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NEAR enough

Here are the available contract API call methods.

  • startGame - Starts a new game for a given animal and at a given time.

startGame(animalIndex: i32, timestamp: u64): void

The contract owner can call this method to start a new game using ./scripts/

  • makeGuess - Adds a guess with a given value at the given time to the current guesses PersistentVector.

makeGuess(value: i32, timestamp: u64): void

Any participant can call this method to make a guess using ./scripts/

  • deleteGuesses - Deletes all current guesses from storage.

deleteGuesses(): void

The contract owner can call this method to delete all current guesses using ./scripts/

  • endGame - Ends the game by calculating the winner and updating the Game model, sending the winner NEAR and deleting the guesses.

endGame(): void

The contract owner can call this method to wrap up a game using ./scripts/

  • deleteLastGame - Deletes the last game from the Games PersistentVector without calculating a winner.

deleteLastGame(): void

The contract owner can call this method to delete a game using ./scripts/

And here are the API view methods.

  • getGamesHistory - Returns the PersistentVector list of all past and present games.

getGamesHistory(): Game[]

Anyone can call this method to see the games history using ./scripts/

  • getGuesses - Returns the PersistentVector list of all current guesses.

getGuesses(): Guess[]

The contract owner can call this method to see the current guesses using ./scripts/

  • getWinnings - Returns the value of the current game's winnings.

getWinnings(): u128

Anyone can call this method to see the current winnings using ./scripts/

  • getCurrentGame - Returns the current Game.

getCurrentGame(): Game

Anyone can call this method to see the current Game using ./scripts/

Exploring The Code

  1. The main smart contract code lives in assembly/index.ts. You can compile it with the ./compile script.
  2. Tests: You can run smart contract tests with the ./test script. This runs standard AssemblyScript tests using as-pect.

This repo was bootstrapped by the near-sdk-as Starter Kit.

The file system

├──                          # this file
├── as-pect.config.js                  # configuration for as-pect (AssemblyScript unit testing)
├── asconfig.json                      # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (supports multiple contracts)
├── package.json                       # NodeJS project manifest
├── scripts
│   ├──                # helper: build and deploy contracts
│   ├──              # helper: call methods on ContractPromise
│   ├──                   # helper: delete build and deploy artifacts
│   └──                      # documentation for helper scripts
├── src
│   ├── as_types.d.ts                  # AssemblyScript headers for type hints
│   ├── simple                         # Contract 1: "Simple example"
│   │   ├── __tests__
│   │   │   ├── as-pect.d.ts           # as-pect unit testing headers for type hints
│   │   │   └── index.unit.spec.ts     # unit tests
│   │   ├── asconfig.json              # configuration for AssemblyScript compiler (one per contract)
│   │   └── assembly
│   │       └── index.ts               # contract code
│   ├── tsconfig.json                  # Typescript configuration
│   └── utils.ts                       # common contract utility functions
└── yarn.lock                          # project manifest version lock

Other documentation

  • See ./scripts/ for documentation about the scripts