This is a component of CompreFace. CompreFace is a service for face recognition: upload images with faces of known people, then upload a new image, and the service will recognize faces in it.
Not needed if only running containers:
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -e srcext/insightface/python-package
$ imageio_download_bin freeimage
Only needed if using tools:
$ make tools/tmp
$ chmod +x tools/
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ python -m
Builds container (also runs main tests during the build):
$ docker build -t embedding-calculator
To skip tests during build, use:
$ docker build -t embedding-calculator --build-arg SKIP_TESTS=true .
Build with support for different scanner backends (use comma as separator, e.g. SCANNER=Facenet2018,InsightFace
$ docker build -t embedding-calculator --build-arg SCANNER=InsightFace .
$ docker run -p3000:3000 embedding-calculator
To run with a different scanner backend
$ docker run -p3000:3000 -e SCANNER=InsightFace embedding-calculator
Unit tests
$ pytest -m "not integration and not performance" src tools
Integration tests
$ pytest -m integration src tools
Performance tests
$ pytest -m performance src tools
Lint checks
$ python -m pylama --options pylama.ini src tools
Finds faces in a given image, puts bounding boxes and saves the resulting image.
$ export IMG_NAMES=015_6.jpg
$ python -m tools.scan
Tests the accuracy of face detection.
$ make tools/benchmark_detection/tmp
$ python -m tools.benchmark_detection
Tests whether service crashes with various parameters under given RAM constraints.
$ docker build -t embedding-calculator .
$ tools/ $(pwd)/sample_images
Optimizes face detection library parameters with a given annotated image dataset.
$ mkdir tmp
$ python -m tools.optimize_detection_params
CRLF file endings may cause this. To fix, run $ dos2unix *
Package uWSGI is not supported on Windows. Workaround is to temporarily delete the line with the package name from requirements.txt
and install without it.
Check that the component is in valid state: run tests, build container, start it
$ make
$ make up
Get project line counts per file type
$ which tokei >/dev/null || conda install -y -c conda-forge tokei && tokei --exclude srcext/