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Store system for CS:GO.
Current status: inactive, bug fix only
If you want to maintain this project, contact me.
- Chat ( Core included ) - Process player name tag, name color, chat color.
- Grenade ( Core included ) - When player throw a grenade, set nade model or add trail.
- VIP ( Core included ) - NOT effective, only add to store menu.
- TPMode ( Core included ) - Allow player change to third-person or mirror mode.
- Spray ( Core included ) - Allow player spray paint on object surface.
- Sound ( Core included ) - Allow player trigger server to broadcast a sound.
- Player ( Core included ) - NOT effective, is a base framework.
- Aura ( Core included ) - Create a aura that follow the player.
- Part ( Core included ) - Create a particle trail that follow the player.
- None ( Core included ) - Create a neon effect that follow the player.
- Skin ( Core included ) - Custom player skin and arms. (death sound and firstperson-death support)
- Hats ( Core included ) - Allow player wear hat/glass/facemask/shield/wing.
- trail ( Core included ) - Create a material trail that follow the player.
- Model ( optional ) - Allow player use custom weapon instead of valve's model.
- Pets ( optional ) - Create a pet that follow the player.
- WeaponSkin ( optional ) - Allow use valve weaon skin and knife skin. Will trigger GSLT ban
- DefaultSkin (Optional) - Set player skin if player does not equip player skin. Requires Skin module
- sm_store - Open store menu. [alias: buyammo1/sm_shop/sm_shop]
- sm_inv - Open store menu as inventory mode. [alias: sm_inventory]
- sm_credits - Show my credits to all players.
- sm_hide - Toggle -> hide all hats/pets/trails/neons, it will release your FPS. [alias: sm_hideneon/sm_hidetrail]
- cheer - Trigger -> server play sound. [alias: sm_cheer]
- sm_sspb - Toggle -> block cheer sound.
- spray - Trigger -> spary paint.
- sm_tp - Toggle -> third-person mode or first-person mode.
- sm_seeme - Toggle -> mirror mode or normal mode.
- sm_arms - (administator command) Fix player's arms.
- Download latest build.
- Extract all files on disk.
- Upload to server following folders:
- addons
- models ( optional )
- materials ( optional )
- particles ( optional )
- sound ( optional )
- Selete store_(GameMode).smx, and rename it to store.smx, others must be deleted. install 1 only
- Import SQL table to your database. ( SQL scripts: addons/sourcemod/configs/database.sql )
- If you upgrade from original zeph store:
- Add "uid" key for each item in 'addons/sourcemod/configs/items.txt'.
- Upload 'addons/sourcemod/configs/items.txt' to your web host.
- Upload 'utils/insertParent.php', 'utils/insertItem.php', 'utils/loaditem.php', 'utils/kvphp.php' to your web host.
- Import parent data to your database. ( exec: php insertParent.php or goto: yourwebserver/insertParent.php )
- Import item data to your database. ( exec: php insertItem.php or goto: yourwebserver/insertItem.php )
- Check item validate ( exec: php loaditem.php or goto: yourwebserver/loaditem.php )
- make sure your database.cfg ( path: addons/sourcemod/configs/database.cfg )
"driver" "mysql" // mysql support only
"host" "<HOSTNAME>"
"database" "<DATABASE>"
"user" "<USERNAME>"
"pass" "<PASSWORD>"
"port" "<PORT>"
- Start your server and check error logs
- Delete your old store database table, but keep store_players and store_items.
- Run SQL command before install our store.
ALTER TABLE `store_players` ADD `ban` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
- Install our store follow install guide, but DON'T create new store_players and store_items tables.
- Uninstall zephyrus store plugins, if you want you use modules, keep these plugins.
- Add definetion after line
#define <Compile_Environment>
e.g. "//GM_BR -> battle royole server"
- Enable module you want
// Module Skin
#if defined GM_TT || defined GM_ZE || defined GM_MG || defined GM_JB || defined GM_HZ || defined GM_HG || defined GM_SR || defined GM_KZ || defined GM_BH
#include "store/modules/skin.sp"
// Module Skin
#if defined GM_TT || defined GM_ZE || defined GM_MG || defined GM_JB || defined GM_HZ || defined GM_HG || defined GM_SR || defined GM_KZ || defined GM_BH || defined GM_BR
#include "store/modules/skin.sp"
- Add Parent -> 'utils/addparent.sql'
- Add Item -> 'utils/additem.sql'
- utils/additem.sql -> Add item via SQL command.
- utils/addparent.sql -> Add parent via SQL command.
- utils/insertItem.php -> Import items from items.txt.
- utils/insertParent.php -> Import parents from items.txt.
- utils/loaditem.php -> Verify items in SQL database.
- website/config.php -> Configs of website API.
- website/example.php -> An example of website-API.
- website/store.class.php -> Store web-API.
- SourceMod plugins license under GPLv3 License.
- Shell, SQL and PHP scripts license under MIT License.