This API allows you to manage IoT hubs and devices
IoT Device commands.
Add a device.
scw iot device create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Required Default: <generated> |
Device name |
hub-id | Required | ID of the device's hub |
allow-insecure | Allow plain and server-authenticated SSL connections in addition to mutually-authenticated ones | |
allow-multiple-connections | Allow multiple physical devices to connect with this device's credentials | |
message-filters.publish.policy | One of: unknown , accept , reject |
message-filters.publish.topics.{index} | ||
message-filters.subscribe.policy | One of: unknown , accept , reject |
message-filters.subscribe.topics.{index} | ||
description | Device description | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Remove a device.
scw iot device delete <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Disable a device.
scw iot device disable <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Enable a device.
scw iot device enable <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a device.
scw iot device get <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a device's metrics.
scw iot device get-metrics <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
start-date | Required Default: hour |
Start date used to compute the best scale for the returned metrics |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List devices.
scw iot device list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: name_asc , name_desc , status_asc , status_desc , hub_id_asc , hub_id_desc , created_at_asc , created_at_desc , updated_at_asc , updated_at_desc , allow_insecure_asc , allow_insecure_desc |
Ordering of requested devices |
name | Filter on the name | |
hub-id | Filter on the hub | |
allow-insecure | Filter on the allow_insecure flag | |
status | One of: unknown , error , enabled , disabled |
Device status (enabled, disabled, etc.) |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Renew a device certificate.
scw iot device renew-certificate <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Update a device.
scw iot device update <device-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
device-id | Required | Device ID |
description | Device description | |
allow-insecure | Allow plain and server-authenticated SSL connections in addition to mutually-authenticated ones | |
allow-multiple-connections | Allow multiple physical devices to connect with this device's credentials | |
message-filters.publish.policy | One of: unknown , accept , reject |
message-filters.publish.topics.{index} | ||
message-filters.subscribe.policy | One of: unknown , accept , reject |
message-filters.subscribe.topics.{index} | ||
hub-id | Change Hub for this device, additional fees may apply, see IoT Hub pricing | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
IoT Hub commands.
Create a hub.
scw iot hub create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Required Default: <generated> |
Hub name (up to 255 characters) |
project-id | Project ID to use. If none is passed the default project ID will be used | |
product-plan | Required Default: plan_shared One of: plan_unknown , plan_shared , plan_dedicated , plan_ha |
Hub feature set |
disable-events | Disable Hub events | |
events-topic-prefix | Hub events topic prefix (default '$SCW/events') | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a hub.
scw iot hub delete <hub-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID |
delete-devices | Force deletion of devices added to this hub instead of rejecting operation | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Disable a hub.
scw iot hub disable <hub-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Enable a hub.
scw iot hub enable <hub-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a hub.
scw iot hub get <hub-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List hubs.
scw iot hub list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: name_asc , name_desc , status_asc , status_desc , product_plan_asc , product_plan_desc , created_at_asc , created_at_desc , updated_at_asc , updated_at_desc |
Ordering of requested hub |
project-id | Filter on project | |
name | Filter on the name | |
organization-id | Filter on the organization | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Set the certificate authority of a hub.
scw iot hub set-ca <hub-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID |
ca-cert-pem | Required | The CA's PEM-encoded certificate |
challenge-cert-pem | Required | Proof of possession PEM-encoded certificate |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Update a hub.
scw iot hub update <hub-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID |
name | Hub name (up to 255 characters) | |
product-plan | One of: plan_unknown , plan_shared , plan_dedicated , plan_ha |
Hub feature set |
disable-events | Disable Hub events | |
events-topic-prefix | Hub events topic prefix | |
enable-device-auto-provisioning | Enable device auto provisioning | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
IoT Network commands.
Create a new Network.
scw iot network create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Required Default: <generated> |
Network name |
type | Required One of: unknown , sigfox , rest |
Type of network to connect with |
hub-id | Required | Hub ID to connect the Network to |
topic-prefix | Required | Topic prefix for the Network |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a Network.
scw iot network delete <network-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
network-id | Required | Network ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Retrieve a specific Network.
scw iot network get <network-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
network-id | Required | Network ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List the Networks.
scw iot network list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: name_asc , name_desc , type_asc , type_desc , created_at_asc , created_at_desc |
Ordering of requested routes |
name | Filter on Network name | |
hub-id | Filter on the hub | |
topic-prefix | Filter on the topic prefix | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
IoT Route commands.
Multiple route kinds can be created:
- Database Route. Create a route that will record subscribed MQTT messages into your database. You need to manage the database by yourself.
- REST Route. Create a route that will call a REST API on received subscribed MQTT messages.
- S3 Routes.
Create a route that will put subscribed MQTT messages into an S3 bucket.
You need to create the bucket yourself and grant us write access.
The grant can be done with s3cmd (
s3cmd setacl s3://<my-bucket> --acl-grant=write:555c69c3-87d0-4bf8-80f1-99a2f757d031:555c69c3-87d0-4bf8-80f1-99a2f757d031
scw iot route create [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
name | Route name | |
hub-id | ID of the route's hub | |
topic | Topic the route subscribes to. It must be a valid MQTT topic and up to 65535 characters | |
s3-config.bucket-region | ||
s3-config.bucket-name | ||
s3-config.object-prefix | ||
s3-config.strategy | One of: unknown , per_topic , per_message |
| | ||
db-config.port | ||
db-config.dbname | ||
db-config.username | ||
db-config.password | ||
db-config.query | ||
rest-config.verb | One of: unknown , get , post , put , patch , delete |
rest-config.uri | ||
rest-config.headers.{key} | ||
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Delete a route.
scw iot route delete <route-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
route-id | Required | Route ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
Get a route.
scw iot route get <route-id ...> [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
route-id | Required | Route ID |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |
List routes.
scw iot route list [arg=value ...]
Name | Description | |
order-by | One of: name_asc , name_desc , hub_id_asc , hub_id_desc , type_asc , type_desc , created_at_asc , created_at_desc |
Ordering of requested routes |
hub-id | Filter on the hub | |
name | Filter on route's name | |
region | Default: fr-par One of: fr-par |
Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config |