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Phillips HUE

New development of Hue plugin for use in (C) Michael Würtenberger 2014, 2015, 2016

version 1.83 developNG Development Repo and examples for smartvisu widget under

Supported Hardware

Philips hue bridge, multiple bridges allowed



Typical configuration for 3 bridges

    class_name: HUE
    class_path: plugins.hue
      - 38f625a739562a8bd261ab9c7f5e62c8
      - 38f625a739562a8bd261ab9c7f5e62c8
      - 38f625a739562a8bd261ab9c7f5e62c8
      - '80'
      - '80'
      - '80'
    cycle_lamps: 3
    cycle_bridges: 30
    default_transitionTime: '0.4'

Minimal configuration for single bridge an default settings

    class_name: HUE
    class_path: plugins.hue
    hue_user: 38f625a739562a8bd261ab9c7f5e62c8


A user name for the hue bridge. Usually this is a hash value of 32 hexadecimal digits. If you would like to use more than on bridge, you have to specify all ip addresses, ports and users accordingly. If the user/hash is not yet authorized, you can use sh.hue.authorizeuser() (via interactive shell or via logic) to authorize it. The link button must be pressed before.


IP or host name of the hue bridge. There is no default, please us a valid ip address. If you would like to use more than on bridge, you have to specify all ip addresses, ports and users accordingly.


Port number of the hue bridge. Default 80. Normally there is no need to change that. If you would like to use more than on bridge, you have to specify all ip addresses, ports and users accordingly.


Cycle in seconds to how often update the state of the lights in smarthome. Default value is 10 seconds. Note: The hue bridge has no notification feature. Therefore changes can only be detected via polling.


Cycle in seconds to how often update the state of the bridges in smarthome. Default value is 60 seconds Note: The hue bridge has no notification feature. Therefore changes can only be detected via polling.


Time in seconds how fast check states of the lamps are changed through the bridge itself. If you don't set a value in the item, this value is used. Note: The hue bridge has no notification feature. Therefore changes can only be detected via polling.


hue_bridge_id (formerly hue_bridge !)

Specify the number of the hue_bridge_id. Via this parameter the right hue connection is established. The numbers start with 0. There must be no missing number in between !

hue_lamp_id (formerly hue_id)

Specify the lamp id. Via this parameter the right lamp on the hue connection is established. The numbers are the corresponding numbers of the lamp Id in the bridge. They normally start with 0. There must be a hue_bridge_id attached to this item as well. If not, a default value of 0 will be set.


Specify the group id. Via this parameter the right group on the hue connection is established. The numbers are the corresponding numbers of the lgroup Id in the bridge. They normally start with 1. There must be a hue_bridge_id attached to this item as well. If not, a default value of 1 will be set.


Specify the lamp type because of different color garamut parameters Default would be 0 if not defined. There are currently two groups of lamps: Group 0 consists of hue bulb lamps, there hue_lamp_type = 0 Group 1 consists of LivingColors Bloom, Aura and Iris lamps, there hue_lamp_type = 1

Commands and Parameters supported

Please refer to the specs of the API 1.4 of the hue at Readable means you can set a hue_listen attribute in a item with the corresponding name Writable means you can set a hue_send attribute in a item with the corresponding name

Lights API (Light state)

All Attributes for the Light state (besides 'on') can only be set, if the light is on!

Attribute            Type   Range                           Readable    Writable
'on'                 bool   False / True                    yes         yes
'bri'                num    0-255                           yes         yes
'hue'                num    0-65535                         yes         yes
'sat'                num    0-255                           yes         yes
'ct'                 num    153 - 500                       yes         yes
'alert'              str    'none' or 'select' or 'lselect' yes         yes
'effect'             str    'none' or 'colorloop'           yes         yes
'reachable'          bool   False / True                    yes         no
'hue_transitionTime' num    0-65535                         no          yes
'col_r'              num    0-255                           no          yes
'col_g'              num    0-255                           no          yes
'col_b'              num    0-255                           no          yes

Instead of implementing the 'xy' state attribute, 'col_r', 'col_g' and 'col_b' have been implemented to allow the color control directly from a SmartVISU widget (e.g. Colordisc).

For a basic control of the the lights you only need to implement the first 4 to 5 attributes of the Lights API ('on', 'bri', 'hue', 'sat' and 'ct'). The rest of the attributes is only needed, if you want to do MORE.

Lights API (Lamp attributes)

Attribute            Type   Range                           Readable    Writable
'type'               str    text                            yes         no
'name'               str    text                            yes         no
'modelid'            str    text                            yes         no
'swversion'          str    text                            yes         no

Groups API

Attribute            Type   Range                           Readable    Writable
'scene'              str    scene name in bridge            no          yes

Configuration API (Bridge related)

Attribute            Type   Range                           Readable    Writable
'bridge_name'        str    text                            yes         no
'swupdate'           dict   object                          yes         no
'whitelist'          dict   object                          yes         no
'apiversion'         str    text                            yes         no
'bridge_swversion'   str    text                            yes         no
'linkbutton'         bool   False / True                    yes         no

'ipaddress'          str    text                            yes         no
'mac'                str    text                            yes         no
'netmask'            str    text                            yes         no
'gateway'            str    text                            yes         no
'dhcp'               bool   False / True                    yes         no

'portalservices'     bool   False / True                    yes         no
'portalconnection'   str    text                            yes         no
'portalstate'        dict   object                          yes         no

'UTC'                str    text                            yes         no
'localtime'          str    text                            yes         no
'timezone'           str    text                            yes         no

'zigbeechannel'      num    1-13                            yes         no
'errorstatus'        bool   False / True                    yes         no

Configuration API (Plugin related)

Attribute            Type   Range                           Readable    Writable
'errorstatus'        bool   False / True                    yes         no

hue_listen = errorstatus

errorstatus represents the status of the link between sm.hy plugin and bridge. A status True reflects and error state in the communication.


