Implemented a tele-operation system for the scara robotic arm Features: Low-cost tele-operation system using ROS 1 and arduino microcontroller. Using the tele-operation different tasks can be taught to the robot via tele-operation. Potentiometer are used to read the values of master arm. ROS Serial communication takes place between the two arduino boards where joint state values are published and subscribed by the arms. Usage: Build a tele-operator as shown in image. Install ROS 1 in Ubuntu 20.04 (Note: Tested in ROS 1 Noetic and Ubuntu 20.04 Operating System) Load the given arduino script into both the respective arduino. Run roscore Run rosrun rosserial_arduino /dev/ttyACM0 __name:=master Run rosrun rosserial_arduino /dev/ttyACM1 __name:=puppet Tele-operation: Potentiometer: