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File metadata and controls

169 lines (132 loc) · 7.03 KB

Habitat Lab Demo

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import habitat
from habitat.config import read_write

All the boilerplate code in the habitat-sim to set sensor config and agent config is abstracted out in the Habitat Lab config system. Default habitat structured configs are at :gh:`habitat-lab/habitat/config/ <facebookresearch/habitat-lab/blob/main/habitat-lab/habitat/config/>`. You can override defaults by specifying them in a separate file and pass it to the :ref:`habitat.config.get_config()` function or use read_write to edit the config object.

.. code-figure::

    .. code:: py

        config = habitat.get_config(config_paths="benchmark/nav/pointnav/pointnav_mp3d.yaml")
        with read_write(config):
            config.habitat.dataset.split = "val"

        env = habitat.Env(config=config)

    .. code:: shell-session
        :class: m-nopad

        2019-06-06 16:11:35,200 initializing sim Sim-v0
        2019-06-06 16:11:46,171 initializing task Nav-v0

.. code-figure::

    .. code:: py

        def print_scene_recur(scene, limit_output=10):
            count = 0
            for level in scene.levels:
                    f"Level id:{}, center:{},"
                    f" dims:{level.aabb.sizes}"
                for region in level.regions:
                        f"Region id:{}, category:{},"
                        f" center:{}, dims:{region.aabb.sizes}"
                    for obj in region.objects:
                            f"Object id:{}, category:{},"
                            f" center:{}, dims:{obj.aabb.sizes}"
                        count += 1
                        if count >= limit_output:
                            return None

        # Print semantic annotation information (id, category, bounding box details)
        # for the current scene in a hierarchical fashion
        scene = env.sim.semantic_annotations()
        print_scene_recur(scene, limit_output=15)

        # Note: Since only one OpenGL is allowed per process,
        # you have to close the current env before instantiating a new one.

    .. code:: shell-session
        :class: m-nopad m-console-wrap

        Level id:0, center:[11.0210495  3.996935   3.3452997], dims:[ 43.0625    8.19569 -30.1122 ]
        Region id:0_0, category:rec/game, center:[16.61225    2.7802274 11.577564 ], dims:[10.364299   5.5838847 -4.14447  ]
        Object id:0_0_0, category:ceiling, center:[16.5905   4.54488 11.269  ], dims:[9.984315  4.0917997 2.1377602]
        Object id:0_0_1, category:wall, center:[16.5865     2.6818905 13.4147   ], dims:[9.69278   0.5280709 5.4398193]
        Object id:0_0_2, category:wall, center:[21.6013     1.7400599 11.3493   ], dims:[3.5423203  0.41668844 3.921341  ]
        Object id:0_0_3, category:door, center:[11.5374     1.2431393 10.386599 ], dims:[1.2573967  2.5311599  0.41445923]
        Object id:0_0_4, category:door, center:[20.6332     1.2136002 13.5958   ], dims:[0.15834427 2.4860601  1.1674671 ]
        Object id:0_0_5, category:wall, center:[16.5946    2.66614   9.331001], dims:[9.72554    0.23693037 5.3787804 ]
        Object id:0_0_6, category:window, center:[16.5822    2.852209 13.596898], dims:[1.5934639  0.16375065 1.2588081 ]
        Object id:0_0_7, category:beam, center:[16.6094    5.32839  11.348299], dims:[0.5116577  0.35226822 3.8936386 ]
        Object id:0_0_8, category:floor, center:[16.586       0.07907867 11.406     ], dims:[10.48608    4.3792195  0.2833004]
        Object id:0_0_9, category:lighting, center:[11.798      1.9214487 11.313999 ], dims:[0.25683594 0.5076561  0.15560722]
        Object id:0_0_10, category:wall, center:[11.57       1.7476702 11.3347   ], dims:[3.54352    0.41701245 3.9231815 ]
        Object id:0_0_11, category:misc, center:[16.5943   2.29591 11.4341 ], dims:[10.428299  4.48172   4.676901]
        Object id:0_0_12, category:door, center:[11.5234     1.2489185 12.228199 ], dims:[1.2521439  2.5423803  0.46386147]
        Object id:0_0_13, category:door, center:[16.5833     1.1790485 13.490699 ], dims:[5.45306   0.3474083 2.4161606]
        Object id:0_0_14, category:window, center:[21.6362     1.2518396 12.2613   ], dims:[1.1998444  2.5486398  0.37800598]

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from habitat_sim.utils.common import d3_40_colors_rgb
from habitat.config.default import get_agent_config
from habitat.config.default_structured_configs import HabitatSimSemanticSensorConfig

def display_sample(rgb_obs, semantic_obs, depth_obs):
    rgb_img = Image.fromarray(rgb_obs, mode="RGB")

    semantic_img ="P", (semantic_obs.shape[1], semantic_obs.shape[0]))
    semantic_img.putdata((semantic_obs.flatten() % 40).astype(np.uint8))
    semantic_img = semantic_img.convert("RGBA")

    depth_img = Image.fromarray((depth_obs * 255).astype(np.uint8), mode="L")

    arr = [rgb_img, semantic_img, depth_img]

    titles = ['rgb', 'semantic', 'depth']
    plt.figure(figsize=(12 ,8))
    for i, data in enumerate(arr):
        ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, i+1)

config = habitat.get_config(config_paths="benchmark/nav/pointnav/pointnav_mp3d.yaml")
with read_write(config):
    config.habitat.dataset.split = "val"
    agent_config = get_agent_config(sim_config=config.habitat.simulator)
        {"semantic_sensor": HabitatSimSemanticSensorConfig(height=256, width=256)}
    config.habitat.simulator.turn_angle = 30

env = habitat.Env(config=config)
env.episodes = random.sample(env.episodes, 2)

max_steps = 4

action_mapping = {
    0: 'stop',
    1: 'move_forward',
    2: 'turn left',
    3: 'turn right'

for i in range(len(env.episodes)):
    observations = env.reset()

    display_sample(observations['rgb'], observations['semantic'], np.squeeze(observations['depth']))

    count_steps = 0
    while count_steps < max_steps:
        action = random.choice(list(action_mapping.keys()))
        observations = env.step(action)
        display_sample(observations['rgb'], observations['semantic'], np.squeeze(observations['depth']))

        count_steps += 1
        if env.episode_over:


Actions and sensors