vsql is just wip,do not use in production,but it can works now
just a sql query builder,not orm
easy to learn,easy to use
support multi-dialect:pg,mysql,sqlite,mssql, by now just pg as the first version
method call chain
the main idea of vsql is: method call chain => ast => sql
here are some limits,maybe need to find better solution,advice is welcome~
- select is a key word of vlang,so have to use select_
- in query statement,at the end of every method call chain need end() to know the end of chain and start generate sql. Is it possible to remove it?
- by now,there is no database interface for driver like go,not easy to support multi-dialect
create table first:
module main
import vsql
fn main() {
config := vsql.Config{
client: 'pg'
host: 'localhost'
port: 5432
user: 'postgres' // change to your user
password: '' // chagne to your password
database: 'test_db' // change to your database
// connect to database with config
mut db := vsql.connect(config) or { panic('connect error:$err') }
// create table person
db.exec('drop table if exists person')
db.exec("create table person (id integer primary key, name text default '',age integer default 0,income integer default 0);")
// insert data
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (1,'tom',29,1000)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (2,'jack',33,500)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (3,'mary',25,2000)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (4,'lisa',25,1000)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (5,'andy',18,0)")
// create table cat
db.exec('drop table if exists cat')
db.exec("create table cat (id integer primary key,name text default '',owner_id integer)")
// insert data
db.exec("insert into cat (id,name,owner_id) values (1,'cat1',1)")
db.exec("insert into cat (id,name,owner_id) values (2,'cat2',3)")
db.exec("insert into cat (id,name,owner_id) values (3,'cat3',5)")
// create table food
db.exec('drop table if exists food')
db.exec("create table food (id integer primary key,name text default '',cat_id integer)")
// insert data
db.exec("insert into food (id,name,cat_id) values (1,'food1',1)")
db.exec("insert into food (id,name,cat_id) values (2,'food2',3)")
db.exec("insert into food (id,name,cat_id) values (3,'food3',0)")
// for test create table,drop person2
db.exec('drop table if exists person2')
db.exec('drop table if exists new_person')
module main
import vsql
fn main() {
// config to connect db,by now just support pg
config := vsql.Config{
client: 'pg'
host: 'localhost'
port: 5432
user: 'postgres'
password: ''
database: 'test_db'
// connect to database with config
mut db := vsql.connect(config) or { panic('connect error:$err') }
// start to use db
res := db.table('person').column('*').end()
all the sql statement can be found in example or test directory
res := db.table('person').column('*').end()
select * from person
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').end()
select id,name,age from person
select is key word of v,so use select_
res :=db.select_('*').from('person').end()
select * from person
res :=db.select_('id,name,age,income').from('person').end()
select * from person
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1)
// or where
res:= db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').or_where('id=2').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) or (id=2)
// and where
res:= db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').and_where('age=29').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) and (age=29)
// where not
res:= db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').where_not('age=0').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) and not (age=0)
// or where not
res:= db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').or_where_not('age=0').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) or not (age=0)
where in
//where in
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where_in('id', ['1', '2', '3']).end()
select id,name,age from person where (id in (1,2,3))
// or where in
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').or_where_in('id', ['1', '2', '3']).end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) or (id in (1,2,3))
// and where in
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').and_where_in('id', ['1', '2', '3']).end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) and (id in (1,2,3))
// where not in
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').where_not_in('id', ['2', '3']).end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) and not (id in (2,3))
// or where not in
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id=1').or_where_not_in('id', ['2', '3']).end()
select id,name,age from person where (id=1) or not (id in (2,3))
where null
//where null
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id>1').where_null('income).end()
select id,name,age from person where (id>1) and (income is null)
//or where null
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id>1').or_where_null('income').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id>1) or (income is null)
//and where null
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id>1').and_where_null('income').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id>1) and (income is null)
//where not null
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id>1').where_not_null('income').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id>1) and not (income is null)
