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written in QML
Clear filter
a cool QtQuick component library (一套酷炫的QtQuick基础库)
Sweet Qml components inspired from Ionic framework style for mobile and desktop Qt/Qml projects
WellChat is a Application that is a WeChat-like APP by qml.好吧~原谅我的英语。这个一个使用qml来仿制安卓微信的Qt程序,可以运行在安卓上。
a project that uses Qt/QML to imitate the WeChat interface implementation. It can help you quickly understand how QML can quickly develop interfaces
FluentUI React V9 BrandVariants in QML Demo
mengps / QtQuickExamples
Forked from zhengtianzuo/QtQuickExamplesQtQuick相关的技术分享