All notable changes to the "anki" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- The title of the card is no longer a H2 element, but just a normal paragraph #82
- You can now use reverse cards, just set
- Support remote images #99
- Parse NoteIDs #92
- Fixed bug with trace not showing in logs
- updated TypeScript and updated formatting.
- Fix bug that LaTeX curly brackets do not convert correctly #63
- Fix bug when user sets the
, the actual deck does not match the displayed deck when executing theSend To Deck
- Add a new feature: Use the current directory structure as deck name #71
- Update dependencies
- Don't nag if Anki is not running. This reduces annoying pop-ups if user is just looking at a markdown file unrelated to Anki
- Throw an error if the template is not installed correctly, allowing the user to try again.
- Added more diagnostics and logging surrounding the bug of missing note types
- Added support for Math/Latex syntax
- Fixed bug where various assets were ignored in production builds
- Remove single-line check, this caused a regression with Cloze #26
- Fixed a bug where the deck name was including all content underneath on "Send To Own Deck". #25 (thanks @MicahGV)
- Fix bug where non-ascii characters for media was not being sent #22
- The extension bundle is now smaller due to dropped support of older Node versions
- Addition of unit tests for card parser
- Fixed small bug which prevents cards being created if no body
- Added support for images
- Fixed potential bug which creates multiple templates
- Support for Cloze deletions, you just need to use Cloze syntax in your card title
- Fixed a bug where errors weren't properly emitted
- Added a command that allows users to force an install (in case initial install fails)
- Anki Explorer now includes Templates!
- Anki Explorer now uses Anki icons!
- Anki Explorer shows "read-only" data such as CSS for templates and Card details in JSON
- Various bug fixes
- Initial release