The xtensor-python project provides the implementation of container types
compatible with xtensor
's expression system, pyarray
and pytensor
which effectively wrap numpy arrays, allowing operating on numpy arrays
C++ code
#include <numeric> // Standard library import for std::accumulate #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> // Pybind11 import to define Python bindings #include <xtensor/xmath.hpp> // xtensor import for the C++ universal functions #define FORCE_IMPORT_ARRAY // numpy C api loading #include <xtensor-python/pyarray.hpp> // Numpy bindings double sum_of_sines(xt::pyarray<double> &m) { auto sines = xt::sin(m); // sines does not actually hold any value return std::accumulate(sines.cbegin(), sines.cend(), 0.0); } PYBIND11_PLUGIN(xtensor_python_test) { xt::import_numpy(); pybind11::module m("xtensor_python_test", "Test module for xtensor python bindings"); m.def("sum_of_sines", sum_of_sines, "Sum the sines of the input values"); return m.ptr(); }
Python code
import numpy as np import xtensor_python_test as xt a = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5) s = xt.sum_of_sines(v) s
C++ code
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #define FORCE_IMPORT_ARRAY #include <xtensor-python/pyvectorize.hpp> #include <numeric> #include <cmath> namespace py = pybind11; double scalar_func(double i, double j) { return std::sin(i) - std::cos(j); } PYBIND11_PLUGIN(xtensor_python_test) { xt::import_numpy(); py::module m("xtensor_python_test", "Test module for xtensor python bindings"); m.def("vectorized_func", xt::pyvectorize(scalar_func), ""); return m.ptr(); }
Python code
import numpy as np import xtensor_python_test as xt x = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5) y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] z = xt.vectorized_func(x, y) z
[[-0.540302, 1.257618, 1.89929 , 0.794764, -1.040465], [-1.499227, 0.136731, 1.646979, 1.643002, 0.128456], [-1.084323, -0.583843, 0.45342 , 1.073811, 0.706945]]
The xtensor-python-cookiecutter project helps extension authors create Python extension modules making use of xtensor.
It takes care of the initial work of generating a project skeleton with
- A complete compiling the extension module
A few examples included in the resulting project including
- A universal function defined from C++
- A function making use of an algorithm from the STL on a numpy array
- Unit tests
- The generation of the HTML documentation with sphinx
The xtensor-julia project provides the implementation of container types
compatible with xtensor
's expression system, jlarray
and jltensor
which effectively wrap Julia arrays, allowing operating on Julia arrays
C++ code
#include <numeric> // Standard library import for std::accumulate #include <cxx_wrap.hpp> // CxxWrap import to define Julia bindings #include <xtensor-julia/jltensor.hpp> // Import the jltensor container definition #include <xtensor/xmath.hpp> // xtensor import for the C++ universal functions double sum_of_sines(xt::jltensor<double, 2> m) { auto sines = xt::sin(m); // sines does not actually hold values. return std::accumulate(sines.cbegin(), sines.cend(), 0.0); } JULIA_CPP_MODULE_BEGIN(registry) cxx_wrap::Module mod = registry.create_module("xtensor_julia_test"); mod.method("sum_of_sines", sum_of_sines); JULIA_CPP_MODULE_END
Julia code
using xtensor_julia_test arr = [[1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0]] s = sum_of_sines(arr) s
C++ code
#include <cxx_wrap.hpp> #include <xtensor-julia/jlvectorize.hpp> double scalar_func(double i, double j) { return std::sin(i) - std::cos(j); } JULIA_CPP_MODULE_BEGIN(registry) cxx_wrap::Module mod = registry.create_module("xtensor_julia_test"); mod.method("vectorized_func", xt::jlvectorize(scalar_func)); JULIA_CPP_MODULE_END
Julia code
using xtensor_julia_test x = [[ 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0] [ 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0] [10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0]] y = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] z = xt.vectorized_func(x, y) z
[[-0.540302 1.257618 1.89929 0.794764 -1.040465], [-1.499227 0.136731 1.646979 1.643002 0.128456], [-1.084323 -0.583843 0.45342 1.073811 0.706945]]
The xtensor-julia-cookiecutter project helps extension authors create Julia extension modules making use of xtensor.
It takes care of the initial work of generating a project skeleton with
- A complete read-to-use Julia package
A few examples included in the resulting project including
- A numpy-style universal function defined from C++
- A function making use of an algorithm from the STL on a numpy array
- Unit tests
- The generation of the HTML documentation with sphinx
The xtensor-r project provides the implementation of container types
compatible with xtensor
's expression system, rarray
and rtensor
which effectively wrap R arrays, allowing operating on R arrays in-place.
