🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
100+ Chinese Word Vectors 上百种预训练中文词向量
Pre-Training with Whole Word Masking for Chinese BERT(中文BERT-wwm系列模型)
PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images
Efficiently computes derivatives of NumPy code.
🤖 wukong-robot 是一个简单、灵活、优雅的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,支持ChatGPT多轮对话能力,还可能是首个支持脑机交互的开源智能音箱项目。
A tutorial and implement of disease centered Medical knowledge graph and qa system based on it。知识图谱构建,自动问答,基于kg的自动问答。以疾病为中心的一定规模医药领域知识图谱,并以该知识图谱完成自动问答与分析服务。
中文语言理解测评基准 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard
FastFCN: Rethinking Dilated Convolution in the Backbone for Semantic Segmentation.
A handbook for ML built on answers.
China software copyright extraction tool - 中国软件著作权代码自动提取工具
A Marvelous ChatBot implement using PyTorch.
PyTorch Implementation of Knowing When to Look: Adaptive Attention via a Visual Sentinal for Image Captioning
A Python anti-spoofing web app to distinguish real faces from fake ones based on live camera feed
text classification with deep learning model and traditional ways