It is not the knowing that is difficult, but the doing. - Chinese proverb
Each of the commands that we've discussed so far are thoroughly documented, and
you can view their documentation using the man
command, where the first
argument to man
is the command you're curious about. Let's take a look at the
documentation for ls
man ls
LS(1) BSD General Commands Manual LS(1)
ls -- list directory contents
ls [-ABCFGHLOPRSTUW@abcdefghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]
For each operand that names a file of a type other than directory, ls
displays its name as well as any requested, associated information. For
The controls for navigating man
pages are the same as they are for less
I often use man
pages for quickly searching for an option that I've forgotten.
Let's say that I forgot how to get ls
to print a long list. After typing
man ls
to open the page, type /
in order to start a search. Then type the
word or phrase that you're searching for, in this case type in long list
then press Enter
. The page jumps to this entry:
-l (The lowercase letter ``ell''.) List in long format. (See below.)
If the output is to a terminal, a total sum for all the file sizes is
output on a line before the long listing.
Press the n
key in order to search for the next occurrence of the word, and if
you want to go to the previous occurrence type Shift
+ n
. This method of
searching also works with less
. When you're finished looking at a man
type q
to get back to the prompt.
The man
command works wonderfully when you know which command you want to look
up, but what if you've forgotten the name of the command you're looking for? You
can use apropos
to search all of the available commands and their
descriptions. For example let's pretend that I forgot the name of my favorite
command line text editor. You could type apropos editor
into the command line
which will print a list of results:
apropos editor
## ed(1), red(1) - text editor
## nano(1) - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
## sed(1) - stream editor
## vim(1) - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
The second result is nano
which was just on the tip of my tongue! Both man
and apropos
are useful when a search is only a few keystrokes away, but if
you're looking for detailed examples and explanations you're better off using
a search engine if you have access to a web browser.
- Use
to look up the documentation for a command. - If you can't think of the name of a command use
to search for a word associated with that command. - If you have access to a web browser, using a search engine might be better
- Use
to look up the flag for human-readable output fromls
. - Get help with
by typingman man
into the console. - Wouldn't it be nice if there was a calendar command? Use
to look for such a command, then useman
to read about how that command works.
Let's go into my Photos
folder in my home directory and take a look around:
## /Users/sean
## Code
## Documents
## Photos
## Desktop
## Music
## todo-2017-01-24.txt
cd Photos
## 2016-06-20-datasci01.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci02.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci03.png
## 2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## 2016-06-21-lab02.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking02.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking02.jpg
I've just been dumping pictures and figures into this folder without organizing
them at all! Thankfully (in the words of Dr. Jenny Bryan) I have an unwavering
commitment to the ISO 8601 date
standard so at least
I know when these photos were taken. Instead of using mv
to move around each
individual photo I can select groups of photos using the *
wildcard. A
wildcard is a character that represents other characters, much like how
joker in a deck of cards can represent other cards in the deck. Wildcards are
a subset of metacharacters, a topic which we will discuss in detail later on in
this chapter. The *
("star") wildcard represents zero or more of any
character, and it can be used to match names of files and folders in the
command line. For example if I wanted to list all of the files in my Photos
directory which have a name that starts with "2017" I could do the following:
ls 2017*
## 2017-01-02-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking02.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking02.jpg
Only the files starting with "2017" are listed! The command ls 2017*
means: list the files that start with "2017" followed by zero or more of any
character. As you can imagine using wildcards is a powerful tool for working
with groups of files that are similarly named.
Let's walk through a few other examples of using the star wildcard. We could only list the photos starting with "2016":
ls 2016*
## 2016-06-20-datasci01.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci02.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci03.png
## 2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## 2016-06-21-lab02.jpg
We could list only the files with names ending in .jpg
ls *.jpg
## 2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## 2016-06-21-lab02.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking02.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking02.jpg
In the case above the file name can start with a sequence of zero or more of
any character, but the file name must end in .jpg
Or we could also list only the first photos from each set of photos:
ls *01.*
## 2016-06-20-datasci01.png
## 2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking01.jpg
All of the files above have names that are composed of a sequence of characters,
followed by the adjacent characters 01.
