An implementation of CycleGan using TensorFlow (work in progress).
Original paper:
Input | Output | Input | Output | Input | Output | ||
Input | Output | Input | Output | Input | Output | ||
- TensorFlow 1.0.0
- Python 3.6.0
- First, download a dataset, e.g. apple2orange
$ bash apple2orange
- Write the dataset to tfrecords
$ python3
Check $ python3 --help
for more details.
$ python3
If you want to change some default settings, you can pass those to the command line, such as:
$ python3 \
--X=data/tfrecords/horse.tfrecords \
Here is the list of arguments:
usage: [-h] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--image_size IMAGE_SIZE]
[--use_lsgan [USE_LSGAN]] [--nouse_lsgan]
[--norm NORM] [--lambda1 LAMBDA1] [--lambda2 LAMBDA2]
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--beta1 BETA1]
[--pool_size POOL_SIZE] [--ngf NGF] [--X X] [--Y Y]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size, default: 1
--image_size IMAGE_SIZE
image size, default: 256
--use_lsgan [USE_LSGAN]
use lsgan (mean squared error) or cross entropy loss,
default: True
--norm NORM [instance, batch] use instance norm or batch norm,
default: instance
--lambda1 LAMBDA1 weight for forward cycle loss (X->Y->X), default: 10.0
--lambda2 LAMBDA2 weight for backward cycle loss (Y->X->Y), default:
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
initial learning rate for Adam, default: 0.0002
--beta1 BETA1 momentum term of Adam, default: 0.5
--pool_size POOL_SIZE
size of image buffer that stores previously generated
images, default: 50
--ngf NGF number of gen filters in first conv layer, default: 64
--X X X tfrecords file for training, default:
--Y Y Y tfrecords file for training, default:
Check TensorBoard to see training progress and generated images.
$ tensorboard --logdir checkpoints/${datetime}
Here are some funny screenshots from TensorBoard when training orange -> apple:
- If high constrast background colors between input and generated images are observed (e.g. black becomes white), you should restart your training!
- Train several times to get the best models.
You can export from a checkpoint to a standalone GraphDef file as follow:
$ python3 --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/${datetime} \
--XtoY_model apple2orange.pb \
--YtoX_model orange2apple.pb \
--image_size 256
After exporting model, you can use it for inference. For example:
python3 --model pretrained/apple2orange.pb \
--input input_sample.jpg \
--output output_sample.jpg \
--image_size 256
My pretrained models are available at
Please open an issue if you have any trouble or found anything incorrect in my code :)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- CycleGAN paper:
- Official source code in Torch: