- 🔍 Facetor - NPM module to filter a list of objects by its fields. Useful for e-commerce style catalog pages.
- Version 2.x.x has arrived! with some major breaking changes
- Facetor has two steps:
- Build Index, by specifying array of Items to filter and the Items' filterable fields.
- Build Results, from array of field.values to return, and array of attributes returned for each field.
Let's load the module
- On Node.js / CommonJS:
- in terminal:
npm install facetor
- in node:
var Facetor = require('facetor')
- in terminal:
- On the browser - html:
- in html head tag:
- BigInteger.js:
<script src="//example.com/biginteger.js"></script>
- Facetor.js:
<script src="//example.com/facetor.js"></script>
- BigInteger.js:
- in html head tag:
- AMD is also supported.
Build Index, by specifying array of Items to filter and the Items' filterable fields.
- EX: Here, we want to make the fields "style" and "category" available for filtering later:
var catalogFacetor = new Facetor();
facets: ["style", "category"],
items: [
title: "Rural Apple",
style: "rural",
category: "apples"
title: "Urban Apple",
style: "urban",
category: "apples"
title: "Rural Orange",
style: "rural",
category: "oranges"
title: "Urban Orange",
style: "urban",
category: "oranges"
title: "A mega rural urban apple orange hybrid",
style: ["rural", "urban"],
category: ["apple", "oranges"]
Build Results, from array of field.values, and array of attributes returned for each field.
- Values in the same parent fields use "OR" binary logic, while fields use "AND" logic.
- EX: Here, we want to only get "style.rural" and "category.oranges" items.
var result = catalogFacetor.buildResult({
facets: ["style.rural", "category.oranges"],
attributes: ["path", "bitmap", "count", "increment", "status"]
- Results in
"data": {
"style": {
"rural": {
"path": "style.rural",
"bitmap": "20",
"count": 2,
"increment": 0,
"status": true
"urban": {
"path": "style.urban",
"bitmap": "28",
"count": 3,
"increment": 1,
"status": false
"category": {
"apples": {
"path": "category.apples",
"bitmap": "21",
"count": 3,
"increment": 1,
"status": false
"oranges": {
"path": "category.oranges",
"bitmap": "20",
"count": 2,
"increment": 0,
"status": true
"apple": {
"path": "category.apple",
"bitmap": "20",
"count": 2,
"increment": 0,
"status": false
"items": [
"title": "Rural Orange",
"style": "rural",
"category": "oranges"
"title": "A mega rural urban apple orange hybrid",
"style": [
"category": [