University of Florida
- Gainesville, Florida, USA
- https://mindymcadams.com/
- Pro
CSS-assignment-2 Public
A second CSS assignment for beginners: padding, margin, flexbox
flask-examples Public
Forked from helloflask/flask-examplesExample applications for Flask learners.
aistudio-workshops Public
Forked from jkeefe/aistudio-workshopsWorkshops created by the Quartz AI Studio
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2021 -
Interactive-Maps Public
Forked from JCraig99/Interactive-MapsAssignment 12
HTML UpdatedDec 5, 2020 -
bootstrap4-beginners Public
Bootstrap 4 starter files for students
How to get started using GitHub
Build-A-Quiz-App-With-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScript Public
Forked from jamesqquick/Build-A-Quiz-App-With-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScriptBuild a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
JavaScript UpdatedSep 22, 2020 -
datasette Public
Forked from simonw/datasetteAn open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 16, 2020 -
flask-exercise Public
Tutorial for a basic Flask app, assuming some knowledge of Python3
html-starter-kit Public
A set of templates for beginners
syria-project Public
Forked from hannahrarick/syria-projectFinal project of Intro to Web Apps
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 6, 2019 -
vanilla-js-events Public
Examples of JavaScript events using plain JS
beginner-notebooks Public
Jupyter Notebooks to share with beginners
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2019 -
conda-python-intro Public
When you have only two weeks to teach Python to some newbies
cs50seminar Public
Forked from athenakan/cs50seminarData Science with Python Pandas
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 21, 2019 -
scholarly Public
Forked from scholarly-python-package/scholarlyRetrieve author and publication information from Google Scholar in a friendly, Pythonic way
Python The Unlicense UpdatedSep 11, 2019 -
uf-intro-to-programming Public
Forked from kjam/uf-intro-to-programmingUniversity of Florida Audience Analytics Introduction to Programming with Data course
flask-pres-forms-exercise Public
Flask exercise for teaching Flask-WTF with a search form
image-resize Public
Resize any set of images to be either same width or same height regardless of aspect ratio
Python UpdatedMar 10, 2019 -
nicar_ocr Public
Forked from chadday/nicar_ocrA tutorial on optical character recognition using tesseract, ImageMagick and other open source tools
MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
javascript-new-events Public
Demonstrating to beginners how to use JS event handlers
HTML UpdatedFeb 25, 2019 -