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Attention, please.

This code is a work in progress, and we publish it for full transparency. You can review the source code, but:

  • you shouldn't just run this code without reading it, as it may have bugs or stubbed out crypto
  • it might not do exactly what it says it is doing

If you really want to install Keybase, please return to the top level for official release instructions.


Project Status

Hi everyone! This folder's code is not ready for prime time. Use at your own risk (and never against production!) We are iterating quickly and a lot of the code is changing every day.

Project Setup

General (both android and ios)

Follow the React Native Getting Started guide for the platforms you intend to develop on.

npm install

Due to the react-native packager not handling symlinks (facebook/react-native#637) we're watching our shared folder and copying the files over as they change. We use watchman to watch the folder and rsync to copy over the changes

# Install watchman (the npm version has issues)
brew update
brew install watchman

# Start watching changes
npm run watch


Build the go keybaselib

npm run gobuild-ios

Open workspace (not xcodeproj):

open ios/Keybase.xcworkspace

Then select the target Keybase and run.

Android Specific

Follow instructions at to install and configure Android.

# inside react-native/

# Build the go keybaselib
npm run gobuild-android

# This will install the app on your device
react-native run-android

Currently there is a text relocation bug: golang/go#10807 which affects android versions L

latest go (from HEAD) along wth latest gomobile (from go get) seem to fix the issue.

On mac with brew you can simply do:

# Latest Go
brew upgrade --HEAD go

# Latest Go Mobile
rm $GOPATH/bin/gomobile
go get -u && gomobile init

To set the host for the JS files: Shake the device and choose 'Dev Settings | Debug server host for device'

Release building

Make sure the code is set to use the bundled react js In AppDelegate.m set


Build the bundled react code

npm run reactbundle

Xcode Settings

In Xcode, Preferences, Text Editing:

  • Prefer indent using: Spaces
  • Tab width: 2 spaces
  • Indent width: 2 spaces

See the objC style guide

Javascript settings

npm install -g flow

See the JS style guide We're extending standard to be more strict in some cases (see our .eslintrc)

Visit to find plugins for your editor of choice We're including local plugins which requires you to run eslint locally as well (see eslint/eslint#1238) For vim uses you likely should use this script: eslint/eslint#1238 (comment)

Currently we're using ES6/7 extensions through babel (

We're using redux to store our data and mutate it (

All files and folders should use the naming convention:


/my-component/index.js (common component)
/my-component/ (shared ios/android component)
/my-component/index.desktop.js (electron component)

/smart-component/index.js (smart component)
/smart-component/ (android version)
/smart-component/index.render.ios.js (ios version)
/smart-component/index.render.desktop.js (electron version)

If you run into weird issues with your packager this may be due to a stale cache. Run this command to wipe your local cache

npm run packager-wipe-cache