translate chinese hanzi to pinyin by python, inspired by flyerhzm’s chinese_pinyin gem
pip install xpinyin
>>> from xpinyin import Pinyin >>> p = Pinyin() >>> # default splitter is `-` >>> p.get_pinyin("上海") 'shang-hai' >>> # show tone marks >>> p.get_pinyin("上海", tone_marks='marks') 'shàng-hǎi' >>> p.get_pinyin("上海", tone_marks='numbers') >>> 'shang4-hai3' >>> # remove splitter >>> p.get_pinyin("上海", '') 'shanghai' >>> # set splitter as whitespace >>> p.get_pinyin("上海", ' ') 'shang hai' >>> p.get_initial("上") 'S' >>> p.get_initials("上海") 'S-H' >>> p.get_initials("上海", '') 'SH' >>> p.get_initials("上海", ' ') 'S H' >>> # get combinations of the multiple readings of the characters >>> p.get_pinyins('模型', splitter=' ', tone_marks='marks') ['mó xíng', 'mú xíng'] >>> p.get_pinyins('模样', splitter=' ', tone_marks='marks') ['mó yáng', 'mó yàng', 'mó xiàng', 'mú yáng', 'mú yàng', 'mú xiàng']