This Jenkins plugin allows Jenkins to dynamically launch Jenkins slaves on a Mesos cluster depending on the workload!
First configure the jenkins target:
$ ./bootstrap
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ ../configure
Now build the plugin:
$ cd jenkins
$ make jenkins
This should build the Mesos plugin (mesos.hpi) in the 'target' folder.
Go to 'Manage Plugins' page in Jenkins Web UI and manually upload and install the plugin.
Alternatively, you can just copy the plugin to your Jenkins plugins directory (this might need a restart of Jenkins).
$ cp target/mesos.hpi ${JENKINS_HOME}/plugins
Now go to 'Configure' page in Jenkins. If the plugin is successfully installed you should see an option to 'Add a new cloud' at the bottom of the page. Add the 'Mesos Cloud' and give it the address (HOST:PORT) of a running Mesos master. Click 'Save' for the plugin to connect to Mesos.
Login to the Mesos master's Web UI to verify that the plugin is registered as 'Jenkins Framework'.
Finally, just add 'mesos' label to the jobs that you want to be run on a Jenkins slave launched on Mesos.
Thats it!
Please email [email protected] with questions!