Validator node for Matic Network. It uses peppermint, customized Tendermint.
Install all dependencies and tools
$ make dep
Build heimdall
$ make build
Start heimdall
$ make run-heimdall
Start rest-server
$ make run-server
Start bridge
$ make run-bridge
Run Docker container
Create and run docker container with mounted directory -
$ docker run --name matic-heimdall -p 1317:1317 -p 26656:26656 -p 26657:26657 -it \
-v ~/.heimdalld:/root/.heimdalld \
-v $(pwd)/logs:/go/src/ \
"maticnetwork/heimdall:<tag-name>" \
Note: Do not forget to replace <tag-name>
with actual tag-name.
Initialize heimdall
Once docker container is created and running you will be on container.
You can run make commands directly on the container.
Run following command from host to initalize heimdall and create config files -
$ docker exec -it matic-heimdall sh -c "make init-heimdall"
Modify heimdall-config.json
Modify ~/.heimdalld/config/heimdall-config.json
file with latest contract addresses and URL's
Example heimdall-config.json
"mainRPCUrl": "",
"maticRPCUrl": "",
"stakeManagerAddress": "0xd0d82149efb003eb8afd602a3c3a1532898ea1af",
"rootchainAddress": "0x4463d704416dccf1781231c484e2aedd7dc9da43",
"childBlockInterval": 10000,
"checkpointerPollInterval": 60000,
"syncerPollInterval": 30000,
"noackPollInterval": 15000000000,
"avgCheckpointLength": 256,
"maxCheckpointLength": 1024,
"noackWaitTime": 300000000000,
"checkpointBufferTime": 256000000000
You can check your address and public key with following command:
$ docker exec -it matic-heimdall sh -c "make show-account-heimdall"
You can also check your node ID with the following command:
$ docker exec -it matic-heimdall sh -c "make show-node-id"
Adding Peers
You can add peers separated by commas at ~/.heimdalld/config/config.toml
under persistent_peers
With the format NodeID@IP:PORT
Start heimdall
Start heimdall and other necessary services from host
$ docker exec -it matic-heimdall sh -c "make start-all"
Logs can be found under ./logs
You can run tests found in tests directory to make sure everything is working as expected after making changes
$ make tests
$ make build-docker-develop
$ make build-docker
Push docker image to docker hub (Only for internal team)
$ make push-docker
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