, followed by another sequence of
Notice that if I had entered ls *01*
into the console every file would have
been listed since 01
is a part of all of the file names in my Photos
Let's organize these photos by year. First let's create one directory for each year of photos:
mkdir 2016
mkdir 2017
Now we can move the photos using wildcards:
mv 2017-* 2017/
## 2016
## 2016-06-20-datasci01.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci02.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci03.png
## 2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## 2016-06-21-lab02.jpg
## 2017
Notice that I've moved all files that start with "2017-" into the 2017 folder! Now let's do the same thing for files with names starting with "2016-":
mv 2016-* 2016/
## 2016
## 2017
Finally my photos are somewhat organized! Let's list the files in each directory just to make sure all was moved as planned:
ls 2016/
## 2016-06-20-datasci01.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci02.png
## 2016-06-20-datasci03.png
## 2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## 2016-06-21-lab02.jpg
ls 2017/
## 2017-01-02-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-01-02-hiking02.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking01.jpg
## 2017-02-10-hiking02.jpg
Looks good! There are a few more wildcards beyond the star wildcard which we'll discuss in the next section where searching file names gets a little more advanced.
- Wildcards can represent many kinds and numbers of characters.
- The star wildcard (
) represents zero or more of any character. - You can use wildcards on the command line in order to work with multiple files and folders.
- Before I organized the photos by year, what command would have listed all of
the photos of type
? - Before I organized the photos by year, what command would have deleted all of my hiking photos?
- What series of commands would you use in order to put my figures for a data science course and the pictures I took in the lab into their own folders?
The ability to search through files and folders can greatly improve your productivity using Unix. First we'll cover searching through text files. I recently downloaded a list of the names of the states in the US which you can find here. Let's take a look at this file:
cd ~/Documents
## canada.txt
## states.txt
wc states.txt
## 50 60 472 states.txt
It makes sense that there are 50 lines, but it's interesting that there are 60 total words. Let's a take a peak at the beginning of the file:
head states.txt
## Alabama
## Alaska
## Arizona
## Arkansas
## California
## Colorado
## Connecticut
## Delaware
## Florida
## Georgia
This file looks basically how you would expect it to look! You may recall from Chapter 3 that the kind of shell that we're using is the bash shell. Bash treats different kinds of data differently, and we'll dive deeper into data types in Chapter 5. For now all you need to know is that text data are called strings. A string could be a word, a sentence, a book, or a file or folder name. One of the most effective ways to search through strings is to use regular expressions. Regular expressions are strings that define patterns in other strings. You can use regular expressions to search for a sub-string contained within a larger string, or to replace one part of a string with another string.
One of the most popular tools for searching through text files is grep
. The
simplest use of grep
requires two arguments: a regular expression and a text
file to search. Let's see a simple example of grep
in action and then I'll
explain how it works:
grep "x" states.txt
## New Mexico
## Texas
In the command above, the first argument to grep
is the regular expression
. The "x"
regular expression represents one instance of the letter "x".
Every line of the states.txt
file that contains at least one instance of the
letter "x" is printed to the console. As you can see New Mexico and Texas are
the only two state names that contain the letter "x". Let's try searching for
the letter "q" in all of the state names using grep
grep "q" states.txt
Nothing is printed to the console because the letter "q" isn't in any of the state names. We can search for more than individual characters though. For example the following command will search for the state names that contain the word "New":
grep "New" states.txt
## New Hampshire
## New Jersey
## New Mexico
## New York
In the previous case the regular expression we used was simply "New"
, which
represents an occurrence of the string "New". Regular expressions are not
limited to just being individual characters or words, they can also represent
parts of words. For example I could search all of the state names that contain
the string "nia" with the following command:
grep "nia" states.txt
## California
## Pennsylvania
## Virginia
## West Virginia
All of the state names above happen to end with the string "nia".
