Currently supporting a feature in Label Studio Enterprise.
Defines a "type signature" for the inputs and outputs for an LLM call as related to a Label Studio project.
Defines an "implementation" of an LLM call, given any user input needed. Currently, the only one implemented is a third-party model (such as OpenAI) with a chat prompt.
Defines a run of a ModelVersion on a chosen set of tasks on a project. Adds that ModelVersion's outputs to the project as predictions.
Django ER Diagram
ModelInterface {
AutoField id
CharField title
TextField description
ForeignKey created_by
DateTimeField created_at
DateTimeField updated_at
ForeignKey organization
JSONField input_fields
JSONField output_classes
ManyToManyField associated_projects
ThirdPartyModelVersion {
AutoField id
CharField title
ForeignKey parent_model
TextField prompt
CharField provider
CharField provider_model_id
ForeignKey created_by
DateTimeField created_at
DateTimeField updated_at
ForeignKey organization
ModelRun {
AutoField id
ForeignKey organization
ForeignKey project
ForeignKey model_version
ForeignKey created_by
CharField project_subset
CharField status
CharField job_id
DateTimeField created_at
DateTimeField triggered_at
DateTimeField predictions_updated_at
DateTimeField completed_at
ModelInterface }|--|| User : created_by
ModelInterface }|--|| Organization : organization
ModelInterface }|--|{ Project : associated_projects
ThirdPartyModelVersion }|--|| ModelInterface : parent_model
ThirdPartyModelVersion }|--|| User : created_by
ThirdPartyModelVersion }|--|| Organization : organization
ModelRun }|--|| Organization : organization
ModelRun }|--|| Project : project
ModelRun }|--|| ThirdPartyModelVersion : model_version
ModelRun }|--|| User : created_by
generated by:
pip install django-diagram
python -m django_diagram --settings=core.settings.label_studio --app=ml_models --output=ml_models/