Specifies the writable attribute which is send to the lamp when this item is altered. In addition to hue_send an hue_lamp_id and hue_bridge_id (optional for one bridge) has to be set.


Specifies the readable attribute which is updated on a scheduled timer from the lamps and bridges. In addition to hue_send an hue_lamp_id and hue_bridge_id (optional for one bridge) has to be set.


This parameter specifies the time, which the lamp take to reach the a newly set value. This is done by interpolation of the values inside the lamp. This parameter is optional. If not set the time default is 0.1 second. In addition to hue_send an hue_lamp_id and hue_bridge_id has to be set. This could be done in upper layers. If it's missing the parameter is removed.

Using DPT3 dimming

If you would like to use a DPT3 dimmer, you have to specify a subitem to the dimmed hue item. To this subitem you link the knx DPT3 part. You can control the dimming via some parameters, which have to be specified in this subitem.

DPT3 dimming could be use with every item which has the type = num (even if it's not hue related !)

If you are using the DPT3 dimmer, please take into account that there is a lower limit of timing. A lower value than 0.2 seconds should be avoided, regarding the performance of the overall system. Nevertheless to get nice and smooth results of dimming, please set the parameters of hue_transitionTime and hue_dim_time equally. In that case, the lamp interpolates the transition as quick as the steps of the dimmer function happen. If the lamp is set to off (e.g. attribute 'on' = False), changes could be not written to the lamp. Warnings in the log will appear. The lamp doesn't support this behaviour. In case of starting dimming the brightness of the lamp, the plugin automatically sets the lamp on and starts dimming with the last value.


Parameter which determines the maximum of the dimmer range. Without this parameter DPT3 dimming will not work.


Parameter which determines the step size. In addition to hue_dim_max this parameter has to be set. If not a warning will be written and a default value of 25 will be set.


Parameter which determines the time, the dimmer takes for making on step. In addition to hue_dim_max this parameter has to be set. If not a warning will be written and a default value of 1 will be set.



        # if hue_lamp_id and hue_bridge_id is not set, it is searched in a higher layer
        hue_lamp_id: 1
        hue_bridge_id: 0
        hue_lamp_type: 0

            type: str
            hue_listen: bridge_name

            type: num
            hue_listen: zigbeechannel

            type: str
            hue_listen: mac

            type: bool
            hue_listen: dhcp

            type: str
            hue_listen: ipaddress

            type: str
            hue_listen: netmask

            type: str
            hue_listen: gateway

            type: str
            hue_listen: UTC

            type: str
            hue_listen: localtime

            type: str
            hue_listen: timezone

            type: dict
            hue_listen: whitelist

            type: str
            hue_listen: bridge_swversion

            type: str
            hue_listen: apiversion

            type: dict
            hue_listen: swupdate

            type: bool
            hue_listen: linkbutton

            type: bool
            hue_listen: portalservices

            type: str
            hue_listen: portalconnection

            type: dict
            hue_listen: portalstate

            type: bool
            hue_send: 'on'
            hue_listen: 'on'
            knx_dpt: 1
            knx_cache: 8/0/1

            type: bool
            hue_listen: reachable

            type: num
            hue_send: ct
            hue_listen: ct

            type: str
            hue_send: scene
            enforce_updates: 'true'

            type: num
            cache: 'on'
            hue_send: bri
            hue_listen: bri
            hue_transitionTime: '0.2'

                type: list
                knx_dpt: 3
                knx_listen: 8/0/2
                hue_dim_max: 255
                hue_dim_step: 10
                hue_dim_time: '0.2'

            type: num
            cache: 'on'
            hue_send: sat
            hue_listen: sat

            type: num
            cache: 'on'
            hue_send: col_r

            type: num
            cache: 'on'
            hue_send: col_g

            type: num
            cache: 'on'
            hue_send: col_b

            type: num
            cache: 'on'
            hue_send: hue
            hue_listen: hue
            hue_transitionTime: '0.2'

                type: list
                knx_dpt: 3
                knx_listen: 8/0/12
                hue_dim_max: 65535
                hue_dim_step: 2000
                hue_dim_time: '0.2'

            type: str
            hue_send: effect
            hue_listen: effect

            type: str
            hue_send: alert
            hue_listen: alert

            type: str
            hue_listen: type

            type: str
            hue_listen: name

            type: str
            hue_listen: modelid

            type: str
            hue_listen: swversion


No logic attributes.



Drops the list of stored scenes in the bridge. Parameter the bridge id as string!



Authorizes the user configured by hue_user config property. You have to press the link button.
