This is an example of building distributed traces using the Jaeger Python tracer with SignalFx. See the instrumented client and server in ./pi_trace for a basic pattern of tracing across services.
To run this example locally, from this directory do the following:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ # Run the server in the background (or from another shell)
$ python pi_trace/ -a <OptionalOrgAccessToken> &
$ # Launch the client
$ python pi_trace/ -a <OptionalOrgAccessToken>
- Jaeger Bindings for Python OpenTracing API: the primary tracer implementation used in this example, a SignalFx fork of which provides a required HTTPSender and OpenTracing 2.0 API adoption.
- OpenTracing Python: the Jaeger Python tracer conforms to this interface, which is intended to be used by instrumented libraries and applications when possible over tracer implementation-dependent functionality. It also provides helpful scope management utilities for automatically creating trace span relationships throughout your application.
Here is a good tutorial on OpenTracing and general Jaeger Python client usage: