This is an incomplete Style Framework that leverage the experimental version of style-elements. Major changes may happen at any time to this Repo.
The framework allows customization on several levels. Have a look at this example code to see how the customization is made.
On the top left, the default version. On the bottom right the customized version.
The framework has a built-in style guide generator that can be used as a quick reference during the UI design. The style guide is generated using functions called introspection
present in each part of the framework.
This is a minimal example of the framework usage
module Main exposing (main)
import Element exposing (layout)
import Framework.Button as Button
import Framework.Modifier exposing (Modifier(..))
import Html
main : Html.Html a
main =
layout [] <|
Button.button [ Medium, Success, Outlined ] Nothing "Button"
it will generate this page: