Just edit some part of the bot, you can see the origin at : https://github.com/MrFatoni/p
- drive : https://bit.ly/3vkSum0
- SONIC DEGEN SCANNER : https://t.me/degenScanner
- youtube channel : https://bit.ly/3ABcHHW
- gitbook : https://sonic-advance-bot.gitbook.io/sonic/
1 ) Buy 2 ) Sell 3 ) Sell with target profit & custom amount 4 ) Approval/Confirmation 5 ) Snipe before liquidity added 6 ) Custom slippage, gwei , gas limit 7 ) Some mini customizations 8 ) Spam Buy 9 ) Degen Scanner : https://t.me/degenScanner 10 ) All trx using BNB instead WBNB 11 ) support unicrypt and dxsale 12 ) support matic network
To avoid scam, I will invite you to my private repository, and you will get whole of code, and any update if I push new update. Please only contact to Discord : countdown#4008
or [email protected]
with subject PancakeSwap Bot Info for more info. For error or problem questions please open issues in GitHub, don't email me. Maybe I'll slow response on weekend. Thanks!
- clone this repository
- $ npm install
- copy your
- set up your
to with this explanation :
~ WBNB contract for buy the token
~ Pancake Factory contract to get function of buy
~ Pancake Factory contract to process function of buy
~ Your BSC (BEP20) address from trustwallet or another wallet.
~ Customize your slippage here, cannot decimal. (eg : 1, 5, 10). if you buy early token recommended 30+ Slippage
~ Customize your GWEI (gas fee) here, cannot decimal. (eg : 5, 10, 25). if you buy early token recommended 15+ GWEI
~ Minimul limit is 210000, more much more better.
~ Set how much minimum liquidity added in pair address that you want to buy. set in BNB. (eg : 2, 4, 7).
2 mean 2 BNB liquidity added.
~ Input your private Key here, that you get from your wallet privacy.
~ Amount how much you want buy the token in WBNB.
~ Token address that you want to buy.
run with
npm run snipe
. -
Wait the bot do his job, if success, you will see like this picture.
Close bot with
ctrl + C
All this bot feature are free, I'm never sell this bot, and I'm never share my TG account. Please be careful and DWYOR!. Only this bot is free, not advanced bot.
- there are some reason if your tx failed :
- you haven't approve your WBNB
- your gas price are to small
- your GWEI are to small (use 15+ for early token)
- your slippage are to small (use 30+ for early token)