Regular expressions aren't just limited to searching with characters and
strings, the real power of regular expressions come from using
metacharacters. Remember that metacharacters are characters that can be used
to represent other characters. To take full advantage of all of the metacharacters
we should use grep
's cousin egrep
, which just extends grep
's capabilities.
If you're using Ubuntu you should use grep -P
instead of egrep
for results
that are consistent with this chapter.
The first metacharacter we should discuss is the "."
(period) metacharacter,
which represents any character. If for example I wanted to search states.txt
for the character "i", followed by any character, followed by the character "g"
I could do so with the following command:
egrep "i.g" states.txt
## Virginia
## Washington
## West Virginia
## Wyoming
The regular expression "i.g" matches the sub-string "irg" in Virginia, and
West Virginia, and it matches the sub-string "ing" in Washington and
Wyoming. The period metacharacter is a stand-in for the "r" in "irg" and the
"n" in "ing" in the example above. The period metacharacter is extremely liberal,
for example the command egrep "." states.txt
would return every line of
states.txt since the regular expression "."
would match one occurrence of any
character on every line (there's at least one character on every line).
Besides characters that can represent other
characters, there are also metacharacters called quantifiers which allow you
to specify the number of times a particular regular expression should appear in
a string. One of the most basic quantifiers is "+"
(plus) which represents one
or more occurrences of the proceeding expression. For example the regular
expression "s+as" means: one or more "s" followed by "as". Let's see if any of
the state names match this expression:
egrep "s+as" states.txt
## Arkansas
## Kansas
Both Arkansas and Kansas match the regular expression "s+as"
. Besides the
plus metacharacter there's also the "*"
(star) metacharacter which represents
zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression. Let's see what happens if
we change "s+as"
to "s*as"
egrep "s*as" states.txt
## Alaska
## Arkansas
## Kansas
## Massachusetts
## Nebraska
## Texas
## Washington
As you can see the star metacharacter is much more liberal with respect to
matching since many more state names are matched by "s*as"
. There are more
specific quantifies you can use beyond "zero or more" or "one or more"
occurrences of an expression. You can use curly brackets ({ }
) to specify an
exact number of occurrences of an expression. For example the regular expression
specifies exactly two occurrences of the character "s". Let's try using
this regular expression:
egrep "s{2}" states.txt
## Massachusetts
## Mississippi
## Missouri
## Tennessee
Take note that the regular expression "s{2}"
is equivalent to the regular
expression "ss"
. We could also search for state names that have between two
and three adjacent occurrences of the letter "s" with the regular expression
egrep "s{2,3}" states.txt
## Massachusetts
## Mississippi
## Missouri
## Tennessee
Of course the results are the same because there aren't any states that have "s" repeated three times.
You can use a capturing group in order to search for multiple occurrences of
a string. You can create capturing groups within regular expressions by using
parentheses ("( )"
). For example if I wanted to search states.txt for the
string "iss" occurring twice in a state name I could use a capturing group and
a quantifier like so:
egrep "(iss){2}" states.txt
## Mississippi
We could combine more quantifiers and capturing groups to dream up even more complicated regular expressions. For example, the following regular expression describes three occurrences of an "i" followed by two of any character:
egrep "(i.{2}){3}" states.txt
## Mississippi
The complex regular expression above still only matches "Mississippi".
