cd tool
cargo build
- the result will appear in tool/target/debug/*
- *_pmpi.dylib can be used by directly linking the application to it
- *_qmpi.dylib can be used through qmpi
- make sure libqmpi.a and qmpi.h are both in a directory where the compiler can find them
- setting the following variables can help, depending on your system: CPATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH
- the qmpi prototype branch MPI-v3 and my own branch are both compatible
cd tool
cargo build --release
- the result will now appear in tool/target/release/ instead
There is not much actual Documentation there right now, but it might still help to get a good overwiew over the existing types without searching through the entire source code.
cd sys
cargo doc --all-features --open
cd tool
cargo doc --all-features --open