Application Insights is an Azure service which enables analytics about your applications, infrastructure and network. The Bot Framework can use the Application Insights telemetry to provide information about how your bot is performing, and track key metrics. The Bot Framework SDK ships with several samples that demonstrate how to add telemetry to your bot and produce reports (included).
Power BI is a business analytics services that lets you visualize your data and share insights across your organization. You can ingest data from Application Insights into live dashboards and reports.
The Conversational Analytics Power BI sample is generated under the assumption you are using the latest Bot Framework SDK and telemetry middleware. You can find these (and generate the required Application Insights resource) with the following samples:
LUIS enables you to run a sentiment analysis on a user's utterance. This can be enabled through the LUIS portal. Sentiment must be enabled for each application. To enable sentiment:
- Log in to the portal.
- Select My Apps.
- Click on the specific application you want to enable sentiment.
- Select Manage on the upper menu.
- Select Publish Settings on the side menu. It should resemble the below.
- Enable the Use sentiment analysis to determine if a user's utterance is positive, negative, or neutral checkbox.
- Select Publish and repeat for each LUIS application.
The PowerBI Desktop client is available for Windows clients. Alternatively, you can use the Power BI service. If you don't have a PowerBI service account, sign up for a free 60 day trial account and upload the Power BI template to view the reports.
Telemetry Overview highlights the provided telemetry for bot and user activities, including LUIS and QnA Maker results. how to configure your bot's telemetry, either through bot configuring or overriding the telemetry client.
Common queries for bot analytics are available in Applications Insights Analytics.
Examples of Power BI dashboards are provided in the Power BI Analytics sample, highlighting how to gain insights on your bot's performance and quality.