For the next couple of examples we're going to need some text data beyond the names of the states. Let's just create a short text file from the console:
touch small.txt
echo "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" >> small.txt
echo "0123456789" >> small.txt
echo "aa bb cc" >> small.txt
echo "rhythms" >> small.txt
echo "xyz" >> small.txt
echo "abc" >> small.txt
echo "tragedy + time = humor" >> small.txt
echo "" >> small.txt
echo "#%&-=***=-&%#" >> small.txt
In addition to quantifiers there are also regular expressions for describing
sets of characters. The \w
metacharacter corresponds to all "word" characters,
the \d
metacharacter corresponds to all "number" characters, and the \s
metacharacter corresponds to all "space" characters. Let's take a look at using
each of these metacharacters on small.txt:
egrep "\w" small.txt
## abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
## 0123456789
## aa bb cc
## rhythms
## xyz
## abc
## tragedy + time = humor
egrep "\d" small.txt
## 0123456789
egrep "\s" small.txt
## aa bb cc
## tragedy + time = humor
As you can see in the example above, the \w
metacharacter matches all letters,
numbers, and even the underscore character (_
). We can see the complement of
this grep by adding the -v
flag to the command:
egrep -v "\w" small.txt
## #%&-=***=-&%#
The -v
flag (which stands for invert match) makes grep
return all of the
lines not matched by the regular expression. Note that the character sets for
regular expressions also have their inverse sets: \W
for non-words, \D
non-digits, and \S
for non-spaces. Let's take a look at using \W
egrep "\W" small.txt
## aa bb cc
## tragedy + time = humor
## #%&-=***=-&%#
The returned strings all contain non-word characters. Note the difference between
the results of using the invert flag -v
versus using an inverse set regular
In addition to general character sets we can also create specific character
sets using square brackets ([ ]
) and then including the characters we wish to
match in the square brackets. For example the regular expression for the set
of vowels is [aeiou]
. You can also create a regular expression for the
complement of a set by including a caret (^
) in the beginning of a set. For
example the regular expression [^aeiou]
matches all characters that are not
vowels. Let's test both on small.txt:
egrep "[aeiou]" small.txt
## abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
## aa bb cc
## abc
## tragedy + time = humor
Notice that the word "rhythms" does not appear in the result (it's the longest word without any vowels that I could think of).
egrep "[^aeiou]" small.txt
## abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
## 0123456789
## aa bb cc
## rhythms
## xyz
## abc
## tragedy + time = humor
## #%&-=***=-&%#
Every line in the file is printed, because every line contains at least one
non-vowel! If you want to specify a range of characters you can use a hyphen
) inside of the square brackets. For example the regular expression [e-q]
matches all of the lowercase letters between "e" and "q" in the alphabet
inclusively. Case matters when you're specifying character sets, so if you
wanted to only match uppercase characters you'd need to use [E-Q]
. To ignore
the case of your match you could combine the character sets with the [e-qE-Q]
regex (short for regular expression), or you could use the -i
flag with grep
to ignore the case. Note that the -i
flag will work for any provided regular
expression, not just character sets. Let's take a look at some examples using
the regular expressions that we just described:
egrep "[e-q]" small.txt
## abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
## rhythms
## tragedy + time = humor
egrep "[E-Q]" small.txt
egrep "[e-qE-Q]" small.txt
## abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
## rhythms
## tragedy + time = humor
One issue you may have thought about during our little exploration of regular
expressions is how to search for certain punctuation marks in text considering
that those same symbols are used as metacharacters! For example, how would you
find a plus sign (+
) in a line of text since the plus sign is also a
metacharacter? The answer is simply using a backslash (\
) before the plus sign
in a regex, in order to "escape" the metacharacter functionality. Here are a few
egrep "\+" small.txt
## tragedy + time = humor
egrep "\." small.txt
There are three more metacharacters that we should discuss, and two of them come
as a pair: the caret (^
), which represents the start of a line, and the dollar
sign ($
) which represents the end of line. These "anchor characters" only
match the beginning and ends of lines when coupled with other regular
expressions. For example, going back to looking at states.txt, I could search
for all of the state names that begin with "M" with the following command:
egrep "^M" states.txt
## Maine
## Maryland
## Massachusetts
## Michigan
## Minnesota
## Mississippi
## Missouri
## Montana
Or we could search for all of the states that end in "s":
egrep "s$" states.txt
## Arkansas
## Illinois
## Kansas
## Massachusetts
## Texas
There's a mnemonic that I love for remembering which metacharacter to use for
each anchor: "First you get the power, then you get the money." The
caret character is used for exponentiation in many programming languages, so
"power" (^
) is used for the beginning of a line and "money" ($
) is used for
the end of a line.
