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参考1: 量化交易领域有哪些经典学术论文?zhihu.com
参考2: Quantitative Trading Literature #####分类整理
- Numerical Method Inc. publications
- An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance. Ramazan Gençay, Michel Dacorogna, Ulrich A. Muller, Olivier Pictet, Richard Olsen.Academic Press. 2001.
- Advanced Trading Rules, Second Edition. Emmanual Acar (Editor), Stephen Satchell (Editor). Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition (June 19, 2002).
- A New Approach to Modeling and Estimation for Pairs Trading, Binh Do, Robert Faff, Kais Hamza, Working Paper, May 29, 2006. Pairs Trading – A Cointegration Approach. Arlen David Schmidt, Finance Honors Thesis, University of Sydney, November 2008, Pages 1–130.
- Does Simple Pairs Trading Still Work? Binh Do , Robert Faff. Financial Analysts Journal. July/August 2010, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp: 83–95.
- Implementation of Pairs Trading Strategies. Øyvind Foshaug. Faculty of Science. Koortweg- de Vries Institute for Mathematics. Master of Science Thesis. 2010.
- Pairs trading. Elliott, van der Hoek, and Malcolm. Quantitative Finance, 2005.
- When are contrarian profits due to stock market overreaction? Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay. Review of Financial Studies 3(1990), 175–206.
- Identifying small mean-reverting portfolios. Alexandre D’Aspremont. Quantitative Finance, Volume 11 Issue 3 2011.
- Statistical Arbitrage in the U.S. Equities Market. Marco Avellaneda and Jeong-Hyun Lee. July 11, 2008.
- Optimal Pairs Trading: A Stochastic Control Approach. Mudchanatongsuk, S., Primbs, J.A., Wong, W. Dept. of Manage. Sci. & Eng., Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA.
- Arbitrage Under Power. Michael Boguslavsky, Elena Boguslavskaya. 2004.
- Identifying Small Mean Reverting Portfolios. Alexandre d’Aspremont. 2008.
- Algorithmic Trading: Hidden Markov Models on Foreign Exchange Data. Patrik Idvall, Conny Jonsson. University essay from Linköpings universitet/Matematiska institutionen; Linköpings universitet/Matematiska institutionen. 2008.
- Markov Switching Regimes in a Monetary Exchange Rate Model, Frömmel, Michael, MacDonald, Ronald, Menkhoff, Lukas, Economic Modelling, Vol. 22 (2005), 3, Pages 485–502.
- Bayesian Adaptive Trading with a Daily Cycle. Robert Almgren, Julian Lorenz. The Journal of Trading. Fall 2006, Vol. 1, No. 4: pp. 38-46.
- On the short-term predictability of exchange rates: A BVAR time-varying parameters approach. Nicholas Sarantis. Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 30, Issue 8, August 2006, Pages 2257-2279.
- Time Series Technical Analysis via New Fast Estimation Methods: A Preliminary Study in Mathematical Finance. Michel Fliess. Cédric Join. Published – Presented, IAR-ACD08 (23rd IAR Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis), 2008, Coventry, United Kingdom.
- A Trading Strategy Based on the Lead-Lag Relationship between the FTSE 100 Spot Index and the LIFFE Traded FTSE Futures Contract. Brooks, C., A.G. Rew and S. Ritson. International Journal of Forecasting 17, 31-44. 2001.
- Basket trading under co-integration with the logistic mixture autoregressive model. Xixin Cheng, Philip L. H. Yu, W. K. Li. Quantitative Finance, 1469-7696, First published on 09 December 2010.
- Towards a non-linear trading strategy for financial time series. Fernanda Strozzia, and José-Manuel Zaldívar Comenges. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Volume 28, Issue 3, May 2006, Pages 601-615.
- A Test of Momentum Trading Strategies in Foreign Exchange Markets: Evidence from the G7, Robert J. Bianchi, Michael E. Drew, and John Polichronis, Global Business and Economics Review, Vol. 7 (2005), 2-3, Pages 155–179.
- A Momentum Trading Strategy Based on the Low Frequency Component of the Exchange Rate, Richard D. F. Harris and Fatih Yilmaz, Journal of Banking and Finance, 33 (2009), 9, Pages 1575–1585.
- collection of papers on momentum
- Thou shalt buy and hold. Albert Shiryaeva, Zuoquan Xu, Xun Yu Zhoubc. Quantitative Finance. Volume 8, Issue 8 December 2008 , pages 765 – 776.
- Optimal Trend Following Trading Rules. Min Dai, Qing Zhang, Qiji Jim Zhu. 2011.
- A dynamic analysis of moving average rules. Carl Chiarella, Xue-Zhong He, and Cars Hommes. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 30, Issues 9-10, September-October 2006, Pages 1729-1753.
- Do the technical indicators reward chartists? A study on the stock markets of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Wing-Keung Wong, Jun Du, Terence Tai-Leung Chong. 2005.
- A comparison of MA and RSI returns with exchange rate intervention. Thomas C. Shik, Terence Tai-Leung Chong. Applied Economics Letters, Volume 14, Issue 4 – 6 April 2007 , pages 371 – 383.
- Does beta react to market conditions? Estimates of ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ betas using a nonlinear market model with an endogenous threshold parameter. George Woodward, Heather Anderson, 2009. Journal of Quantitative Finance. March, 2009.
- Short-term market reaction after extreme price changes of liquid stocks. Adám G. Zawadowski, György Andor, János Kertész, 2007.Journal of Quantitative Finance. May, 2007.
- Modeling and Forecasting Stock Return Volatility Using a Random Level Shift Model. Yang K. Lu, Pierre Perron. 2009. Journal of Empirical Finance, Elsevier, vol. 17(1), pages 138-156.
- Predictability of nonlinear trading rules in the U.S. stock market. Terence Tai-Leung Chonga, Tau-Hing Lama. 2010. Journal of Quantitative Finance. Issue 9, Volume 10, 2010.
- A Reality Check for Data Snooping. Halbert White. 2000. Econometrica. Issue 5, Volume 68, 2000.
- A Test for Superior Predictive Ability. Peter Reinhard Hansen. 2005. Brown Univ. Dept. of Economics Working Paper No. 01-06.
- Extreme Value Theory and Fat Tails in Equity Markets. Blake LeBaron and Ritirupa Samanta. May, 2004.