C++ code
#include <numeric> // Standard library import for std::accumulate #include <xtensor/xmath.hpp> // xtensor import for the C++ universal functions #include <xtensor-r/rarray.hpp> // R bindings #include <Rcpp.h> using namespace Rcpp; // [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp14)]] // [[Rcpp::export]] double sum_of_sines(xt::rarray<double>& m) { auto sines = xt::sin(m); // sines does not actually hold values. return std::accumulate(sines.cbegin(), sines.cend(), 0.0); }
R code
v <- matrix(0:14, nrow=3, ncol=5) s <- sum_of_sines(v) s
The xtensor-blas project is an extension to the xtensor library, offering
bindings to BLAS and LAPACK libraries through cxxblas and cxxlapack from the
FLENS project. xtensor-blas
powers the xt::linalg
which are the counterpart to numpy's linalg
The xtensor-fftw project is an extension to the xtensor library, offering
bindings to the fftw library. xtensor-fftw
powers the xt::fftw
functionalities, which are the counterpart to numpy's fft
Calculate the derivative of a (discretized) field in Fourier space, e.g. a sine shaped field sin
C++ code
#include <xtensor-fftw/basic.hpp> // rfft, irfft #include <xtensor-fftw/helper.hpp> // rfftscale #include <xtensor/xarray.hpp> #include <xtensor/xbuilder.hpp> // xt::arange #include <xtensor/xmath.hpp> // xt::sin, cos #include <complex> #include <xtensor/xio.hpp> // generate a sinusoid field double dx = M_PI / 100; xt::xarray<double> x = xt::arange(0., 2 * M_PI, dx); xt::xarray<double> sin = xt::sin(x); // transform to Fourier space auto sin_fs = xt::fftw::rfft(sin); // multiply by i*k std::complex<double> i {0, 1}; auto k = xt::fftw::rfftscale<double>(sin.shape()[0], dx); xt::xarray<std::complex<double>> sin_derivative_fs = xt::eval(i * k * sin_fs); // transform back to normal space auto sin_derivative = xt::fftw::irfft(sin_derivative_fs); std::cout << "x: " << x << std::endl; std::cout << "sin: " << sin << std::endl; std::cout << "cos: " << xt::cos(x) << std::endl; std::cout << "sin_derivative: " << sin_derivative << std::endl;
x: { 0. , 0.031416, 0.062832, 0.094248, ..., 6.251769} sin: { 0.000000e+00, 3.141076e-02, 6.279052e-02, 9.410831e-02, ..., -3.141076e-02} cos: { 1.000000e+00, 9.995066e-01, 9.980267e-01, 9.955620e-01, ..., 9.995066e-01} sin_derivative: { 1.000000e+00, 9.995066e-01, 9.980267e-01, 9.955620e-01, ..., 9.995066e-01}
The xtensor-io project is an extension to the xtensor library for reading and writing image, sound and npz file formats to and from xtensor data structures.
The xtensor-ros project is an extension to the xtensor library providing helper functions to easily send and receive xtensor and xarray datastructures as ROS messages.
The xsimd project provides a unified API for making use of the SIMD features of modern preprocessors for C++ library authors. It also provides accelerated implementation of common mathematical functions operating on batches.
xsimd is an optional dependency to xtensor
which enable SIMD vectorization
of xtensor operations. This feature is enabled with the XTENSOR_USE_XSIMD
compilation flag, which is set to false
by default.
The xtl project, the only dependency of xtensor
is a C++ template library
holding the implementation of basic tools used across the libraries in the ecosystem.
The xframe project provides multi-dimensional labeled arrays and a data frame for C++,
based on xtensor
and xtl
xframe provides
- an extensible expression system enabling lazy broadcasting.
- an API following the idioms of the C++ standard library.
- tools to manipulate n-dimensional labeled tensor expressions.
The API of xframe is inspired by xarray, a Python package implementing labelled multi-dimensional arrays and datasets.
The z5 project implements the zarr and n5 storage specifications in C++.
Both specifications describe chunked nd-array storage similar to HDF5, but
use the filesystem to store chunks. This design allows for parallel write access
and efficient cloud based storage, crucial requirements in modern big data applications.
The project uses xtensor
to represent arrays in memory
and also provides a python wrapper based on xtensor-python