Finally, let's talk about the "or" metacharacter (|
), which is also called the
"pipe" character. This metacharacter allows you to match either the regex on
the right or on the left side of the pipe. Let's take a look at a small example:
egrep "North|South" states.txt
## North Carolina
## North Dakota
## South Carolina
## South Dakota
In the example above we're searching for lines of text that contain the words "North" or "South". You can also use multiple pipe characters to, for example, search for lines that contain the words for all of the cardinal directions:
egrep "North|South|East|West" states.txt
## North Carolina
## North Dakota
## South Carolina
## South Dakota
## West Virginia
Just two more notes on grep
: you can display the line number that a match
occurs on using the -n
egrep -n "t$" states.txt
## 7:Connecticut
## 45:Vermont
And you can also grep
multiple files at once by providing multiple file
egrep "New" states.txt canada.txt
## states.txt:New Hampshire
## states.txt:New Jersey
## states.txt:New Mexico
## states.txt:New York
## canada.txt:Newfoundland and Labrador
## canada.txt:New Brunswick
You now have the power to do some pretty complicated string searching using regular expressions! Imagine you wanted to search for all of the state names that both begin and end with a vowel. Now you can:
egrep "^[AEIOU]{1}.+[aeiou]{1}$" states.txt
## Alabama
## Alaska
## Arizona
## Idaho
## Indiana
## Iowa
## Ohio
## Oklahoma
I know there a many metacharacters to keep track of here so below I've included a table with several of the metacharacters we've discussed in this chapter:
Metacharacter | Meaning |
. | Any Character |
\w | A Word |
\W | Not a Word |
\d | A Digit |
\D | Not a Digit |
\s | Whitespace |
\S | Not Whitespace |
[def] | A Set of Characters |
[^def] | Negation of Set |
[e-q] | A Range of Characters |
^ | Beginning of String |
$ | End of String |
\n | Newline |
+ | One or More of Previous |
* | Zero or More of Previous |
? | Zero or One of Previous |
| | Either the Previous or the Following |
{6} | Exactly 6 of Previous |
{4, 6} | Between 4 and 6 of Previous |
{4, } | 4 or more of Previous |
If you want to experiment with writing regular expressions before you use them I highly recommend playing around with
If you want to find the location of a file or the location of a group of files
you can use the find
command. This command has a specific structure where
the first argument is the directory where you want to begin the search, and all
directories contained within that directory will also be searched. The first
argument is then followed by a flag that describes the method you want to use to
search. In this case we'll only be searching for a file by its name, so we'll
use the -name
flag. The -name
flag itself then takes an argument, the name
of the file that you're looking for. Let's go back to the home directory and
look for some files from there:
## /Users/sean
Let's start by looking for a file called states.txt:
find . -name "states.txt"
## ./Documents/states.txt
Right where we expected it to be! Now let's try searching for all .jpg
find . -name "*.jpg"
## ./Photos/2016-06-21-lab01.jpg
## ./Photos/2016-06-21-lab02.jpg
## ./Photos/2017/2017-01-02-hiking01.jpg
## ./Photos/2017/2017-01-02-hiking02.jpg
## ./Photos/2017/2017-02-10-hiking01.jpg
## ./Photos/2017/2017-02-10-hiking02.jpg
Good file hunting out there!
can be used along with regular expressions to search for patterns of text in a file.- Metacharacters are used in regular expressions to describe patterns of characters.
can be used to search for the names of files in a directory.
- Search
for lines that contain the word "New". - Make five text files containing the names of states that don't contain one of each of the five vowels.
- Download the GitHub repository for this book and find out how many
files it contains.
Near the start of this book we discussed how you can browse the commands
that you recently entered into the prompt using the Up
and Down
arrow keys.