//or where not null
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').where('id>1').or_where_not_null('income').end()
select id,name,age from person where (id>1) or not (income is null)
where between
//where between
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').where_between('income',['100','1000']).end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) and (income between 100 and 1000)
//or where between
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').or_where_between('income',['100','1000']).end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) or (income between 100 and 1000)
//and where between
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').and_where_between('income',['100','1000']).end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) and (income between 100 and 1000)
//where not between
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').where_not_between('income',['100','1000']).end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) and not (income between 100 and 1000)
//or where not between
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').or_where_not_between('income',['100','1000']).end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) or not (income between 100 and 1000)
where exists
//where exists
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').where_exists('select income from person where income>1000').end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) and exists (select income from person where income>1000)
//or where exists
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').or_where_exists('select income from person where income>1000').end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) or exists (select income from person where income>1000)
//and where exists
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').and_where_exists('select income from person where income>1000').end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) and exists (select income from person where income>1000)
//where not exists
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').where_not_exists('select income from person where income>1000').end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) and not exists (select income from person where income>1000)
//or where not exists
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age,income').where('id>1').or_where_not_exists('select income from person where income>1000').end()
select id,name,age,income from person where (id>1) or not exists (select income from person where income>1000)
where raw
res := db.table('person').where_raw('id=?', '1').end()
select * from person where id=1
// first
res := db.table('person').column('').first().end()
select * from person limit 1
// limit
res := db.table('person').column('').limit(3).end()
select * from person limit 3
// offset
res := db.table('person').column('').offset(1).end()
select * from person offset 1
// offset+limit
res := db.table('person').column('').offset(2).limit(2).end()
elect * from person offset 2 limit 2
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').distinct().end()
select distinct id,name,age from person
res := db.table('person').column('*').order_by('name desc').order_by('age').end()
select * from person order by name desc,age asc
res := db.table('person').column('').order_by_raw('name desc,age asc').end()
select * from person order by name desc,age asc
res := db.table('person').column('age,count(age)').group_by('age').group_by('name').end()
select age,count(age) from person group by age,name
res := db.table('person').column('age,count(age)').group_by_raw('age,income').end()
select age,count(age) from person group by age,income
res = db.table('person').column('age,count(age),avg(income)').group_by('age').having('count(*)=2').end()
select age,count(age),avg(income) from person group by age having count(*)=2
//inner join
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age').inner_join('person as p','c.owner_id=p.id').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age from cat as c inner join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id'
// left join
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age').left_join('person as p','c.owner_id=p.id').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age from cat as c left join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id
// right join
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age').right_join('person as p','c.owner_id=p.id').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age from cat as c right join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id
// outer join
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age').outer_join('person as p','c.owner_id=p.id').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age from cat as c full outer join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id
// cross join
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age').cross_join('person as p').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age from cat as c cross join person as p
// join raw
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age').join_raw('join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age from cat as c join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id
// multi join
res := db.table('cat as c').column('c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age,f.name').left_join('person as p','c.owner_id=p.id').left_join('food as f', 'c.id=f.cat_id').end()
