Next generation core inside imToken Wallet.
WARNING: not production ready yet.
- Unify interface for wallet common logic with multi blockchain support
- Cross platform, on mobile, desktop, server side
- Multi keystore support, with file, HSM, KMS, hardware-wallet
wallet interface wrappertcx-bch
packages contain particular chain logic(address & signer)tcx-chain
common interface- [
] low level component
We can use tarpaulin to know the coverage rate.
The easy way to run coverage test is using docker,
docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v "${PWD}:/volume" xd009642/tarpaulin sh -c "cargo tarpaulin --out Html"
After couple minutes, it will generate html report of project root directory named tarpaulin-report.html
This project is using pre-commit. Please run cargo clean && cargo test
to install the git pre-commit hooks on you clone.
Every time you will try to commit, pre-commit will run checks on your files to make sure they follow our style standards and they aren't affected by some simple issues. If the checks fail, pre-commit won't let you commit.
- How to build project
- Crypto keys abstraction design
- Architecture design
- How to add more blockchain support
Apache Licence v2.0