- Da Nang, Vietnam
Development environment for Android Jetpack extension libraries under the androidx namespace. Synchronized with Android Jetpack's primary development branch on AOSP.
mrmans0n / compose-rules
Forked from twitter/compose-rulesLint rules for ktlint/detekt aimed to contribute to a healthier usage of Compose. Actively maintained and evolved fork of the Twitter Compose rules.
✏️ Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
Automatically generate a new tag when the package.json version changes.
Dimezis / CameraFilter
Forked from nekocode/CameraFilter📷 Realtime camera filters on android.
Comments a pull request with the code coverage generated by your tests.
DeviceFarmer / stf
Forked from openstf/stfControl and manage Android devices from your browser.
Jenkins plugin for reporting test coverage as a PR status check
MPArnold / android-drawable-importer-intellij-plugin
Forked from winterDroid/android-drawable-importer-intellij-pluginA version of Android Drawable Importer tested on Android Studio Dolphin
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
JorgenVatle / ImageResolver
Forked from mauricesvay/ImageResolverImageResolver.js does its best to determine the main image on a URL without loading all images.
nimblehq / laptop
Forked from thoughtbot/laptopA shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome web development machine
F0RIS / sweet-alert-dialog
Forked from pedant/sweet-alert-dialogSweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog
oli107 / material-range-bar
Forked from RyanTech/range-barAndroid widget for selecting a range of values.
SoundflowerBed 2, a Soundflowerbed fork
ReKotlin / ReKotlin
Forked from GeoThings/ReKotlinUnidirectional Data Flow in Kotlin - Port of https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift to Kotlin
inikulin / whacko
Forked from cheeriojs/cheerioCheerio fork that uses parse5 as the underlying platform
Fork of the CardsUI library by Nadav Fima with more features, including the popular Google Now & Google Play cards views, and an additional MVC implementation
Devlight / AnimatedRangeBar
Forked from RyanTech/range-barAndroid widget for selecting a range of values with animations.
rtyley / spongycastle
Forked from bcgit/bc-javaSpongy Castle - a repackage of Bouncy Castle for Android (which ships a crippled version of BC)
Android boilerplate app that showcases architecture and libraries used at ribot
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower works on macOS Catalina.
rowanj / gitx
Forked from pieter/gitxFork of Pieter's nice git GUI for OS X. Includes branch/tag sidebar and various fixes. Current development focus is on removing legacy git command line usage in favour of libgit2 and objective-git.
luongvo / GmailBackground
Forked from yesidlazaro/GmailBackgroundA small library to send an email (Gmail) in background without user interaction
google / dagger
Forked from square/daggerA fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
A diagram of the Android Activity / Fragment lifecycle
j5at / AndroidAVDRepo
Forked from dral3x/AndroidAVDRepoA collection of pre-configured Android emulator configuration files (AVD and ini files)
EastAgile / express-admin
Forked from simov/express-adminMySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL admin for NodeJS
dragon753 / express-admin
Forked from simov/express-adminMySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL admin for NodeJS