Code generator for help strings. Generator is helpgen.go. Currently outputs to stdout. Takes the name of a .toml file.
Toml file format (currently):
shortHelp="Show detailed app information"
longHelp="""Shows information about the application on the Fly platform
Information includes the application's
* name, owner, version, status and hostname
* services
* IP addresses
Help TOML file is flyctlhelp.toml
go run helpgen/helpgen.go helpgen/flyctlhelp.toml > docstrings/flyctldocstrings.go
To generate docstrings/flyctldocstrings.go
package docstrings
var docstrings=map[string]KeyStrings{
"info":KeyStrings{"info","Show detailed app information",
`Shows information about the application on the Fly platform
Information includes the application's
* name, owner, version, status and hostname
* services
* IP addresses
This contains a literal initialised map of all the KeyStrings. Consumed by docstrings/docstrings.go
TODO: Add Flag and Example support