This package contains an implementation of drone 3D navigation in an OctoMap. The navigation is achieved using a PID controller and the path_planning package ensures an obstacle-free path inside the 3D map. By using the velocity commands, the IMU and the laser altimeter measurements, odometry estimation is calculated and is provided to the particle_filter package, which localizes the drone within the 3D map. Also, this package provides the ability to create trajectories for the drone to navigate through.
Run the main node with
roslaunch drone_3d_nav drone_3d_nav.launch
drone_3d_nav.launch: Standard simulation
The Gazebo world used for the simulation.
The OctoMap used for the simulation. Default:warehouse.ot
Implementation of a PID controller for 3D navigation.
[geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]The output of the particle filter algorithm that provides the pose of the robot inside the map.
[trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory]The waypoints that the drone must follow next.
[geometry_msgs/Twist]Velocity commands that will be sent to the drone for reaching the next waypoint.
[geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]Stamped velocity commands that will be sent to the drone for reaching the next waypoint.
[std_msgs/Bool]Flag sent when a waypoint is reached.
Estimation of drone odometry using IMU, velocity and laser height measurements.
[drone_gazebo/Float64Stamped]Laser altimeter measurement.
[sensor_msgs/Imu]Measurements from the IMU.
[geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]Velocity commands that have been sent to the drone.
[nav_msgs/Odometry]Odometry estimation for the drone in 3D space.
Creation of a trajectory in 3D space that the drone can follow. This module does not ensure obstacle-free paths.
[trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory]A set of points (position and orientation quaternion) that form the trajectory the drone will follow.
Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.