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- https://ilisheng.me
for forked starred repositories
written in Objective-C
Clear filter
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
matej / MBProgressHUD
Forked from jdg/MBProgressHUDMBProgressHUD, an iOS activity indicator view
Polidea / ios-class-guard
Forked from nygard/class-dumpSimple Objective-C obfuscator for Mach-O executables.
objcio / issue-5-textkit
Forked from macguru/TextKitDemoA little demo application showing off some features of TextKit.
PinterestAnimator like Pinterest 3.0++ App transition animation.
Custom AlertView. Add images and other UIViews to dialogs under iOS7.
harishkashyap / SDWebImage
Forked from SDWebImage/SDWebImageAsynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category
Vienta / iConsole
Forked from nicklockwood/iConsoleIn-app console for viewing logs and typing debug commands in iPhone apps
TDNotificationPanel is a drop in class that displays a notification panel.