Bash keeps track of all of your recent commands, and you can browse your command
history two different ways. The commands that we've used since opening our
terminal can be accessed via the history
command. Let's try it out:
## ...
## 48 egrep "^M" states.txt
## 49 egrep "s$" states.txt
## 50 egrep "North|South" states.txt
## 51 egrep "North|South|East|West" states.txt
## 52 egrep -n "t$" states.txt
## 53 egrep "New" states.txt canada.txt
## 54 egrep "^[AEIOU]{1}.+[aeiou]{1}$" states.txt
## 55 cd
## 56 pwd
## 57 find . -name "states.txt"
## 58 find . -name "*.jpg"
## 59 history
We've had our terminal open for a while so there are tons of commands in our
history! Whenever we close a terminal our recent commands are written to the
file. Let's a take a look at the beginning of this file:
head -n 5 ~/.bash_history
## echo "Hello World!"
## pwd
## cd
## pwd
## ls
Looks like the very first commands we entered into the terminal! Searching your
file can be particularly useful if you're trying to recall
a command you've used in the past. The ~/.bash_history
file is just a regular
text file, so you can search it with grep
. Here's a simple example:
grep "canada" ~/.bash_history
## egrep "New" states.txt canada.txt
Besides ~/.bash_history
, another text file in our home directory that we
should be aware of is ~/.bash_profile
. The ~/.bash_profile
is a list of
Unix commands that are run every time we open our terminal, usually with a
different command on every line. One of the most common commands used in a
is the alias
command, which creates a shorter name for a
command. Let's take a look at a ~/.bash_profile
alias docs='cd ~/Documents'
alias edbp='nano ~/.bash_profile'
The first alias
creates a new command docs
. Now entering docs
into the
command line is the equivalent of entering cd ~/Documents
into the comamnd
line. Let's edit our ~/.bash_profile
with nano
. If there's anything
in your ~/.bash_profile
already then start adding lines at the end of the
file. Add the line alias docs='cd ~/Documents'
, then save the file and quit
. In order to make the changes to our ~/.bash_profile
take effect we
need to run source ~/.bash_profile
in the console:
source ~/.bash_profile
Now let's try using docs
## /Users/sean/Documents
It works! Setting different alias
es allows you to save time if there are long
commands that you use often. In the example ~/.bash_profile
above, the second
line, alias edbp='nano ~/.bash_profile'
creates the command edbp
bash profile) so that you can quickly add alias
es. Try adding it to
your ~/.bash_profile
and take your new command for a spin!
There are a few other details about the ~/.bash_profile
that are important
when you're writing software which we'll discuss in the Bash Programming
displays what commands we've entered into the console since opening our current terminal.- The
file lists commands we've used in the past. alias
creates a command that can be used as a substitute for a longer command that we use often.- The
is a text file that is run every time we start a shell, and it's the best place to assignalias
It's important to be able to examine differences between files. First let's make two small simple text files in the Documents directory.
cd ~/Documents
head -n 4 states.txt > four.txt
head -n 6 states.txt > six.txt
If we want to look at which lines in these files are different we can use the
diff four.txt six.txt
## 4a5,6
## > California
## > Colorado
Only the differing lines are printed to the console. We could also compare
differing lines in a side-by-side comparison using sdiff
sdiff four.txt six.txt
## Alabama Alabama
## Alaska Alaska
## Arizona Arizona
## Arkansas Arkansas
## > California
## > Colorado
In a common situation you might be sent a file, or you might download a file from the internet that comes with code known as a checksum or a hash. Hashing programs generate a unique code based on the contents of a file. People distribute hashes with files so that we can be sure that the file we think we've downloaded is the genuine file. One way we can prevent malicious individuals from sending us harmful files is to check to make sure the computed hash matches the provided hash. There are a few commonly used file hashes but we'll talk about two called MD5 and SHA-1.
Since hashes are generated based on file contents, then two identical files
should have the same hash. Let's test this my making a copy of states.txt
cp states.txt states_copy.txt
To compute the MD5 hash of a file we can use the md5
md5 states.txt
## MD5 (states.txt) = 8d7dd71ff51614e69339b03bd1cb86ac
md5 states_copy.txt
## MD5 (states_copy.txt) = 8d7dd71ff51614e69339b03bd1cb86ac
As we expected they're the same! We can compute the SHA-1 hash using the
shasum states.txt
## 588e9de7ffa97268b2448927df41760abd3369a9 states.txt
shasum states_copy.txt
## 588e9de7ffa97268b2448927df41760abd3369a9 states_copy.txt
Once again, both copies produce the same hash. Let's make a change to one of the files, just to illustrate the fact that the hash changes if file contents are different:
head -n 5 states_copy.txt > states_copy.txt
shasum states_copy.txt
## b1c1c805f123f31795c77f78dd15c9f7ac5732d4 states_copy.txt
- The
commands use different algorithms to create codes (called hashes or checksums) that are unique to the contents of a file. - These hashes can be used to ensure that a file is genuine.
