MIMIC Code Repository: Code shared by the research community for the MIMIC family of databases
Tigramite is a python package for causal inference with a focus on time series data. The Tigramite documentation is at
Python code for part 2 of the book Causal Inference: What If, by Miguel Hernán and James Robins
[MICCAI 2019 Young Scientist Award] [MEDIA 2020 Best Paper Award] Models Genesis
MIMIC-Extract:A Data Extraction, Preprocessing, and Representation Pipeline for MIMIC-III
Use CNN to detect nodules in LIDC dataset.
lidc nodule detection with CNN and LSTM network
Usiigaci: stain-free cell tracking in phase contrast microscopy enabled by supervised machine learning
Subtype and Stage Inference (SuStaIn) algorithm with an example using simulated data.
Clairvoyance: a Unified, End-to-End AutoML Pipeline for Medical Time Series
Segmentation of lung, pulmonary vessels and pulmonary fissures in CT Scans
Robust segmentation of lung and airway in CT scans
This repository contains code to pre-process the LIDC-IDRI dataset of CT-scans with pulmonary nodules into a binary classification problem, easy to use for learning deep learning
Therapixel solution of 2017's kaggle challenge on lung cancer detection
Code for ICML 2021 paper "Regularizing towards Causal Invariance: Linear Models with Proxies" (ICML 2021)
Official implementation for ICML23 paper: Which Invariance Should We Transfer? A Causal Minimax Learning Approach
Simple python code to calculate PostTCE and PostDCE