This directory contains the source to edit the manuals for StudentQuiz.
The manuals are automatically built on
These manuals are written in a simple, text-based markup language called reStructured text.
We use sphinx to build a fully searchable HTML version.
On Windows: Add Python to your PATH environment variable during the install process.
Install Python Package manager: PIP:
See: on more information about trouble shooting the installation of PIP.
Install sphinx and the sphinx autobuilder as well as the theme:
pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild sphinx_rtd_theme
See for more information about installing sphinx.
If you are working on the documentation, navigate to the docs folder and use:
cd <your-git-repo>/docs
sphinx-autobuild . _build/html/ -B
to continously update the build in the browser (It will automatically open your browser to the correct local html site).
Open the command prompt in the studentquiz directory.
(On Windows: Enter cmd
into file explorer's address bar)
Enter the docs
cd ./docs
You can build html pages locally using:
make html
The output is written to the folder _build/html
Open _build/html/index.html
with your browser to see the result.
When ever you are happy with your local result, commit & push your changes.
git add . && git commit -m "Upd docs" && git push
To learn more about sphinx and see the full installation guide, visit: