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Everything has a beginning. For using a framework, it's installation.


Kingfisher supports Swift 3 from version 3.0. The latest Kingfisher version compatible with Swift 2.3 and prior is version 2.6.x. See the release page to find the version you need. We will use the latest version in this guide. But the installation process should be the same for all versions.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate Kingfisher into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it to a target in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  # your other pod
  # ...
  pod 'Kingfisher', '~> 3.0'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

You should open the {Project}.xcworkspace instead of the {Project}.xcodeproj after you installed anything from CocoaPods.

For more information about how to use CocoaPods, I suggest this tutorial.


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa application. To install the carthage tool, you can use Homebrew.

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Kingfisher into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "onevcat/Kingfisher" ~> 3.0

Then, run the following command to build the Kingfisher framework:

$ carthage update

At last, you need to set up your Xcode project manually to add the Kingfisher framework.

On your application targets’ “General” settings tab, in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section, drag and drop each framework you want to use from the Carthage/Build folder on disk.

On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase”. Create a Run Script with the following content:

/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

and add the paths to the frameworks you want to use under “Input Files”:


For more information about how to use Carthage, please see its project page.

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager might be also your choice for package management. Just add the url of this repo to your Package.swift file as a dependency:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourAwesomeSoftware",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "",
                 majorVersion: 3)

Then run swift build whenever you get prepared.

You could know more information on how to use Swift Package Manager in Apple's official page.


It is not recommended to install the framework manually, but if you prefer not to use either of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate Kingfisher into your project manually. A regular way to use Kingfisher in your project would be using Embedded Framework.

  • Add Kingfisher as a submodule. In your favorite terminal, cd into your top-level project directory, and entering the following command:
$ git submodule add
  • Open the Kingfisher folder, and drag Kingfisher.xcodeproj into the file navigator of your app project, under your app project.
  • In Xcode, navigate to the target configuration window by clicking on the blue project icon, and selecting the application target under the "Targets" heading in the sidebar.
  • In the tab bar at the top of that window, open the "Build Phases" panel.
  • Expand the "Target Dependencies" group, and add Kingfisher.framework.
  • Click on the + button at the top left of "Build Phases" panel and select "New Copy Files Phase". Rename this new phase to "Copy Frameworks", set the "Destination" to "Frameworks", and add Kingfisher.framework of the platform you need.


After installation, you could import Kingfisher to your project by adding this:

import Kingfisher

to the files in which you want to use this framework.

Once you prepared, continue to have a look at the Cheat Sheet to see how to use Kingfisher.