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Single task ECS service provisioning with Terraform

This is yet another module to run containerized applications on AWS ECS using Terraform for infrastructure provisioning. This module is built for deploying ECS services running tasks with a single container definition within a VPC. Optionally service discovery namespace and autoscaling groups can also be specified as input.

This module simplifies several steps in the creation of an ECS service with a single container task definition and it is therefore not suitable if one needs fine-grained tuning of the container definition and security properties.


The module can be used for creating a simple service as follows:

provider "aws" { }

resource "aws_ecs_cluster" "ecs_cluster" {
  name = var.cluster_name

module "sample_app" {

  source = ""

  task_name       = "sample_app"
  vpc_id          = module.vpc.vpc_id
  vpc_subnets     = module.vpc.private_subnets
  task_exec_role  = aws_iam_role.ecs_execution.arn

  has_discovery = true
  dns_namespace =

  open_ports      = [80, 8080]
  ecs_cluster     = "ecs_cluster"
  container_image = "python:3.8-slim"

  environment = [
      "name" : "EXAMPLE_ENV"
      "value" : "sample"

More complete examples can be found in the examples/ folder which contains:

  • examples/basic: A basic example of an ECS service with minimal features provisioned with the module.
  • example/python: A sample Python application which can be used for testing the module with multiple communicating services.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.5
aws >= 3.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 3.0.0


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_port If load balanced service this is the application port for the target group number 0 no
alb_target_group If the service is associated with an application load balancer this is the ALB target group string null no
capacity_provider The capacity provider name for the autoscaling group string null no
container_image The Docker image to run with the task string n/a yes
deployment_maximum_percent The maximum number of tasks which can run during redeployment of the service number 100 no
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent The minimum percentage of running tasks to consider the service healthy number 50 no
desired_count The desired number of the ECS task to run number 1 no
dns_namespace The Route53 DNS namespace where the ECS task is registered string null no
ecs_cluster The ECS cluster ID where the service should run string n/a yes
environment The container environmental variables list(map(string)) [] no
has_alb Whether the service should be registered to an application load balancer bool false no
has_asg Whether the service is associated with an autoscaling group of EC2 instances bool false no
has_discovery Flag to switch on service discovery. If true, a valid DNS namespace must be provided bool false no
has_logs Whether to forward logging to CloudWatch bool false no
logs_region The region where the CloudWatch logs group is created string null no
open_ports The ports which should be opened in the container and the security group to allow communication among services list(string) [] no
security_groups Additional security groups to assign to the ECS service list(string) [] no
task_cpu The CPU percentage allocated for the ECS task in vCPU units number 512 no
task_exec_role The IAM role which is assumed by the ECS tasks string n/a yes
task_launch_type The launch type for the ECS task. Choose between EC2 and FARGATE string "EC2" no
task_memory The memory allocated for the ECS task in Mb number 512 no
task_name The task name which gives the name to the ECS task, container and service discovery name string n/a yes
task_network_mode The network mode for the ECS task string "awsvpc" no
vpc_cidr The trusted VPC CIDR to assign to the task security group ingress block list(string)
vpc_id The ID of the VPC where the ECS cluster is running string n/a yes
vpc_subnets The VPC subnets where the application should run list(string) n/a yes


Name Description
service_arn The ARN of the ECS service created
task_family The family of your task definition, used as the definition name
task_revision The revision of the task in a particular family