A virtual gaming tabletop you can host on your own server.
Your game. Your data.
FreeBeeGee Homepage | GitHub | Patreon
- Browser-based virtual gaming desktop.
- Easy-to-use drag'n'drop interface. Keyboard hotkeys for power-users.
- Invite friends by sending them a table's unique URL.
- Tile-/grid-based, with snapping.
- Separate layers for tiles, overlays and tokens.
- Asset browser for your token/tiles. Individual libraries per game.
- Templates to setup tables and populate your library from.
- Transfer individual tables between servers. Or keep an offline backup.
- Privacy friendly. No user tracking. No 3rd-party scripts. Tables are deleted after some (configurable) time, usually 48h.
- File & folder-based. No database required.
- Easy to install and maintain.
- Open source software (AGPL-3.0). Server/API written in PHP, client in JavaScript.
Note: This is still an early/development version. A few rather major features are still missing, limiting it's current usefullness:
- No direct asset upload yet. You can't add images/tiles/pieces via the web-UI, only by adding them to table snapshots (zips).
- No per-table passwords yet. Anyone who knows a table name can join. That is partly by design, but it would be nice to have that option.
- You can attach (text)labels to tokens, but no fancy state-icons, HP counter etc. - yet.
The good news is: You can still use FreeBeeGee today to play! Missing features will arrive sooner or later. See the roadmap for details.
FreeBeeGee follows the KISS principle. It is not intended to be:
- Your group's text/voice/video chat solution.
- A game scripting engine or programming environment.
- An AI to play against.
- A 3D or physics engine with dazzling visual effects.
- A community management tool.
- A campaign management tool.
There is also a FAQ explaining some of the technical decisions/limitations of this project.
- PHP 7.2+
- Apache with
Any recent HTML5-capable browser should do. No IE, sorry. Mobile/touch device support is also a bit limited for now.
Download the latest release from https://github.com/ludus-leonis/FreeBeeGee/releases. Extract the *.tar.gz
into a folder on your web-server and you are (almost) ready to go - FreeBeeGee comes with reasonable, secure defaults.
Read the Setup & Config docs for details.