One of the most powerful features of the command line is skilled use of the
pipe (|
) which you can usually find above the backslash (\
) on your
keyboard. The pipe allows us to take the output of a command, which would
normally be printed to the console, and use it as the input to another command.
It's like fitting an actual pipe between the end of one program and connecting
it to the top of another program!
Let's take a look at a basic example. We know the cat
command takes the
contents of a text file and prints it to the console:
cd ~/Documents
cat canada.txt
## Nunavut
## Quebec
## Northwest Territories
## Ontario
## British Columbia
## Alberta
## Saskatchewan
## Manitoba
## Yukon
## Newfoundland and Labrador
## New Brunswick
## Nova Scotia
## Prince Edward Island
This output from cat canada.txt
will go into our pipe, and we'll attach the
dispensing end of the pipe to head
, which we use to look at the first few
lines of a file:
cat canada.txt | head -n 5
Northwest Territories
British Columbia
Notice that this is the same result we would get from head -n 5 canada.txt
we just used cat
to illustrate how the pipe works. The general syntax of the
pipe is
[program that produces output] | [program that uses pipe output as input instead of a file]
A more common and useful example where we could use the pipe is answering the
question: "How many US states end in a vowel?" We could use grep
and regular
expressions to list all of the state names that end with a vowel, then we could
use wc
to count all of the matching state names:
grep "[aeiou]$" states.txt | wc -l
## 32
The pipe can also be used multiple times in one command in order to take
the output from one piped command and use it as the input to yet another program!
For example we could use three pipes with ls
, grep
, and less
so that we
could scroll through the files in our current directory that were created in February:
ls -al | grep "Feb" | less
-rw-r--r-- 1 sean staff 472 Feb 22 13:47 states.txt
Remember you can use the Q
key to quit less
and return to the prompt.
- The pipe (
) takes the output of the program on its left side and directs the output to be the input for the program on its right side.
- Use pipes to figure out how many US states contain the word "New."
- Examine your
to try to figure out how many unique commands you've ever used. (You may need to look up how to use theuniq
Once upon a time there were no web browsers, file browsers, start menus, or
search bars. When somebody booted up a computer all they got a was a shell
prompt, and all of the work they did started from that prompt. Back then people
still loved to share software, but there was always the problem of how software
should be installed. The make
program is the best attempt at solving this
problem, and make
's elegance has carried it so far that it is still in wide
use today. The guiding design goal of make
is that in order to
install some new piece of software one would:
- Download all of the files required for installation into a directory.
into that directory.- Run
This is accomplished by specifying a file called makefile
, which describes the
relationships between different files and programs. In addition to installing
programs, make
is also useful for creating documents automatically. Let's build
up a makefile
that creates a readme.txt
file which is automatically
populated with some information about our current directory.
Let's start by creating a very basic makefile
with nano
cd ~/Documents/Journal
nano makefile
touch draft_journal_entry.txt
The simple makefile
above illustrates a rule which has the
following general format:
[target]: [dependencies...]
In the simple example we created draft_journal_entry.txt
is the target, a
file which is created as the result of the command(s). It's very important
to note that any commands under a target must be indented with a Tab
. If
we don't use Tab
s to indent the commands then make
will fail.
Let's save and close the makefile
, then we can run the following in the
## makefile
Let's use the make
command with the target we want to be "made" as the only
make draft_journal_entry.txt
## touch draft_journal_entry.txt
## draft_journal_entry.txt
## makefile
The commands that are indented under our definition of the rule for the
target were executed, so now draft_journal_entry.txt
exists! Let's try running the same make
command again:
make draft_journal_entry.txt
## make: 'draft_journal_entry.txt' is up to date.
Since the target file already exists no action is taken, and instead we're
informed that the rule for draft_journal_entry.txt
is "up to date" (there's
nothing to be done).