select c.id,c.name,p.name,p.age,f.name from cat as c left join person as p on c.owner_id=p.id left join food as f on c.id=f.cat_id
res := db.table('person').count('*').end()
select count(*) from person
res := db.table('person').count('* as rows').end()
select count(*) as rows from person
res := db.table('person').count('distinct name as n').end()
select distinct count(name) as n from person
res := db.table('person').min('age').end()
select min(age) from person
res := db.table('person').max('age').end()
select max(age) from person
res := db.table('person').min('age as min_age').max('age as max_age').end()
select min(age) as min_age,max(age) as max_age from person
res := db.table('person').sum('income').end()
select sum(income) from person
res := db.table('person').avg('income').end()
select avg(income) from person
union is a key word of v,so use union_()
stmt1 := db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=1').to_sql()
stmt2 := db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=2').to_sql()
stmt3 := db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=3').to_sql()
res = db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=4').union_(stmt1, stmt2, stmt3).end()
res = db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=4').union_all(stmt1, stmt2, stmt3).end()
res = db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=4').intersect(stmt1, stmt2, stmt3).end()
res = db.table('person').column('id,name').where('id=4').except(stmt1, stmt2, stmt3).end()
res := db.table('person').insert({
'id': '255'
'name': 'abc'
'age': '36'
insert into person (id,name,age) values ('255','abc','36')
res := db.table('person').insert({
'id': '255'
'name': 'abc'
'age': '36'
}).returning('id', 'name').end()
insert into person (id,name,age) values ('255','abc','36') returning id,name
res := db.insert({
'id': '12'
'name': 'tom'
insert into person (id,name) values ('12','tom') returning id
res := db.table('person').update({
'name': 'paris'
update person set name='paris' where (id=1) returning id
res := db.table('person').update({
'name': 'paris'
'age': '32'
update person set name='paris',age='32' where (id=1) returning id
res := db.table('person').delete().where('id=3').end()
delete from person where (id=3)
res := db.table('person').where('id=2').delete().end()
delete from person where (id=2)
// create table
db.create_table('person2', fn (mut table vsql.Table) {
//string is a key word of v, so use string_
table.string_('open_id', 255).size(100).unique()
table.string_('form_id', 255).not_null()
table.decimal('amount', 10, 2).not_null().check('amount>0')
//table constraint
res := db.rename_table('person', 'new_person')
res := db.drop_table('food')
t := db.transaction()
// t := db.tx() //the shorter fn
t.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (33,'name33',33,0)")
t.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (44,'name44',44,0)")
t.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (55,'name55',55,0)")
// t.rollback()
db.exec('drop table if exists person')
db.exec("create table person (id integer primary key, name text default '',age integer default 0,income integer default 0);")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (1,'tom',29,1000)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (2,'jack',33,500)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (3,'mary',25,2000)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (4,'lisa',25,1000)")
db.exec("insert into person (id,name,age,income) values (5,'andy',18,0)")
db.exec('drop table if exists cat')
db.exec("create table cat (id integer primary key,name text default '',owner_id integer)")
If you need to print the sql string,you can use print_sql() before end().
select id,name,age from person where (id=1)
If you need to print the object struct of sql,you can you print_obj() before end().
vsql.Select {
table_name: 'person'
table_alias: ''
is_distinct: false
columns: [vsql.Column {
name: 'id'
alias: ''
}, vsql.Column {
name: 'name'
alias: ''
}, vsql.Column {
name: 'age'
alias: ''
where: [vsql.Where {
typ: 'where'
operator: ''
condition: 'id=1'
column_name: ''
range: []
exist_stmt: ''
join: []
join_raw: ''
first: false
limit: 0
offset: 0
order_by: []
order_by_raw: ''
group_by: []
group_by_raw: ''
having: ''
aggregate_fn: []
timeout: 0
to_sql() is used to test. It will not execute the sql,just generate the sql string.
res := db.table('person').column('*').to_sql()
assert res == 'select * from person'
res := db.table('person').column('id,name,age').to_sql()
assert res == 'select id,name,age from person'
module main
//sql interface
import database.sql
//use std driver
import database.pg
import database.mysql
import database.sqlite
import database.mssql
//or use driver in dialect
import vsql.dialect.pg
import vsql.dialect.mysql
import vsql.dialect.sqlite
import vsql.dialect.mssql
//shcema ddl
db.alter_table('person',fn(t Table) {
//way two
db.transaction(fn(t Transaction) {
// [db:person]
pub struct person {
id int [json:id,db:id]
uuid string [json:uuid,db:'name:=uuid;size=100;uinique;primary_key']
open_id string [json:open_id,db:open_id]
attend_time time.datetime [json:atten_time,db:attend_time]
form_id string [json:form_id,db:form_id]
is_send int [json:is_send,db:is_send]
pub fn (u person)table_name() string {
return 'person'
//model migration
all the test sql statement are in vsql/test,you can run the test by:
v test vsql/test
Inspired by knex,it was my favorite sql query builder before I meet V.
Licensed under MIT