem. Here are a few things to check:
- You are running in a shell with administrative powers
- You have all the dependencies installed (in particular, Visual Studio)
is in the PATHpython.exe
is in the PATH
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