If we look at the general rule format we previously sketched out, we can see
that we didn't specify any dependencies for this rule. A dependency is a
file that the target depends on in order to be built. If a dependency has
been updated since the last time make
was run for a target then the target is
not "up to date." This means that the commands for that target will be run the
next time make
is run for that target. This way, the changes to the dependency
are incorporated into the target. The commands are only run when the dependencies
change, or when the target doesn't exist at all, in order to avoid running
commands unnecessarily.
Let's update our makefile
to include a readme.txt
that is built
automatically. First, let's add a table of contents for our journal:
echo "1. 2017-06-15-In-Boston" > toc.txt
Now let's update our makefile
with nano
to automatically generate a
nano makefile
touch draft_journal_entry.txt
readme.txt: toc.txt
echo "This journal contains the following number of entries:" > readme.txt
wc -l toc.txt | egrep -o "[0-9]+" >> readme.txt
Take note that the -o
flag provided to egrep
above extracts the regular
expression match from the matching line, so that only the number of lines is
appended to readme.txt
. Now let's run make
with readme.txt
as the target:
make readme.txt
## echo "This journal contains the following number of entries:" > readme.txt
## wc -l toc.txt | egrep -o "[0-9]+" >> readme.txt
Now let's take a look at readme.txt
cat readme.txt
## This journal contains the following number of entries:
## 1
Looks like it worked! What do you think will happen if we run make readme.txt
make readme.txt
## make: 'readme.txt' is up to date.
You guessed it: nothing happened! Since the readme.txt
file still exists and
no changes were made to any of the dependencies for readme.txt
the only dependency) make
doesn't run the commands for the readme.txt
Now let's modify toc.txt
then we'll try running make
echo "2. 2017-06-16-IQSS-Talk" >> toc.txt
make readme.txt
## echo "This journal contains the following number of entries:" > readme.txt
## wc -l toc.txt | egrep -o "[0-9]+" >> readme.txt
Looks like it ran! Let's check readme.txt to make sure.
cat readme.txt
## This journal contains the following number of entries:
## 2
It looks like make
successfully updated readme.txt
! With every change to
, running make readme.txt
will programmatically update readme.txt
In order to simplify the make
experience, we can create a rule at the top of
our makefile
called all
where we can list all of the files that are built
by the makefile
. By adding the all
target we can simply run make
any arguments in order to build all of the targets in the makefile
. Let's
open up nano
and add this rule:
nano makefile
all: draft_journal_entry.txt readme.txt
touch draft_journal_entry.txt
readme.txt: toc.txt
echo "This journal contains the following number of entries:" > readme.txt
wc -l toc.txt | egrep -o "[0-9]+" >> readme.txt
While we have nano
open let's add another special rule at the end of our
called clean
which destroys the files created by our makefile
all: draft_journal_entry.txt readme.txt
touch draft_journal_entry.txt
readme.txt: toc.txt
echo "This journal contains the following number of entries:" > readme.txt
wc -l toc.txt | egrep -o "[0-9]+" >> readme.txt
rm draft_journal_entry.txt
rm readme.txt
Let's save and close our makefile
then let's test it out. First let's clean up
our repository:
make clean
## rm draft_journal_entry.txt
## rm readme.txt
## makefile
## toc.txt
## touch draft_journal_entry.txt
## echo "This journal contains the following number of entries:" > readme.txt
## wc -l toc.txt | egrep -o "[0-9]+" >> readme.txt
## draft_journal_entry.txt
## readme.txt
## makefile
## toc.txt
Looks like our makefile
works! The make
command is extremely powerful, and
this section is meant to just be an introduction. For more in-depth reading
about make
I recommend Karl Broman's
tutorial or
Chase Lambert's
is a tool for creating relationships between files and programs, so that files that depend on other files can be automatically rebuilt.makefiles
are text files that contain a list of rules.- Rules are made up of targets (files to be built), commands (a list of bash commands that build the target), and dependencies (files that the target depends on to be built).