Simple and free plugin for FTP syncing. Just hit the save as usual and it's upped.
What's there for you?
- Multiple named upload targets
- Ignored file regex patterns
- Secure transfer using TLS
- Determining newer remote files, overwrite protection
- Manual multiple file & folder up/downloading (sidebar context menu)
- Local&remote renaming
- Progress bar for multiple up/download
I apologize for slower development at the moment, have a little time spare due to school and work duties. Trying to fix the bugs though. The project is of course open so anyone is free to contribute improvements/fixes.
For more info look into Wiki
To mark a folder and descendants for upload insert ftpsync.settings file in following format. Don't worry - the skeleton can be simply inserted using Preferences > Package Settings > FTPSync > Setup FTPSync in this folder or using context menu in Side bar or using Control/CMD+Shift+P.
<connection_name>: {
host: {string},
username: {null|string=null}, // null means anonymous manipulation
password: {null|string=""},
path: {string="/"}, // your project's root path on the _server_
upload_on_save: true, // whether upload on save or manually
download_on_open: false, // checks whether there's a newer remote file on opening a file
overwrite_newer_prevention: true, // overwrite protection when remote file is newer
upload_delay: {int=0}, // delays [seconds] upload triggered by upload_on_save
port: {int=21}, // remote port, pretty much always 21, unless SFTP
tls: {bool=false}, // set true to use secured transfer, recommended! (server needs to support)
passive: {bool=true}, // whether to use passive or active connection
timeout: {int=30}, // [seconds] to invalidate the cached connection
ignore: {null|string}, // regular expression, matched against file path - not applied for downloading
time_offset: {int=0}, // [seconds] to adjust for a different timezone of server
after_save_watch: {null|list<list<subfolder, filepatter>>=null} // after save watch
// example: [ [ "code/assets/css", "*.css" ], [ "code/assets/", "*.jpg, *.png, *.gif" ] ]
// more in Wiki
} //,
// <connection2_name>: { ... }
Files are automatically uploaded on save (unless disabled by upload_on_save=false setting). In your newly created settings file some options are preceded with //
, this means they are commented out (and default value from global settings file is used) - remove the //
to enable the entry.
Done by @NoxArt ~ Twitter
Released under MIT licence.
Feel free to add issues, ideas, pull requests...
Thanks to castus, tommymarshall, TotallyInformation, saiori, vnabet, Jcrs, ItayXD, bibimij, digitalmaster, alfaex, seyDoggy, Nuno, mikedoug, stevether, zaus, noAlvaro, zofie86, fma965, PixelVibe, Kaisercraft and benkaiser for reporting issues, ideas and fixing!
- Working from more places? Or in team?
You can either use download_on_open=true to check files upon openning or FTPSync: Check current file command to see whether you have the same version as is on all servers. Using overwrite_newer_prevention is also recommended (it's actually enabled by default).
Upload different language versions to different servers of paths
{ <connection_name>: { host: "", ignore: "/locale/(?!fr)\\w+/.*" }, <connection2_name>: { host: "", ignore: "/locale/(?!cz)\\w+/.*" } }
Using file compilation? Want to upload as well?
You can use after_save_watch option to setup files to be watched for change after uploading on save. Learn how to use in Wiki.