An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system
Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android.
Multitask、MultiThread(MultiConnection)、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single/NotSingle-process
jsoup: the Java HTML parser, built for HTML editing, cleaning, scraping, and XSS safety.
A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.
Virtual Engine for Android(Support 14.0 in business version)
RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
Java implementation of a Disk-based LRU cache which specifically targets Android compatibility.
🔥 A library for cropping image in a smart way that can identify the border and correct the cropped image. 智能图片裁剪框架。自动识别边框,手动调节选区,使用透视变换裁剪并矫正选区;适用于身份证,名片,文档等照片的裁剪。
An elegant way to show your menu or messages.
高度自定义的安卓视频框架 MediaPlayer exoplayer ijkplayer ffmpeg
Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image, video and audio files
Simple Android library which allows you to create a chunk for NinePatchDrawable at runtime. So you are able to load 9.png images, for example, from assets of your application or from other source.
A image processing library on Android, base on the libyuv.
Android 数据选择器,支持3D滚轮滚动效果,支持各种时间选择,城市选择,普通数据选择,级联数据选择
Multi-process sharing of OpenGL textures on Android, based on HardwareBuffer
This library is deprecated, please use new library: instead
Java image metadata manipulation tool for Android